Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome2012-05-30T10:32:41+00:00
  • Text : Speechless Ollibean Must Watch. The family in the comedy "Speechless" standing by van.

“Speechless”: A Comedy That Includes Disability

“Speechless”  has been picked up by ABC.

“Speechless”, is a new comedy series about a family with three children, one of whom is a teenager named JJ who is non-speaking and uses a wheelchair.

Yes, a sitcom on ABC about a family with a child who has a disability and communicates using AAC

Normalcy is an Ableist Concept

Ableism: we know it is everywhere and we know it is the reason why disabled people fight the normative society that chooses to make us invisible.

The idea that we should try to fit a pre-determined, arbitrary way of doing

  • Picture of flowers with two boxes. Text in first box reads: "Identity First: I AM DISABLED. I AM AUTISTIC. I AM FEMALE. I AM AWESOME. " Text in second box reads: Person First: I AM A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY. I AM A PERSON WHO HAS AUTISM. I AM A PERSON WITH FEMALENESS. I AM A PERSON WITH AWESOMESOMENESS. " Amy Sequenzia on Ollibean.Ollibean logo is a circle made up of equal signs of varying shapes and sizes.

Person First Language and Ableism

If you are not Disabled and you are demanding the use of Person First Language (PFL), you are being ableist.

If you are Disabled and you are demanding that other Disabled people use Person First Language, you are being ableist.

If you

Disability History and Pop Culture

X Company is respectfully educating viewers about the ableism, discrimination and elimination of disabled people during the war. Hopefully, it will make more people aware of how disabled people are still discriminated against and abused in unthinkable ways.

  • Photograph of open book on a table Text reads "Autism and Changing Classroom Strategies .It is hard to entertain having been wrong, especially when you know it may have negatively affected the lives of children. Judy Endow, MSW on Ollibean"

Autism and Changing Classroom Strategies

The field of autism is very new – not even 100 years old yet! This means we are constantly learning new things. We now know that what works for most children to learn does not always work for autistic children. In fact, it can be detrimental to their learning. Those of us in the field of autism will likely need to change the way we deliver help to those who seek it and change the way we teach our students.

  • Image description: Photograph of boy with white skin and brown hair smiling with his eyes closed. "Breathe" is in text at top of image and Ollibean Logo is at the bottom.

The Quiet Key to This School’s Success

What do you do when you become the principal of a school with the lowest academic performance and  the highest rate of suspension, absenteeism, and teacher turn over?


Nothing for 15 minutes twice a day to be exact. Image description: Photograph of
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Autistic Hoya: Ordinary Lives

When I demand equal access, equal opportunity, equal rights, I'm not insisting on my superiority, innate or acquired. I don't want special treatment. I want to see the removal of cultural paradigms about what types

Childhood Disability Rate Jumps Over 16% in Last Decade

According to findings presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting, the prevalence of disability in children has jumped more than 16 percent in 10 years. The reason for this rise in disability prevalence is

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