Ollibean Think Tank

Ollibean Think Tank2012-06-27T10:32:21+00:00

Stephen Wiltshire

wiltshireWe are huge fans of the extraordinarily talented Stephen Wiltshire.

Stephen Wiltshire – An Introduction

Time lapse of Brisbane Panorama by Stephen Wiltshire

  • Change Leader in pink capital letters. AMY SEQUENZIA in brown capital letters with brown line on top and bottom of text. poet. advocate. human. lower case text

Change Leader: Amy Sequenzia

"Presume competence. The same way I want people to assume I am competent, I also assume that others are competent".

Autism Acceptance – Leading the Conversation

I want to talk about Autism Acceptance again. I want to talk about Autism Acceptance because soon we will be, again, referred to as tragedies, burdens, afflictions. This will go on, more than usual, for

My Top Ten

These are the top 10, now top 18 things I need for teachers, therapists, doctors, friends and family to know.

The Presumption of Competence

Presumption of competence is more than an abstract idea. It has real and concrete effects. Here is one: it is better than a makeover.

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