Autism, Accommodation, and Double Standards
There are some particularly insidious double standards at work here. It's time to put an end to them.
Change Leader: Amy Sequenzia
"Presume competence. The same way I want people to assume I am competent, I also assume that others are competent".
Snacking: The Little Bite That Won’t Hurt You
Ollibean contributor Kristie Salzer talks about the benefits of "refueling" between lunch and dinner to decrease hunger related meltdowns for kids. We love her suggestions of 25 super easy snacks to get you started!
Henry’s video for his friend Sebastien, please help by sharing
Thursday Henry decided he wanted to write something to help his friend. We decided to video the process, as you can see, typing
Happy Father’s Day to all of the amazing dads presuming competence
Happy Father’s Day to all of the amazing dads and stepdads raising children who do things differently- who love and appreciate them for exactly who they are.
Thank you for
“Loud Hands – Autistic People, Speaking” A Review
The title of the book should be enough for anyone who wants to know, know more or know anything, about autism and Autistics to buy it and read it.
The Case for Inclusion: Does All Really Mean All?
Tim Villegas of Think Inclusive on the motivation to change from educating students with disabilities in segregated settings to inclusive settings where all means all.
Standing With Ashley
I stand with Ashley because she is part of our community, she is brave and she survived brutality.I stand with Ashley because I hope to show her, one day, that the joy of belonging to our caring community trumps the memories of pain.
People Are Watching Mr. Hughley
Mr. Hughley, we think you can do better than using the r-word. You said your son doesn't mind you using the word, but there are so many people that do. Words like the r-word perpetuate negative stereotypes about people with disabilities, please don't use it.
TEDxPSU – Dr. Joseph Valente – Hearing the Unheard
Dr. Joseph Valente is involved in comprehensive research in childhood studies, comparative and international education, educational anthropology, deaf studies and disability studies.
Judith Snow ~ Relationships & Inclusion
"The research shows that when a child who is not academically gifted is included in a regular school, not only do the academics improve across the school, and I did say that, I didn’t say “in the classroom”, I said “across the school”, not only do the academics improve, but drug use and violence goes down."
30 Ways to Support Sandy Hook Families Now
The victims and families have been and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We’ve compiled a list of the ways to honor
Change Leader: Larry Bissonette
Our first Change Leader is artist and disability rights advocate, Larry Bissonnette. Larry's art, writing, presentations, and films are changing perceptions about disability around the world. His quote in Wretches & Jabberers, "More like you than not" says it all.