My life through the years
I’ve been listening to this
It’s enough to bring out tears
I need it to immediately cease.
They talk about my existence
About my right to be
I’m running out of patience
I know who I am, I am me.
Cure, treat, fix, change
Words that hurt deep in my soul
If I do all that they demand
My essence is lost, nowhere to go.
They know what to say to scare
They do this intentionally
But now it is my turn to dare
I’m not backing down silently
Not backing down at all
Not flinching, not turning around
Facing them and their hate wall
I have strength round after round
In the darkest moments of this fight
I will search for the truths inside
I will find the words so bright
It is my turn, my story, my mind
When they talk again about me
Let them know I am still here
I have not ceased to be
I speak loud in the big sphere
Non compliant, rebellious, radical
This is the choice I made
I will not be their “normal”
I’d rather be me and not fade
Awesome poem u ROCK Amy!!!!
Wonderful poem Amy. You are a talented brilliant young lady. Love Dr. B