• Image description black and white photo of girl with long brown hair looking at the camera . blue text reads"BULLIED" and NOT in background. Upper right hand corner of image has green circle with with white text that reads "spread the word"

30 Second Message for Bullies

AAPD's PSA features three real students sharing a simple message: people with disabilities are powerful, self-determined individuals—not victims.

American Association of People with Disabilities

The American Association of People with Disabilities is the nation's largest cross-disability organization. They promote equal opportunity, economic power, independent living, and political participation for people with disabilities. Their members, including people with disabilities and their family, friends, and supporters, represent a powerful force for change. Over 50 million Americans with disabilities and their supporters have the power to achieve full civil rights for all. They are powered by their vision of a community whose voice is heard through the halls of government, in our culture, and in our communities.

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