Ollibean Think Tank

Ollibean Think Tank2012-06-27T10:32:21+00:00

Change Leader: Larry Bissonette

Our first Change Leader is artist and disability rights advocate, Larry Bissonnette. Larry's art, writing, presentations, and films are changing perceptions about disability around the world. His quote in Wretches & Jabberers, "More like you than not" says it all.

Alexis Clarkson: OlliNepal

We should all strive to see the beauty and potential in everything, and everyone, and to me, that is inclusion. "

Sesame Street, This is an Autistic Speaking

Sesame Street knew nobody was missing, or lacking, anything. I was perfect! Everyone is perfect! But in real life, as I grew older, doctors and teachers convinced everyone that I was too broken to be worthy of any effort toward education and a future. Nobody saw me the way I was seen by my friends at Sesame Street.

Because I Stood With Henry

Because I stood with Henry I am happier today and you should too. Henry not only got his rights, he proved that presumption of competence should be the default for every student.

Happiness is Fireflies

This very sweet video, 'Fireflies' by The Jubilee Project is about two kids that connect in a beautiful way.

Ollibean Think Tank Member Tim Villegas

My hope is that ThinkInclusive.us can create a bridge between educators, parents, and advocates (including self-advocates) to promote ideas, innovation and inspiration to change our world to be more accepting and value each and every human being.

Sebastien’s Smile

Sebastien's Smile was created for the sole purpose of raising awareness for Mitochondrial diseases which affect the Setin's son Sebastien.

Open Letter To Jon Stewart

When I met Jon Stewart I was very disappointed by his lack of knowledge and sensitivity toward autism. During a recent interview, while still a bit condescending, his views seem to have evolved. This is my open letter to him.


You look at me
But you don’t see me
You talk about me but not to me
You think you know all about me
But you deny my humanity
You think I don’t have wishes
You believe I don’t have plans

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