Ollibean Think Tank

Ollibean Think Tank2012-06-27T10:32:21+00:00

Alexis Clarkson: OlliNepal

We should all strive to see the beauty and potential in everything, and everyone, and to me, that is inclusion. "

  • Because we are all human beings and ‘disability’ does not define a person. And I hated social injustice and inequality from a very young age. I dislike ‘disability labels’ and I feel that children deserve something better than to be segregated and denied an equal education and a means of communication on grounds of disability. Richard Attfield activist. author. human.

Change Leader: Richard Attfield

Richard Attfield, a contributing author to "Autism and the Myth of the Person Alone", is passionate about the rights of children with disability labels to have equal access to education and communication supports.

Snacking: The Little Bite That Won’t Hurt You

Ollibean contributor Kristie Salzer talks about the benefits of "refueling" between lunch and dinner to decrease hunger related meltdowns for kids. We love her suggestions of 25 super easy snacks to get you started!

I Stand With Henry

What Henry is doing is advocating for his rights, at the same time that he reminds us of our own rights and about how far we still have to go.

Autism and Psychiatric Diagnoses

psy judy

At different times during my growing up and even during my adult years autism wasn’t something people knew much about. I often came in front of

I am the 20 % and the RNC

Henry takes his bi-partisan message of inclusion and civil rights for all to the Republican National Convention.

It is About Respect

Respect for one another is one basic quality if we want to have meaningful conversations and relationships with other human beings. The ableism that disabled people experience is a form of disrespect.

My Top Ten

These are the top 10, now top 18 things I need for teachers, therapists, doctors, friends and family to know.

J.Cole Writes Apology Letter to Autism Speaks

J.Cole offended many over the lyrics “I’m artistic, you is autistic, retarded” in his Jodeci Freestyle rap number. He was called on this.  The Anti-Bullying Alliance created a petition and asked for a formal apology

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