Kris’ Camp is a non-profit organization first established in 1995 as a therapy intensive/respite camp for children with special needs (thus far focusing on children with autism/autistic-like challenges) and their families. It is motivated by three mutually enforcing goals:
- To provide therapy for special kids, and
- To provide respite and support for the siblings and parents of special kids.
- To provide theoretical and hands-on education and training to students, caregivers, and professionals working in the field of autism and other developmental disabilities.
The camps are named after Kris Moore (5/30/1988 – 11/9/1993), a wonderful little boy who touched many people in his brief life.
Our licensed therapists make up a multidisciplinary team focusing on the following areas: sensorimotor, education and communication. More specifically, therapy teams may include physical, speech, occupational, art, and/or music therapists as well as educational specialists. The goal of each program is to meet those specific needs, providing accommodations and opportunities for skill development, in order to maximize independence and self-esteem, while focusing on the family as a whole.
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