We love “Love Explosions”

"Love Explosions" by the wonderful Beth Ryan is on our love list. The blog had us at the description - "When the love  for your child overwhelms you." You may already be familiar with the enormously  popular and helpful FB page - Parenting Autistic Children with Love and Acceptance, which had us at "name" :). Go check them both  out.    

  • Photo of mountain and sky, text reads."Throughout the history of autism many have put their efforts into changing the behavior of autistic people. It is my opinion, and that of many of my autistic cohorts, that not enough effort has been made to understand and work with the autistic who is employing the behavior you wish to extinguish." Judy Endow on Ollibean

Fear, Anxiety and Autistic “Behavior”

When it comes to autism and "behaviors" it's better to understand and work with -- not on--the autistic person who is employing the behavior.

  • Black and white Photograph of bridge. Text reads "Whenever fear of an already marginalized group occurs history has shown that the results are horrific. Please do not be part of society going there. You can inform yourself. JUDY ENDOW ,Ollibean Logo Ollibean and outline of a circle made up of equal signs of various shapes and sizes

Autism and Public Perception

Autism and Public Perception by Judy Endow Today we have added something to our public perception of autism. Historically that perception has been one of an isolated small child rocking or head banging, oblivious to the rest of the world. Even though that perception is wrong, it is the public perception. There is an addition to that perception in the past few years. It seems society has added an adult image of autism. It is another false image, but never-the-less, quickly becoming an accepted public image of what it means to be an adult autistic. Unfortunately for

  • Blurred photograph of Mt. Everest, text reads" A VIBRANT MIND HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT, Martin Pistorius . Ollibean logo, Ollibean and outline of a circle made up of equal signs of various shapes and sizes

A Vibrant Mind Hidden In Plain Sight

Martin Pistorius, author of the New York Times best-seller, Ghost Boy: The Miraculous Escape of a Misdiagnosed Boy Trapped Inside His Own Body delivers one of the most impressive and thought provoking Ted Talks ever. Martin Pistorius' story serves as an urgent call to action to change our assumptions about verbal speech and intellectual capacity. It also reinforces the absolute necessity to treat each human with dignity and respect. How many people are waiting right now for someone to acknowledge their means of communication? How many are waiting for someone to talk to them respectfully and then to listen and watch for subtle movements-

Good Morning America: Called Out

As an autistic person I have my share of differences. Any time I am a way that the majority of people are not it is labeled “a difference.” Growing up and continuing on in adult life I learned that in general society does not consider my differences a good thing. In fact, it has often been considered good sport to poke fun of me for my differences. This happens to all people who deviate from the coveted standard of “normal.” Any difference is teased, mocked and ridiculed. If you are a larger or smaller, taller or shorter, faster or slower,

  • We all have value, even when the majority cannot see the wisdom behind our voices (spoken or not). Amy Sequenzia Ollibean logo "ollibean" and circle made from equal signs of various sizes and shape

Assumptions and Ableism

I've recently read an article about how some researches are slowly starting to debunk long held assumptions about autism, Autistics, functioning labels, and how the world needs to provide more appropriate education to “all” Autistics. This is a quote from a researcher (Laurent Mottron): "Early childhood interventions should focus on harnessing strengths, rather than erasing the difference between autistic children and neurotypical kids" Of course, Actually Autistic people have been saying this forever. We have been warning parents about the damages caused by "therapies" that seek to train Autistics to make us look "indistinguishable from our peers” for a long

  • "finding some other movement to hook into that will serve to interrupt and change the pattern to match my newer cognitive understanding" Judy Endow. Ollibean logo

Autistic Patterns of Thoughts and Emotions

I use the movement of things outside of me for purposes of thinking and of processing feelings. Recently, autistic friends have let me know that most people in the world do not do this and that it is a rather common autistic experience. I have no idea how common so would very much appreciate autistic weigh in here.   Thinking   My thoughts are all in colors and pictures. Usually there are sounds attached, but not always. To think I need a way for the colors and pictures to move. When my sensory system is calm and integrated the thoughts

  • Purple and green blurred inage. White text reads" Uniquely Human Neurotribes. I am hoping these two books pave the way for society to collectively begin to see that autistics really do know about living the autistic life – that autistics are the experts on what it means to be autistic.Judy Endow,Ollibean logo"

Uniquely Human Neurotribe

This past summer two new autism books were released within days of each other. Each, of it’s own accord, is a game changer if readership becomes large enough. Together the two books could serve to alter the course of autism history in terms of who is given the stage to tell the autistic story. NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman does exactly what the title says – lays out lots of history. There are so many interesting parts that I never knew existed that have impacted what we believe we know about autism.

  • Announcement. Your feelings about your children’s diagnosis are not as important as their right to privacy, dignity and respect. Amy Sequenzia, Ollibean Logo

Privacy, and Parental Behavior

I've written about this before: parents of Autistic children sharing very private information about their kids, sharing moments that show the kids being upset, or having meltdowns.   These parents share everything publicly, using pictures and videos, the children's real names, even if the children are adults.   Some say that they are trying to help other families, by showing the "real face of autism". These are the "martyr parents".   Others are very angry "at autism" and say they are doing what any parent who loves their children would do: “fight autism”. These parents call themselves "warriors".   Still

  • Faded Image of ocean and waves and rocks. Text reads WILL THE SELF-ADVOCACY SKILLS WE TEACH OUR YOUTH TODAY SERVE THEM WELL IN THEIR ADULTHOOD? Judy Endow ,MSW, Ollibean logo

Autism, Transition Programs and the Impact of Poverty on Self-Advocacy

I am an autistic woman who has lived both in poverty and as a middle-income person during my adult life. I am noticing how self-advocacy is typically geared toward middle-income status. This could be problematic since many autistic adults live in poverty. Based upon my experience I have come to realize that middle class self-advocacy works fine if in fact you are a middle-income person, but doesn’t work well if you are a poor person.   I will explain this more using an example from my life as a poor person versus a middle class person.   Dental Experience as

  • Photograph of sky and lake at sunset.

Visual Accommodations and Blessings of My Autism

The visual sensory aspects of the way autism plays out for me most of the time means that I get too much information delivered – things are too big, too bright, too bold – typically too much to endure all day. Practically, this means I need to accommodate my sensory system in a variety of ways.   Let’s take but one example from my life where visual overload is a pretty constant problem. Here are some things I have found helpful:   Environmental Accommodations for Overhead Lights   Most of the time I simply do what I need unless it

  • Photograph of open book on a table Text reads "Autism and Changing Classroom Strategies .It is hard to entertain having been wrong, especially when you know it may have negatively affected the lives of children. Judy Endow, MSW on Ollibean"

Autism and Changing Classroom Strategies

The field of autism is very new – not even 100 years old yet! This means we are constantly learning new things. We now know that what works for most children to learn does not always work for autistic children. In fact, it can be detrimental to their learning. Those of us in the field of autism will likely need to change the way we deliver help to those who seek it and change the way we teach our students.

On Not Being “Pretty”

My friend Cara wrote this awesome article about being "ugly" disabled. You should click on the link and read it. Go on, I'll wait.   Isn't it great? The article got me thinking.   Like Cara, I also have cerebral palsy. I sometimes use a transport wheelchair because I have poor balance and I can't stand for too long. When I sit down, my body "flops", or it slowly leans to my right side until I am almost lying down. When it doesn't lean to the side, it tends to relax too much, sliding down the chair. An upright position

Autism and Processing Social Information

My autistic neurology means that I am not good at picking up typical social cues, understanding complex social situations, automatically picking up meanings of idioms, or understanding the hidden curriculum that most others automatically pick up (Endow 2012). This means I often look naïve and gullible. The fact is I AM naïve and gullible when I try to use the social constructs of neuromajority folks to navigate the world around me.   When I was younger and deemed “in need of help” that “help” largely involved others trying to teach me to think and act as if I had a

Autism and Stubbornness

I am an autistic woman. Most of my life people have let me know they think I am stubborn and controlling. Over time I have learned to hide the behaviors so people do not think I am stubborn and controlling. I understand you view my stubbornness as a bad thing so I have learned to hide it.   Today I would like you to consider that what you label as stubborn and controlling is often a solution to help us manage our anxiety and fear.   Whenever we have a fearful or anxious moment – and those moments tend to

Accommodations – They Make All The Difference

Accommodations are important and they work. I should not be making a big deal about it. The ADA is 25 years old. Sadly, getting the accommodations we, disable people need, is often the opposite of simple.   If you have been reading my posts, you know that I am very visibly disabled. I am also proud, and I don't try to be someone other than myself. I do require a lot of supports, and once I have them, I can do anything I set up as goals. I have goals, or simply things I want to do, that most people

Using Autistic Strengths to Make Friendships Work

I am an intelligent autistic woman. I manage my own business, have raised three great kids and interface with the world around me with a fair amount of success. Not too shabby considering I lived in an institution as a kid, was homeless as an adult and used public assistance for some years.   Today I am content in my life. It is intentional. I have decided not only to be content, but how to intentionally let go of some things that used to bother me. I hope to get better with this over time because it is great feeling

  • Will Chuck Forget?

Will Chuck forget?

Will Chuck Forget? Chuck is terrified to go to school. He has stuttering. Others laugh when he says something. He has a breakdown at school. Some boys do feel bad but have no courage to tell and stand up for him. The teacher pretends nothing is wrong. Chuck went missing. Questions: Who is responsible? What can his friends do if he is found? What does it mean to watch and look the other way? Will his teachers take initiative and how? What can his family do? Will Chuck forget? End of  the story. I wrote this story when I

Autistic Burnout

Each individual who has an autism spectrum diagnosis got that diagnosis based on deficits. That isn’t good or bad, but rather, simply the way diagnosing works. Diagnostic deficits are based on the social and expected norms exhibited by the majority of people. Deficits are determined by a significant deviation from this majority norm. And, if you deviate far enough from the norm you get a label. If you have a group of deficits that line up with the autism spectrum disorder label then you get that label.   Once an individual has the autism label, we begin teaching skills to

  • NAACP picketing St. Louis schools circa 1950s. Photo credit AARP

Surviving Inclusion: At The Intersection of Minority, Disability and Resegregation

Kerima Çevik on Surviving Inclusion: At The Intersection of Minority, Disability and Resegregation “I see the work of inclusion as probably the last frontier of desegregation. If you read the brief from Brown v Board of Ed, The board of education argued that if we let the blacks be integrated then the next thing you know is that we’ll be letting people with disabilities be integrated.” Joe Petner, Principal, The Haggerty School,  Including Samuel  NAACP picketing St. Louis schools circa 1950s. Photo credit AARP In October of 2008, we discovered that our son, who was transferred into a full special education

  • Photograph of aqua and blue ocean. Text reads "Sensory system needs change over time, JUDY ENDOW,MSW on Ollibean"

Autism and A Changing Sensory System

Something about autistic sensory difference that I do not see addressed in the literature is the fact that sensory system needs change over time.

Autism and Non-Fluid Speech

I am a speaking autistic woman. Even so, I rarely have fluid access to my speech. Often times I have in mind something I would like to discuss with a friend so as to get their thoughts and ideas on the topic, but even though I know what I want to discuss the words are not available as speaking words. Oh, I know the words – they are in my head – I just cannot get them to come out of my mouth at will.   This often poses difficulties for me. One example is when I am with my

  • Image of group of students and Professor standing with arms crossed looking at the camera.Text reads: "Princeton University students Stand By Henry. We are inspired by you and your family. Thanks. The Spring 2015 Student from Seminar "A History of Disability as Told By Personal Narratives" taught by Professor Wurzburg Anschutz Distinguished Fellow in American Studies."

Now you know . You cannot unknow .

I  told  Professor Wurzburg's class in March and April  about my life and advocacy for inclusion, communication and civil rights. The class asked me questions and I answered. On April 8 I talked to the class on Skype. "This is good. Princeton thank you for this class. Learning about disability experience and discrimination from people who are disabled is the only real way.   I share my experience to change my reality and the reality for my neurodivergent brothers and sisters. No person should experience the abuse. All people deserve respect, inclusion and communication.   Now you know . You cannot unknow

Autism and Visual Detail

Because of my autism I often experience sensory overload. Many times this is painful. I have learned that by keeping my sensory system regulated I can avoid some of the pain. Over time, in the process of becoming more regulated, I have found ways to enjoy my unique sensory system. One of the things I enjoy is a degree of beauty I can see in many things around me. I don’t think neurotypical people often see the detail I do. The reason I think this is because when I comment about something beautiful I am seeing others often do not see it. Sometimes

Ableism and Pity. Reject Them, Be Awesome

I have written about how I had to unlearn ableism.   I have written about my uncooperative body.   I always state how generally happy I am, and that I am comfortable being me.   All this is true but frustration shows up, and grows, every time I meet ableism.   I meet ableism a lot.   Ableism brought forth by pity. Pity directed at me by people who seem to believe I am “trapped” inside my body, that I suffer, or that my life is so hard, they can’t understand how I can even have goals and aspirations.  

Autism and Hiring Help

I recently moved. It involved working with a realtor, a banker, and numerous other people. Today I am contemplating sorting out what to put into my new desk drawers and have a literal pile of paperwork from various aspects of my moving adventure. As each person representing each faction of moving began working with me they explained what they would do, how they would do it and the expected outcome.   For example, the furniture store guy explained how the sale worked, the ordering and delivery of the furniture and the return policy. I asked my questions which were answered

The Hidden Curriculum About Fat

Just started another diet. I am determined to lose a little weight so as to be healthier. I know I can do this because I have done it nine times already. Each time I have been very successful, but the only problem is that each time I have lost the very same weight after having gained it back from the previous episode of losing it. I know I am not alone in this constant weight struggle. Lots of people lose a bit of weight only to gain it back again. Another thing I am not alone in is liking it

OLLIBEAN : Acceptance, Love, Self-Care: #AutismPositivity2015

Autism Positivity is coming out of April stronger. Tired A little frustrated Spoonless. But stronger. Autism Positivity is rejecting blue lights, casting a red shadow and obscuring the blue puzzle pieces of hate. We continue our #WalkInRed call to action, we are joined by accepting friends, old and new. As Elvis Costello has been singing for decades, even the Angels want to wear the red shoes. Acceptance, Love (and the Angels wearing red shoes) = Positivity Autism Positivity is reclaiming words used to devalue us, and giving them their true meaning. Defiant: standing for what we believe in and for


My body movement speed is not average. It is not in the mean. My thinking speed is. My thinking speed is faster than average. My body takes time to agree to cooperate with my mind. If my body chooses not agree to cooperate my thoughts remain my own. More anxiety less body cooperation. Less body cooperation more anxiety. Less anxiety more body cooperation. More body cooperation less anxiety. Excerpt from Wurzburg Seminar at Princeton University

  • Ollibean News Headline ON SURVIVING INCLUSION, Written by: Kerima  Çevik, These groups view inclusion as an educational disaster, as racist educators saw racial integration in its time. Photograph of Gail Etienne age 6, one of the Mcdonogh 3, being driven to school by federal marshals looking very sad. Photo credit: NOLA.com

On Surviving Inclusion

On Surviving Inclusion by Kerima Cevik Three young Black soldiers, bubbling over with the news that the Civil Rights act was just signed into law, and ready to demand a front door entrance and equal treatment everywhere rushed around places where people of color were formerly unseen and unheard. Image is of the first page of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Credit National Archives. I cannot impart on you what this moment in time meant to them. Imagine being told all your life that you were less than others. Imagine approaching your local supermarket

Scientific Validation of Autistic Humanity

When I was a teenager, the “too much” of life caught up with me. Everything in the world around me was just too much.   …too much noise with the varying sounds of the world clamoring to grab my attention, their pitches and tones wildly crashing into each other as if competing for a speed prize on a race track – or so I wished … If only the cacophony of the world outside my skin would at least line up and compete in some orderly fashion – like race cars on a race track – it would then allow

Being Comfortable In My Skin

When I shared my post "Celebrating My Life" one commenter pointed out that “very few people are as comfortable in their skins” as I am. This got me thinking about what makes it possible for me to not only be ok being me, but to be proud of who I am. What makes me an unapologetic, unabashed, proud disabled woman? According to followers of the medical model of disability – most doctors and all the self-proclaimed “experts” – I have a long list of “devastating”, “severe” and even tragic deficits and impairments. Their “deficits list” would look like this: Non-speaking

Autism, Sensory Regulation and Movement Fluidity

Many any individuals with classic autism seem to have neurological movement differences. When these movement differences play out in our bodies, it is easy for onlookers to see, as we may get stuck in one position or in repetitive movement. Sometimes there can be difficulty in getting a body movement going, and at other times once our body is in motion, we cannot stop even if we want to. These movement differences can also play out in thoughts, speech, and emotions, areas that are not as readily observable to onlookers, yet can be daily obstacles to outsmart for some of

Celebrating My Life

Celebrating My Life  Amy Sequenzia won't stop celebrating her autistic, disabled life. le I am writing this prompted by something John Elder Robison (I will refer to him by his initials, JER) wrote about Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month, in particular this quote:  “We may have gifts too, but disability remains the basis for diagnosis. Some autistic people are rendered non-speaking by their    condition, and I can’t imagine who would celebrate that. Others live with significant medical complications like epilepsy. I’ve yet to meet anyone who celebrates that either.” I commented that JER does not have to “imagine”. I am here, I celebrate being non-speaking, I celebrate

  • Photograph taken at sunrise - 2 rows of bare trees and at the end there is a farmhouse that appears lit from within. "Even though the problem is about stuck emotions the solution is NOT in the emotional realm." Judy Endow on Ollibean

Autism and Stuck Emotions

It has taken most my lifetime for me to begin figuring out stuck emotions in relationship to my autism. In discussing this with other autistic adults I have discovered many share this problem. Some describe the stuck emotions as being shut down. There are variations of experience, but there seems to be a shared experience of stuck emotions in autistics. Everyone I have discussed this with agrees that stuck emotions are quite difficult to deal with and, in fact, have led to much misunderstanding and sometimes to psychiatric hospitalizations. Even though I have been talking to other autistics about this

The Reason I Blog

This blog (The Autism Wars), and all the other blogs and projects associated with it, are for my autistic son, Mustafa. But this blog is actually not talking about him without him or about daily life with him with some rare exceptions for times when his daily displays of empathy, kindness, and love towards me move me to write. When I say it is for my son, I mean it is part of my activism and my exploration of what it means to try and ally myself to his cause. This cause is something that too many of us are aware of

I Don’t Want Your Awareness

I don’t want Autism Awareness. Actually, I fear Autism Awareness because it only makes the world fear, hate and ignore us, one blue light, one puzzle piece at a time.

Take ASAN’S Pledge to Include Autistic Voices

Please join us and take The Autistic Self Advocacy Network's pledge to include Autistic voices in organizations, conferences and panels on autism. Would you support an organization that advocated for women or attend conferences about women if they failed to include women ? Of course not. Then, please, take a minute, sign this pledge and share widely. Join: Colin Meloy, Lead Singer, The Decemberists, Linda Walker Fiddle, Executive Director, Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Mike Elk, Labor Reporter, In These Times Magazine, Steve Silberman, Investigative Reporter and Author, Wired Magazine, Cecilia Breinbauer, Executive Director, Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders

Autism, Inflexibility and Diversity

A universal assumption about autism is that autistic people tend to be inflexible and it is NOT GOOD to be inflexible. Let’s take a look at that assumption. Neuro majority people talk a lot about the inflexibility and the rigidity of autistic people. Seems like they get stuck in that train of thought. Isn’t it quite a narrow perception to believe that everyone should be just like you and should conform to your ways? And yet, as an autistic, if I want to get anywhere in the world I need do just that - to conform to the ways of

Uncontainable Presence

You are anywhere You are anytime Daring and enticing Changes unexpectedly predictable The obstinate constant I see your bright presence Piercing my eyes Crawling into my brain The pain comes swiftly And then, the deafening silence My body shakes in your presence Uncontrollable moves A dance of two wills The music is mute Rhythmically disordered Darkness and pain I'm lost in a sea of dread Forlorn as you carefully exit Leaving behind misery I tremble as the silence roars As the pummeling beat of you presence leaves The sky cracks open in blue A blissful fatigue Exhausted excitement But your

I Paint to Share My Autistic Experience

I started painting with acrylics in 2012. I wanted to use that medium to illustrate aspects of my autism. To date I have written several articles and books along with speaking in three countries about aspects of autism. Painting is one more way to explain some of the nuances of autism to those who might be interested. Painting allows me to show perceptions of the world that I see with my eyes as delivered through the neurology of my autism. I match up what I see with the colors and movements of paint on canvas paper. I have not taken classes

“Autistic People Should…”

Feb. 23, 2013 was this flash blog day. Autistics were asked to complete the phrase "Autistic people should..." as a way to make a positive difference in light of the suggestions given by search engines when that phrase is typed in the search bar. This was my contribution: Autistic people should take and keep a seat on the bus, just like Rosa Parks did in 1955 when fighting for social justice for blacks. I was born in 1955. I am glad black people no longer have to fight so hard for the chance to be seen as part of the


My life through the years I've been listening to this It's enough to bring out tears I need it to immediately cease.   They talk about my existence About my right to be I'm running out of patience I know who I am, I am me.   Cure, treat, fix, change Words that hurt deep in my soul If I do all that they demand My essence is lost, nowhere to go.   They know what to say to scare They do this intentionally But now it is my turn to dare I'm not backing down silently   Not backing

  • Image description: Photograph of boy with white skin and brown hair smiling with his eyes closed. "Breathe" is in text at top of image and Ollibean Logo is at the bottom.

The Quiet Key to This School’s Success

What do you do when you become the principal of a school with the lowest academic performance and  the highest rate of suspension, absenteeism, and teacher turn over? Nothing. Nothing for 15 minutes twice a day to be exact. In 2003, James Dierkean, the innovative principal of Visitacion Valley Middle School in San Francisco, decided to try something unconventional to mitigate the negative impacts that stress was causing for his students and staff. He launched a meditation program. Specifically, a Transcendental Meditation (TM) program called Quiet Time. Principal Dierke and his staff, with the help

Outsmarting the Hard of Autism to Attend Live Theater

I love musicals and other live theater performances. About five years ago I googled the name of the performing arts theater in my town along with “season tickets” and was delighted to discover the possibility for a whole new adventure! My friend Marilyn and her adult son Jimmy (who also likes musicals and has autism) decided they would like to do this too. Each year I am the person who sends out the information on shows and orders the tickets for all three of us. Along the way we had to outsmart the hard of our autism and figure out

Five Reasons You Need to Read ‘Ghost Boy’ by Martin Pistorius

For over ten years Martin Pistorius was trapped in his own body, fully cognizant, but unable to speak or move. He was surrounded by people who believed he was incapable of thinking and tried desperately to get just one person to notice. His story serves as a wake-up call for all of us to drastically change our assumptions about speech and intellectual capacity as well as the need to radically reform expectations and treatment of people with complex communication needs.

  • Image of young boy with olive skin and black hair smiling. He is standing in the desert.

How Being Included Changed This Boy’s Life

Having opportunities to learn with everyone could access more opportunities for all.

High-Functioning or Low-Functioning?

In this life I am missing the ability to go out into the world and just be accepted for my natural autistic self. I must inhibit so many of my natural responses just to fit in enough for others to allow me a place in the world.  I have discovered that to have a place in this world I need to fit into it in a way that makes sense to the majority. For me, this isn't a good or a bad thing - just merely the way it is. Fitting into the world is something I need to balance

Respectfully Connected: Journeys in Parenting and Neurodivergence

We are all about respect, so of course, Respectfully Connected is a Resource We Love!

Drop, Settle + Train

The Supreme Court has a case that affects all disabled people, and the decision can be very damaging for us. We need to trust the police, and the police must “Connect, Respect, Protect” disabled people as they do with all people, not command, advance, hurt , kill.

Autistic Pride

This week someone asked me if I was proud to be autistic. It made me think about pride in general and about the term autistic pride. In general, feeling proud of myself is not something that is front and foremost in my life. When I think of who I am, words like female, adult, Dutch, heterosexual, white and autistic come to mind. None of these things are anything I am proud of or not proud of – they are simply words that describe me. I think of it as a launching pad. This is my originating place from where I

Talking to Autism “Advocacy” Organizations

I had the opportunity to speak, as a public comment, during a meeting of the Autism Society, Florida Chapter. It applies mostly to the National leadership because I think it is past time for some things to change. What I said might not have pleased everyone, and it might have made some angry. But I stand by the words - compliance is not my goal. It needed to be said though, not only to the Autism Society but to all organizations that say they “advocate” for autism. If an organization wants to help, it should not advocate for things Autistics

  • " Meltdown behavior is not impacted by reward systems or by shaping efforts because it is not willful, goal driven behavior." Judy Endow on Ollibean

Autistic Meltdown or Temper Tantrum?

Autistic meltdowns and temper tantrums are not the same thing. Autistic meltdowns typically occur as a response to being overwhelmed.

The Pseudo Logic of “Not Autistic Enough”

Recently, I was told by a parent of a child on the autism spectrum that I am "not significantly enough affected by autism to be able to understand real autism" and therefore should stop speaking out about autism. Some aspects of my personal history (Endow, 2009) that you may find interesting include:   Was nonverbal for some time Had self-injurious behaviors Lived in an institution for some years of my childhood Lived in two different groups homes Diagnosed with classic autism I understand that as a parent of a child with significant needs you may look at me and look

In Sidewalk Cracks: Authentic Relationships

In Sidewalk Cracks: Authentic Relationships In life we play on sidewalk squares. You on your NT sidewalk square You jump to my square to help me out (and so does everyone else) That I need all the help you can give. You teach me to copy your ways. I jump to your square and copy you. You are happy because I am learning To copy your ways in the world. All I have is you helping me And me copying your ways. Is it a wonder the feeling of alien predominates? There is more to jumping over the sidewalk crack.

Autism and the Importance of Stabilization

  As an autism consultant I am often asked how I sort out what to do when I see an autistic client who is struggling in school or in life. As an autistic person I know first hand if stabilization needs are not met, regardless of the supports in place an autistic person will struggle. Stabilization consists of three areas that interplay – internal and external regulation in the context of a positive relationship. Internal Regulation ~ Sensory Diet Internal regulation has many components, but for stabilization I look at the sensory system. When a person has an autism neurology

  • #FreeNeli


by Amy Sequenzia  Reginald "Neli" Latson was an 18 year-old Autistic high school student, a good student, a wrestler, when he was arrested while waiting for the library he often visited to open.     Neli was, as teen fashion dictates, wearing a hoodie. He is black, and as bigotry, discrimination and ignorance dictate, he was profiled and reported as a criminal, "possibly carrying a gun".   He did not "comply" with the officer who approached him, already with baseless suspicion, since there was no gun. An altercation sent Neli to jail, trial and prison. He served his time, and

  • Image of young girl in multicolored hammock. She is smiling contently. "Loved As I Am" is in white text with small Ollibean logo.


We can all use a daily reminder that we are loved, accepted and adored for being exactly who we are. Ollibean Goods of the Day- "LOVED as I am" , "You Are Loved" and "I Am Loved" .

  • "I am more like you than autism can ever make me different." Judy Endow, MSW on Ollibean

An Autistic Weighs in on Friendship

I am a professional person who works as an autism consultant to various school districts when I am not speaking and writing. I have an autism neurology myself so I enjoy the privilege of being able to see and experience autism from a variety of viewpoints. One thing that greatly pains me is the continuing wrong assumptions professional people make about autistics and how those wrong assumptions often get interpreted as fact.

  • It's A Holiday, So Let's Celebrate

Autism and Holiday Schedules

Autism and Holiday Schedules by Judy Endow As an autistic getting through the holiday time can be quite tricky. As an autistic parent with children who had different needs it was even trickier. Routine and structure can go a long way! They anchor the days that can otherwise be perceived by an autism neurology as totally chaotic, which in turn, often leads to being overwhelmed and experiencing meltdowns.   1.  Start by creating a visual schedule. You can simply use paper and pencil or use an iPad or computer to make your visual schedule. Words can

Autism and Sorting Out Sensory Snags

All my life I have been easily overwhelmed by sound and motion.  I can hear things nobody else even notices such as the hum of electric devices that are plugged in even when the appliance or device is not in use such as the coffee maker on my kitchen counter.  I can hear fluorescent lights hum, the steady grind of ventilation systems in buildings and the crackling from inside my television when it is muted. When I am in the midst of much movement I tend to get dizzy.  This is really distracting because I am in busy places when

Communication Supports for Speaking Autistics?

As an autistic, I know first hand how my communication abilities are different from the neuro-majority people around me. Most people do not understand my differences because I can speak. On the surface my communication abilities appear normal. This make it very difficult for people to understand when I need accommodations they are just that – accommodations – not personal preferences. For example, even though I can speak to crowds of thousands of people my neurology does not permit me to engage in telephone conference calls in a meaningful way. The most I can do is listen, but after a

Why I Don’t Like “Awareness”

Awareness campaigns of disabilities are only effective if they are planned and run primarily by the groups that are the subjects of the campaign. This is because such campaigns are not “awareness”, but “acceptance” campaigns. We welcome support, with focus on respect, equality and access. We don’t need “awareness” of deficits and tragic rhetoric.

Autism and Eye Contact

A challenge I am continually faced with as an autistic adult is the misinformed presumption and resulting behavior of neurotypical people when I do not look at them the in way they expect, want or demand of me. It is challenging because society has put the onus on me to change. Often it does not matter to others why I am different. They just want me to stop being different. Recently I was told directly, “If you want to be treated like a real person then act like one!” Eye contact can be hard for autistics for a variety of

Autism, Differences and Murder

Ever since the not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial and more recently, after a police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, I have been and continue to be very much afraid in the pit of my stomach. The not guilty verdict and the dragging on of the no fault attitude in Michael Brown’s shooting underlines the fact that in our society it is perfectly ok to track down, shoot and kill someone perceived to be acting different. We fear people who are different from us. Differences come in many forms. If you are White then someone Black is

Speeding, Autism and No Ticket Issued!

In the past few years I have had two encounters with the police while driving my car. The first time I pulled into a school parking lot, answered an email on my Blackberry, gathered my stuff together and let out a little scream, as I didn’t expect to see a police officer standing at my car door! “Good afternoon officer. How might I help you?” I inquired, knowing that it is very important to always be polite to a police officer. “Do you know why I am stopping you?” “No, I do not,” I replied honestly. “Do you know the

Visuals and Back to School Transitions

Our kids went back to school this month and likely many families are still struggling with the transition. It often seems that as the newness wears off, the getting-down-to-business-struggles begin. Autistic students have a particularly challenging time because their neurology does not permit them to automatically organize the world around them. Teachers and parents can support a child with autism to become more organized. For many it is an essential accommodation so they can be in a place to learn. Autistic students are often visual learners. This means that even though they may be verbal, as stress increases comprehension of

The Case for Inclusion on The Inclusive Class Podcast

Check Out Education Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with The Inclusive Class Podcast on BlogTalkRadio

How To Outsmart “Inflexible Thinking”

Because of my autism I have an autistic thinking style. One characteristic often attributed to me is “inflexible thinking.” Flexibility in thinking has to do with being able to adapt when circumstances change by adjusting or shifting from one expectation to another. This has never been easy for me, but I have learned how to live more comfortably with my autistic thinking style in a world where flexibility is much more highly valued than my inborn trait. First, I had to accept my own autism and the fact that I think differently (Endow, 2009). Self-acceptance doesn’t come easily for most

  • Make Screen Time Learning Time. Captioned Media Boosts Literacy. Ollibean Logo

The Impact of 250 Words on Literacy

Ollibean Literacy Lifehacks : Tools for parents and care providers without education backgrounds to easily provide literacy instruction. Sign up for our free Flashcards of the 250 Words that represent over two-thirds of captioned television.

Supporting Autistic Relationships

As an autistic my connections to other people are perceived visually. In fact, I often need to have a concrete visual available in order to be able to think about my friends. A challenge I am often faced with is the erroneous presumption and resulting behavior of neuro-majority people when I need a visual in order to maintain a relationship. Many Autistics Are Visual Thinkers For those of us who are visual thinkers it seems logical that visuals would play an important part in developing relationships with others and in maintaining those relationships over time. In fact, many of us

  • Blue rectangle "250 words = over 2/3 CC" at the top of image. TURN ON THE CAPTIONS is beneath the image. Screenshot of Jobs movie with a blue circle with Ollibean Literacy Lifehacks .Image of close up shot of Ashton Kutcher, a white male with brown hair and brown eyes and beard is speaking. Closed captioning in white "How does somebody know what they want if they've never even seen it?" Next to this image are 12 flashcards- how, does, some, know, what, they, want, if, they, never , see, it".

250 Words Represent Over Two-Thirds of Captioned Television

"There are more than 500,000 words in the English language, but a person who masters only 250 words will recognize more than two-thirds of all words shown in television captions—provided the 250 words are those that are most frequently used. Equally dramatic, a beginning reader could be taught just 10 words—the, you, to, a, I, and, of, in, it, that—and then recognize more than one out of every five words. Mastery of the top 79 words means being able to read half of all words captioned." Source: Perspectives in Education and Deafness, Volume 16, Number 1, September/October 1997 Henry and

  • "We know that when students with disabilities are held to high expectations, have access to a robust curriculum in the regular classroom, they excel." Secretary of Education , Arne Duncan

Students with Disabilities Excel with High Expectations, Access, and Inclusion

"We know that when students with disabilities are held to high expectations, have access to a robust curriculum in the regular classroom, they excel." Secretary of Education , Arne Duncan Until recently, the Department of Education's primary focus was evaluating  states compliance  meeting procedural requirements- timelines for evaluations, due process hearings and transition services. Under the new framework, Results-Driven Accountability (RDA), the Department will also include educational results and outcomes for students with disabilities in making each state’s annual determination under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). “Every child, regardless of income, race, background, or disability can succeed if

Creating Visuals Instantly for Unpredictable Activities

As an adult with autism, knowing what will happen during each day is important to me. For children, who have much less life experience, it is often a deal breaker in terms of them being able to participate in life around them. Using visual schedules supports this need both at school and on ordinary days at home, but what about those times when life gets hectic or when spontaneity is in order? Why Visuals Work Having an autism neurology means that neither internal regulation (physical, sensory, emotions) nor external regulation (making sense of the world around us) just happens! We

On Disparity in Education: The Risks and Bravery of Being First

Being one of the first or the only students with any discernible divergence in any characteristic is dangerous, difficult, and involves tremendous courage. Over 50 years ago, at the beginning of a school year, the Little Rock Nine walked with angry white mobs behind them into their local high school to exercise their right to a public education with their white peers. Initially, the Arkansas national guard blocked their entrance by order of the Arkansas governor. Eventually, President Eisenhower ordered my stepfather's unit, the 101 airborne division, excluding my stepfather and all black soldiers, to escort the students to and

An Odyssey: Learning the Hidden Curriculum

Learning the hidden curriculum social rules of society remains a struggle for autistics long after they grow up. For example, even though I am an almost 60-year-old woman with autism, over the past few years, I have learned a lot of new-to-me hidden curriculum items. The hidden curriculum refers to all the social information that everybody seems to know but isn’t directly taught to anybody. Here’s an example: Don’t scratch your privates really means don’t let anybody see you scratch your privates. Guessing at Hidden Curriculum Rules Once I amassed a volume of hidden curriculum items I began being able

Autism and Thinking with Colors

I think in colors. My thinking colors have sound and movement. When I hear spoken words my neurology automatically goes for the match. When I was a girl, I heard the saying, “I got the world by the tail.” Immediately, the matching pictures of tail started popping up in my head. It’s like having a personal version of Google Images. The initial picture search produced a variety of tails of animals. Then, there came the images of the ground mist I saw each morning when I went outdoors after breakfast. I assigned the world tail words I heard to this

  • Green rectangle with boy in profile. Boy has olive skin and brown hair and is wearing a hearing aid and white tshirt with orange sleeves. Dark green text " Accessibility is a right not a privilege." Ollibean

Accessibility Is a Right Not a Privilege

Accessibility is a right not a privilege. 20 posts on Accessibility, Universal Design, and Inclusion   It's Time to Go Beyond Access Creating Equal Opportunities For ALL Students to Participate in School Athletics State Obligations UNESCO Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) Inclusion Is A Right Not A Privilege Paula Kluth on The Inclusive Class Roundtable The National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials Why Would We Want Inclusive Education? Ollibean Spotlight: Kerima Cevik Pay It Forward Activist How AAC and assistive tech make classrooms better for all : Paula Kluth The Case for Inclusion Part 3: Sea Change Access to the

Autism, Growing Up and Defining Friends

As an autistic, I have difficulties in the social arena in a multitude of ways. This was especially true during my growing up years. Even today as an adult, automatic social understanding is not my strong suit. I am, however, able to continually learn new things that enable me to do and be all I want in this world. Today, in my professional work I am able to provide some input to a variety of organizations and schools in regards to individuals with an autism label. One thing I consistently see regardless of where I go is the practice of

Autism, Airports and Lifelong Learning

For most of my life airports have befuddled me. It didn’t so much matter earlier in my life because the only time I used an airport was to go to visit my parents in another state. Back then, before we had the heightened security of today, people were allowed to meet passengers as they stepped off the plane which allowed me to simply follow them through the airport without needing to concern myself with the confusion all around me.   In My 40’s Then, airport security changed. People picking up passengers could no longer go through the security checkpoint. I

Autism and Psychiatric Diagnoses

At different times during my growing up and even during my adult years autism wasn’t something people knew much about. I often came in front of mental health professionals. It is important to know that if you go to a mental health professional or take your child to a mental health professional in all probability you will walk out with a diagnosis of a mental condition as found in the DSM-5 – otherwise known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders In my adult life I obtained a master’s degree in social work. I did clinical work

Is Autism a Disability or a Difference?

So many ideas in the larger autism community often become a debate. As an autistic this black-or-white, choose-your-side sort of thinking is very neurologically friendly to me. I like clear choices. But I also believe we are often unwittingly duped into believing we need to choose a side only because the idea is presented as a dichotomous choice. “Is autism a disability or a difference?” is one of these questions posed as a dichotomous choice in the autism community. The way the question is posed gives the impression that there is one correct answer. When Autism is a “Difference” Many

The Importance of Opportunity

Dillan Barmache, a 14 year old autistic student, delivers his powerful 8th grade commencement speech using his iPad and brings the crowd to their feet.

Losing an Autism Diagnosis

I am an almost 60-year-old autistic woman who can navigate the world in a way that surprises some people when they find out I have autism. My teen years were spent in an institution because people did not know what to do with my “behaviors” or with me. Today I am a self-employed author, speaker, consultant and artist with a master’s degree in Social Work. Question: Did I lose my autism diagnosis? Official Answer: Yes and No No, an Autism Diagnosis Cannot Be “Lost” Technically, once a person is diagnosed with anything that diagnosis becomes part of their medical records.


Some call him a kid Others say he is a young man But whatever you call him You need to know this: He is courageous Brave and resilient He will fight and he will win   It can be a fight for his rights When enemies come disguised as condescension It can be a fight for his dreams He will mobilize an army of friends To Stand With Him   He is an example to many He showed other students the possibilities Henry does not fight for himself He is changing perceptions, changing the world   Henry is a leader

Cry Me a River, Katrina Percy. Justice for LB!

I originally wrote this piece for the blog 107daysofaction.wordpress.com. I asked for permission to reprint it to help raise awareness on this side of the Atlantic about the story. If you'd like to get involved with Justice for LB and 107 Days of Action, please click here. I've recently been made aware of the story of the death of a young autistic man in the UK that's not getting any press that I'm aware of in the U.S. or Canada. I'd like to tell you Connor Sparrowhawk's story. Connor Sparrowhawk, known as "Laughing Boy" or "LB" to his friends and

April is Over!

Another April has passed – big sigh of relief! As an autistic I have a love/hate relationship with April – the AUTISM month. I love that increasingly more people over time have become aware of autism. I hate that Autism Awareness month contributes daily to many negative stereotypes of autism, most of it by people meaning to do something good on behalf of autism. As an autistic, I am meant to be grateful to all these wonderful people who are sacrificing their time, talent and money to be helpful to people like me. Some of the time I am grateful, but

FDA Advisory Panel Recommends Banning Aversive Shock Therapy at the Judge Rotenberg Center

Thursday, April 24, was a day that I'd been waiting for that day for a long time. An FDA advisory panel finally got to thoroughly hear both sides of the story of what goes on at the Judge Rotenberg Center, and to deliberate, based on testimony, whether what happens to the students there needs to be stopped. And they made the right decision. I just hope that they act on it quickly. I found out about the Judge Rotenberg Center by accident two years ago, doing some research for another post on my blog. I came across an article about

Skunk Hair, Autism and Social Understanding

There is a saying, “love makes the world go round,” but for real it is NOT love. Instead, it is hidden curriculum that makes the world go round! Hidden curriculum is all that social information that most people know even though they were never actually taught it. An example is the rule “don’t pick your nose” with the hidden curriculum being it is perfectly fine to pick your nose as long as nobody sees you doing it. Many people with autism have difficulty with hidden curriculum. Their brains are not wired to allow them to automatically pick up this untaught,

Inclusion – How it Works Best for This Autistic

As an autistic, I sometimes feel boxed in by the best practice strategy of inclusion. Please don’t get me wrong – inclusive education is a very good thing! Historically, people with disabilities were not given access to public education. Then, over time, laws changed. Today we have special ed classrooms in our schools and the progressive schools practice inclusion. Today’s Inclusive Education Inclusion means that all the students get to learn in the general ed environment. Instruction is differentiated while physical, sensory, emotional and every other need of each student is taken into consideration so that all students learn together,

More Than An Autism Diagnosis

I am an adult with autism. My thinking is visual rather than word-based. Autism gifts me with a literal and concrete way of thinking. My thoughts are all in full moving color. You can read about this and about my life in my book called Paper Words, Discovering and Living With My Autism. (Endow, 2009a) “Always, I have a front row seat to watch the show! Each color, with its infinite variety of hues and brightness, has its own movement patterns and sound combinations. Even though spoken words are the medium most often used by people to communicate with me, I

Sesame Street, This is an Autistic Speaking

Sesame Street knew nobody was missing, or lacking, anything. I was perfect! Everyone is perfect! But in real life, as I grew older, doctors and teachers convinced everyone that I was too broken to be worthy of any effort toward education and a future. Nobody saw me the way I was seen by my friends at Sesame Street.

  • Goodnight Autism Puzzle Pieces by Judy Endow on Ollibean. Picture of crescent moon on night sky.

Goodnight Autism Puzzle Pieces

You may like lighting it up blue or using puzzle pieces as a symbol of autism awareness. I personally no longer like either of these things for lots of reasons and I post various blogs and articles about these topics in social media venues. My opinion, even though it may differ from yours, does NOT mean my autism is preventing me from understanding your point of view. It simply means we have different points of view. Yesterday I had a conversation in social media with a woman who explained all the reasons the puzzle piece symbolism was important to her

  • "Acceptance starts at home" Photograph of teenage boy with white skin and brown hair with woman with white skin and dark brown shoulder length hair

Parents – Acceptance Starts at Home

Parents, home is the single most important place for our children to feel accepted. We must embrace ALL of our children with love and acceptance for being exactly who they are. Home is the first place our kids learn about being accepted and accepting others. It is our responsibility and privilege as parents to create a nurturing environment where each child feels valued, safe, loved and whole. Our children are always listening and picking up on our feelings and attitudes. They're listening to how we speak to them, about them, and closely watching  how we react to other people who

What Good Does Autism Awareness Do? It Doesn’t

I know most people want to do the right thing and believe “Autism Awareness” helps. But it doesn’t and it is time for some blunt truths, it is past time to stop walking in circles and move forward with Autism Acceptance.

Treat Others As THEY Want to Be Treated

I was taught to treat other people the way I want to be treated. This works out great when I am with autistic friends because we share an autistic neurology. It does not always work out well when I am with everyone else who populates this world from a neuro-majority place of being. Therefore, the onus has been on me to figure this out for myself. It has taken many decades, but I have finally worked it out in a way that allows me to live more comfortable in a world largely populated by folks who do not share my

“Sucking It Up” To Pass as Non-Autistic

Image description : Blue square with back text:"I look forward to autistics having everyday lives with things so many take for granted – going to school, being part of the community, having meaningful jobs with living wages along with meaningful relationships. Judy Endow on Ollibean It is a lot of work to look non-autistic, and yet, looking non-autistic is the ticket to sit at many tables. It is not right, and yet, I choose to expend a great deal of energy inhibiting my autistic ways for the sake of sitting at some of society’s tables. Employment is one such table.

Stop Combating Me – Why I Am Against Euthanasia

Today is “Stop Combating Me” flashblog. We are not the enemy but the way legislation is written puts us in real danger.

Being Disabled and in the Hospital

Being disabled and in hospitals is always scary because our lives is not valued as the lives of non-disabled. I was, in a way, lucky but the policies still need a lot of improvement.

Crossing Sign Conundrums

Over the course of my life I have seen many kinds of crossing signs. When I go to a college campus I drive past a wildlife sanctuary where a duck crossing sign is posted. Each spring mama ducks line up near their sign and lead their babies across the road while the cars waited. There were lots of ducks and some days the wait for motorists can be up to ten minutes. Every winter when I drive along a county highway to visit a friend I see a snowmobile crossing sign. A snowmobile trail is on one side of the

  • Action Alert

Take Action to Keep All Students Safe at School! || Stop Hurting Kids

Stop Hurting Kids needs all supporters of the Keeping All Students Safe Act to take action and urge members of the U.S. Senate to co-sponsor this bill.

Over 50, Autistic & Still Learning!

Yesterday I went to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store near my house with my laptop. It reminded me of just how far I have come in regards to technology in a few short years. It is hard to believe that I lived a half century on this planet before becoming versed in sending and receiving email! In 2005, my oldest, David, set up a Hotmail account for me and taught me how to do email. I had read an autism book and wanted to email the author. In a few months I had a few more people to

  • Image description: Who Cares About Kelsey DVD Cover. Photograph of light skinned girl with brown hair wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans, leaning up against a locker, turned to the side face looking to her right. Students in the hall in the background. Text reads Failing grades + ADHD + Self mutilation + Abuse white equal sign with red slash indicating “not equal”. Dropout. Festival Awards listed on left side of screen. "Who Cares About Kelsey? a documentary by Dan Habib. Education Kit.

Who Cares About Kelsey? We do.

We first saw Who Cares About Kelsey ? at the National Center on Inclusive Education’s Summer Institute and instantly connected to the film's message of empowering students.

  • Image description. Hands holding up a white sign with pink text " I AM A STUDENT" Closed captioning text" I'm not the one who's lost with no direction, no"

I’m Not the One Who Is Lost

I am thinking you will understand more when you see the feeling . The feeling on my side.

  • Image description: Black square with white text "Sneaky words said with a smile While holding a piece of chalk To draw the dividing line Made by words Sounding alright on the surface But laden with Otherness Less Than Different Not US And sometimes Not Quite Human. Judy Endow on Ollibean."

Chalk Word Lines of Separation

Words are used in many ways Sometimes they are my friends Others sometimes use their words That sound like love and friend Extending from them To me But in reality These words only sound like love and friend But in the end the sound of them Does not ring true and good And is not of love and friend But instead these words draw lines Dividing Their group of US From my group of THEM Society says it is ok In fact it is perfectly fine And noble Even though self-serving Entirely acceptable To divide out those THEMs From USes

  • Image description: Pink square with tiny, interspersed light pink hearts. In the center there is a large white heart withe dark pink text that reads "Love, not fear is living a posAutive life It is refusing to see despair Just because you are faced with the new. Amy Sequenzia on Ollibean.

Love, Not Fear

Today is “Love, Not Fear” flashblog. We write about the beauty of being, living, sharing and experience Autism, an Autistic life.

  • A dark blue outline of a person with no distinguishable facial features curled up with arms resting on bent knees. Figure is surrounded by text that reads: "Am I okay? Am I really that different? Sometime I struggle. Do others struggle? Weaknesses? Strengths? Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. What makes me different? Are there others like me? I want to be me, and find what works for me. I am unique, and that is okay. I may have different needs, but I am not a burden."

Welcome to the Autistic Community

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network and the Autism Now Center have created "Welcome to the Autistic Community! " It is a must read for anyone who wants to learn about autism.

  • Black square with white text that reads" Is your child learning how to code?

Is Your Child Learning How to Code?

We hope all kids are learning to code. If they aren't being taught programming skills in school, there are so many great sites that can help them get started today.

Assigned Friends Outcome

I was taught to say, “Thank you for being my friend.” So I say it. I was told to smile like I mean it. So I smile. I know I am supposed to feel grateful That you are my friend That you took the class On how to be a peer mentor to me – The good friends way – A pal for six weeks You have been defined You are a good person For giving up your spot At the popular kids’ lunch table To earn the community service hours You need for graduation By eating lunch with me,

Life for Lief ~ “See Me As Smart”

“Some people think that kids who are autistic can’t handle getting a transplant. Kids with autism can handle it.” Lief O'Neill

The Scarlet A: Why I Don’t Want My ID to Broadcast My Autism

A few days ago I read the article 'Law Allowing Autism to be Listed on IDs Moves Through Legislature'.

  • Photograph of lower part of jeans and multicolored plaid sneakers. The sneakers have mud on them and the person wearing them is standing on damp earth . There is green moss and foliage on the right side of the image and Ollibean logo in white. Ollibean logo is a circle composed of various shapes and sizes of equal signs and the word Ollibean.

Walk In My Shoes

I want you to walk in my shoes Not because I want you to feel what it means To be disabled But because I want you to understand How it feels to be excluded I would like to see you walk in my shoes Not because I need your pity I don’t need it I don’t want it I want you to experience The uselessness of feeling pity for others Like me I would like to see you walk in my shoes And experience what I feel When my rights are denied When I am silenced Ignored Mocked Bullied Abused

  • 2014 Joint Letter to the Sponsors of Autism Speaks

2014 Joint Letter to the Sponsors of Autism Speaks

January 6, 2014 To the Sponsors, Donors, and Supporters of Autism Speaks: We, the undersigned organizations representing the disability community, are writing to urge you to end your support for Autism Speaks. We profoundly appreciate your interest in supporting the autism and broader disability communities. Our work is about empowering and supporting people with all disabilities, including adults and children on the autism spectrum, to be recognized as equal citizens in our society and afforded all of the rights and opportunities that implies. Unfortunately, Autism Speaks’ statements and actions do damage to that work and to the lives of autistic

  • Image description: Light turquoise , salmon amd fuscia rectangle colorblock. White text reads: Thanks to you information has been recorded in this thread that others may find valuable if they would like to know what some of us autistic adults think and write about in regards to the use of person first language versus the use of the word autistic. Judy Endow Ollibean"

Are You a Bully in Sheep’s Clothing?

On Dec. 16, 2013 I wrote a blog titled “Autistics Can BE Friends” and posted the link on social media sites. Regardless of how often or how many of us autistics write about why many of us choose to call ourselves autistic many in academia and in the medical fields continue on to let us know we “should not” be doing this. I am including in this blog a public conversation I had with a Linked In reader on this matter. The entire conversation had nothing to do with the blog I had posted – only the fact that I


I might be too optimistic for the reality, but I need HOPE to be able to keep demanding the rights taken away from me, just because I am me.

Autistics Can BE Friends

Just like people in the neuro majority do not automatically understand social norms of autistics so it is that autistics do not automatically understand the social norms of the neuro majority. This is not complicated. Our different neurologies sort us out to have different norms when it comes to behaviors around friendships. As a society we seem to operate on an assumption that the social ways of the majority are the right ways. We do not think about this or talk about this. We all define the standard by a majority rules mentality. Then, anyone who deviates from this standard

Ollibean and MyVoice Holiday Gift

‘Tis the season and we've teamed up with MyVoice for a special contest featuring TalkRocket Go or RocketKeys- two amazing communication aid apps for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. You choose the app that's right for you. To enter, simply subscribe to MyVoice Newsletter here . We will announce the winner on December 23rd. RocketKeys gives a voice to people with ALS, Aphasia, Autism, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, MND, and Parkinson’s, using its customizable keyboards, accessible input, and sentence prediction. TalkRocket Go is the family-friendly communication aid that helps people with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury, Parkinson’s (and

Out of the Goodness of Your Heart

I have nothing against the goodness in the hearts of other people. However, I would like to explain how it feels to be on the receiving end when I am befriended out of the goodness of your heart. First of all this doesn’t a friendship make because authentic friendships are reciprocal. This means that giving and receiving go both ways. The benefits are mutual. When you befriend me out of the goodness of your heart - and then tell me so - I understand that you are assuming the role of a kind benevolent person while I am perceived as

Real Consequences

Autism Speaks has been hurting autistics for too long. We are fighting back and we are stronger. It is time to say things like they are. This post is because I feel offended by people defending hateful speech.

  • Image description: Photograph of screenshot of C-SPAN a light skinned man with black hair. He is wearing glasses and a dark grey suit, light shirt and maroon tie. Ari Ne'eman Autistic Self Advocacy Network

The Importance of Supports

"If we invested a mere one-tenth of the amount of money that we currently pour into causation into empowering Autistic people to communicate, that young man and hundreds of thousands more like him would be able to communicate their needs to us today. I am not here today to speak for every Autistic person – that’s impossible. What I am here for is to argue for every Autistic person to have the same opportunity to communicate that I have come to enjoy thanks to the support that I have been lucky enough to receive in my life." Ari Ne'eman

Helping the Poor and Disabled

Will your attitude draw circles of holiday meaningfulness where you include yourself in what already is or will your attitude draw lines that allow you to help those poor and disabled people on the other side?

  • Image description: photograph of light skinned man with light hair using sign language . He is wearing a black blazer, blue shirt, and dark tie. Captioned white text on a black background reads" we work to further equal opportunity".

Meet the Members of the 2013 National Council on Disability

The National Council on Disability works to further equal opportunity, self-sufficiency, independent living, inclusion and full integration of people with disabilities into the civic, social, and economic fabric of American life.

Supporting United States Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Why Every Voice Counts!

CALLING ALL SENATORS .It’s time for the U.S. To take their seat at the table In support of global disability rights . RATIFY THE CRPD I have a confession to make: I can only vaguely recall skimming the e-mails that made their way to my inbox in late November and early December last year that called upon the disability community to contact their senators in support of U.S. ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It's not that I didn't realize the importance; I just thought to myself "Oh, I should help.

  • a teenage light skinned boy with freckles, wearing a black jacket, blue and white striped sweater, pink collared shirt is standing in front of large columns and steps that lead to the Lincoln Memorial

All the people saw my intelligence. No test first.

My family saw. I had hopeful times . Tracy invited me home to Vermont to learn . I went to ICI to learn. All the people saw my intelligence . No test first. It was very free. I never had many people understand. To wait. To listen. Not outside home. I did not want to go back to people unknowing. I read more words from typers watching my movie to feel community. Full presentation here

This Is Autism by Amy Sequenzia

Today we are flashblogging to counter Autism Speaks’ wrong view of autism. We are showing what autism really is. We speak for ourselves, even if Autism Speaks refuses to listen. The rest of the world will.

  • All disabled people need to know we are together fighting. Not just adults. All kids need to know the big community . Meeting people like me who made the choices of life changed all. Then I am knowing I want this life. It is hard to not have once you see.

This Is Autism by Henry Frost

Best place for all autistic people, all disabled not disabled people, all families to speak together. Speak together for acceptance, inclusion, communication, and rights for all people. I am thinking when you look closely, this is what autism is.

You are not wrong.

Know you are not a burden or trouble for being. You are a person who has every right to be. A family that is saying love but saying you are so hard so wrong for not being as they wanted. The family is wrong. Not You. A school segregating is wrong. Not You.There are many if the disability community that are here for you.

Inclusion, Communication and Civil Rights

"Learning is easy when the teacher knows you can learn. " Henry Frost

ASAN President Ari Ne’eman on the DOE’s New Stance on Bullying Prevention

Comments from Autistic Self-Advocacy Network President Ari Ne’eman, delivered on August 20th, 2013 during a call with with stakeholders from the education and disability communities on the Department of Education’s new guidance on bullying prevention and IDEA. Presenters on the call included OSEP Director Melody Musgrove and White House Associate Director of Public Engagement Claudia Gordon.

Jobless rate for disabled Americans still high 22 years after landmark law

Twenty-two years after passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, the employment rate for people with disabilities is still dismally low, and advocates want to change that. “The ADA … has made a difference in the lives of people with disabilities … but [for employment] the needle hasn’t moved,” says Helena Berger, executive vice president of the American Association of People with Disabilities in Washington.

I Am Disabled and I Am Proud

‎"Polite society often tells us that we need to take the 'dis' out of disability, but maybe... just maybe, we should spend some time putting it back in. Take the "dis" out of disability and you remove the core of what has shaped my life. Disability puts the "D" in diversity, but in order to make that a real difference we've got to own that spot. It took me 35 years to respect and honor that truth. Others shouldn't have to wait that long..." Lawrence Carter-Long

Words for Autistics Speaking Day By Judy Endow

It isn't right that autistics are in the position of needing other people to allow us our place in this world. We need to be able to take our own ticket when others refuse to give it to us. It is wrong that we have to be dependent on the benevolence of others and at their whim to merely being granted permission to participate in everyday life on planet earth. People need to learn about inclusion. Autistics need to learn to steal tickets when others can't be depended upon - some teachers in schools I consult to still don't "believe

Autistics Speaking Day – My Fingers Speak

Today is Autistics Speaking Day, a day to remind the world that we actually speak every day, even if we do it with our fingers.

How to Ignore the Media and Learn to Love Autism

Here are some suggestions on how to tune out the media's negativity and learn to love autism: 1)  Read Jim Sinclair’s “Don’t Mourn for Us”. 2)   Tell your parents, family and friends that are close (maybe even your boss) about your child's diagnosis, as you are going to need support. 3)   Let go of any preconceived ideas for birthday parties, trips to the supermarket and vacations.  Don’t worry if an event doesn't turn out exactly as planned. Sometimes the unexpected is just as wonderful. 4)   Discover what motivates your child and learn as much as you can about those topics.

Dr. Caroline Musselwhite Shares Strategies to Promote Literacy for ALL

Dr. Caroline Musselwhite addresses the topic of overall good literacy instruction.  She presents information about how to teach students with significant disabilities using fairly common literacy instruction strategies. There are  11 short video posts to help you get started.  She discusses the issues of AAC and suggests strategies that are easy to implement and highly effective.  Keep Calm and Watch On…

How It Helps

I wrote about Presumption of Competence before, and how it is important for all of us. This time I write about how it feels and how my life changed because I was assumed to be competent.

Having to Prove Competence

But now and then I meet someone who has. They believe they are doing a good thing, a noble thing. They believe they are helping. They believe that the people they are trying to help are living happier lives as a result. They believe this with all their heart. They give words, as though gifts, in grammatically correct sentences, believing people can be trained to say things and do things that will be understood by the majority of the population. They think that if they can force someone to stop moving their hands or legs or twirling bits of string

From “Severe and Low Functioning” to “Kind of a Big Deal”

Some people consider it so abhorrent to entertain the possibility of having a child with autism they are willing to do a sperm screening that allows doctors to selectively choose only sperm that will produce female children to impregnate the mother. Since there are currently four times as many autistic boys than autistic girls the thinking is that only allowing sperm that will result in girl babies at least reduces the risk of autism. Read the article Baby Sex Checks here. There are ever so many areas to address in this article and others have done so here , and here, but

Closed Captioning Helps All Students

"Not only were students talking about how much having the captions helped them as they took notes, their test scores went up," Collins said. During the first year of a 2-year case study, he showed videos without captions to establish a baseline of student comprehension, then in the second year turned on the captions and began to see improvement in comprehension and grades. "During the baseline year, there were a lot of Cs. In the second years, they went from Cs, Ds and Fs to As, Bs and Cs. It was really significant improvement," he said. "We're living in an

14 Year Old Advocates for His Civil Rights

My name is Christian Ranieri and I am a 9th Grader at Northport High School. You should know that I have a developmental disability called Autism. I have come a long way in life as I could not talk in the beginning but now I am able to express my message to you in words. When I was 5 I cried a lot and would throw myself on the floor when I got frustrated. I am proud to say that now I can speak clearly and to the best of my ability try to deal with my frustration in words.

Open Letter To Jon Stewart

When I met Jon Stewart I was very disappointed by his lack of knowledge and sensitivity toward autism. During a recent interview, while still a bit condescending, his views seem to have evolved. This is my open letter to him.

Don’t Mix Up Empathy and Civil Rights

Many times in the autism community parents of autistic children do not like autistic adults weighing in on situations that have to do with their autistic children. I am an autistic adult and often have parents telling me that I should not judge situations if I have not lived it – the “until-you-walk-a-mile-in-their-shoes” is told to me nearly every week as I post the latest news articles along with my comments on social media.

Putting Education First by That Crazy Crippled Chick

"First, we must ensure that all children, including and especially those with disabilities, receive a quality education. Inclusion means nothing if a child is not receiving a good education, which is, in fact, the very reason we have schools in the first place. " Cara Liebowitz

How Will the Affordable Care Act Affect People With Disabilities?

The Thinking Person's Guide To Autism interviews Ari Ne'eman of The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network about specific advantages, opportunities, and sticking points of the Affordable Care Act for People with Disabilities

  • .There’s none exempt from this disability community, and as a matter of fact we’re the cool community, because we accept everybody.” Keith Jones

Disability Activist Keith Jones on Community

"So let us remember that when we teach, when we educate, we make policy, we make decisions that we do it with a conscience and that we remember that we are leaving fingerprints on forever." Keith Jones

How AAC and assistive tech make classrooms better for all : Paula Kluth

In 2009, I published an article in The Reading Teacher with my colleague, Kelly Chander-Olcott, titled “Why Everyone Benefits from Including Students with Autism in Literacy Classrooms”. One of the points we make in the article is that students with disabilities often bring assistive technology and augmentative communication into classrooms and, therefore, make them richer places to learn. Students with and without disabilities who are in classrooms that use AT and AAC regularly and creatively not only may get access to unique materials, but also get to learn about learning itself. They may be able to generate ideas for using

The AbleGamers Foundation

The AbleGamers Foundation, also known as AbleGamers Charity, is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit public charity that aims to improve the overall quality of life for those with disabilities through the power of video games.Video games allow individuals with disabilities to experience situations that may be difficult or limited in the real world, provide social networking opportunities to maintain mental and emotional health, and participate in one of the world’s largest pastimes. With a three-step approach, AbleGamers works and advocates on behalf of the disability community to increase the accessibility of video games and to achieve further inclusion by those who need

11 Year Old Jacob On The Right Thing To DO

I said a long time ago that I would not only be an real student In a school that supports me but also a self advocate for those lost in segregated settings echoing the dreaded lives of people in the world that are like me without the right supports.

Issy Stapleton: Emergency Information and Autistic Community Response

Emergency information is on here, followed by commentary. Emergency information for disabled victims is first, since they are in the most immediate danger. Unfortunately, many disabled victims of violence are at the mercy of their would-be-killers. Emergency information for people who are concerned that they might murder or otherwise injure a disabled person follows. Some links are en español. Read More Here.

Dear Issy

You don't know me but I have seen your pictures. You don't know me but I know parts of your story. Soon you will wake up and a lot will have changed. You will be in a hospital because your mother did something terrible to you. I know you love your mom and things are going to be very confusing because people are going to say things that will not make sense. And you will not be able to see or talk to your mom. This is a good thing, and you will understand it later. But I don’t want

Again, We Mourn

My soul hurts and I am naming names. And I am saying, if you have a drop of sympathy for the murderers, or almost murderers, you have blood on your hands too.

  • For us, autism is not simply an add on to our personhood, but is in fact, foundational to our identity. Judy Endow

Person First Attitude Trumps Language

Am I a person with autism or autistic? Does it matter? And why?

5 Ways to Elicit Language from PrAACtical AAC

PrAACtical Suggestions: 5 Ways to Elicit Language Without Asking a Direct Question SLPs love to talk, of course, but sometimes that works against us. Over-prompting. Jumping in to repeat the last question. Re-phrasing the previous comment. Nature abhors a vacuum and sometimes we just can’t stop ourselves.

Modeling, AAC Style

Modeling AAC Style - This is a strategy that is too powerful to ignore! Here’s why Aided Language Input is at the top of our list of skills that all clinicians should master: 1. It expands our sphere of influence 2. Other communication partners will imitate us. 3. If WE use it, then parents and teachers are more likely to as well.

The Reality Behind Those Walls

The Judge Rotenberg Center is recruiting disabled students in the Midwest to be legally tortured with electric shocks. Help us stop this inhumane treatment of disabled people.

The Power of Presuming Competence

"Thasya", a mini film by Dan Habib, highlights the power of presuming competence, differentiated instruction and augmentative and alternative communication. Inclusion works.

  • Image Description: Yellow rectangle with white circle composed of different shapes and sizes of equal signs. Brown text reads "Education News To Use"

Transforming Education to Benefit ALL Students

As part of a 5-year, $24.5 million grant awarded by the U.S. DOE , the SWIFT Center was founded to assist districts and their schools to engage in a transformational process, in order to achieve equity and excellence for all students. Research has demonstrated that inclusive education significantly improves academic and behavior outcomes for all children.

We Are Not In Our Own World

We need to be careful about how we think about and talk about people with disabilities. One example is the reference that those who are autistic or deaf or blind or have some sort of movement differences are “in their own world.”

I Fall and I Rise Again

My life is in constant motion So different from a few years ago Back then I could not easily climb The wobbly ladders put in front of me I would rise and immediately fall Today I fall, I fall and I rise again The wobbly ladder still there I found my way around it I see words guiding my way I find hands that support my journey No longer I rise and fall I fall and I rise again My life like the ladder Not always in firm ground But friends won't let me down They will reach out and

Being Where I Can Simply Be

After a three-day conference, I needed to sleep. I needed to sleep because I was dreamy, trying to keep the feeling of being in a place where I can be myself and also be a little bit like a star. Also, building community.

J.Cole Writes Apology Letter to Autism Speaks

J.Cole offended many over the lyrics "I’m artistic, you is autistic, retarded" in his Jodeci Freestyle rap number. He was called on this.  The Anti-Bullying Alliance created a petition and asked for a formal apology from each rapper, as well as the offending words be removed from the song. Read the original article and letter on Complex Music here http://www.complex.com/music/2013/07/jcole-writes-apology-letter-autism-speaks.   Kuddos to J.Cole for writing an apology letter that sounds sincere. The disheartening thing about his letter is that it is addressed to Autism Speaks. J. Cole offended autistic people, not an organization – in this case an organization that

Senator’s Call for Transition Action Plan An Excellent Idea

Democrat Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey has introduced a bill focused on transition services for students with developmental disabilities who are transitioning to post-high school life. The legislation, known as the Assistance in Gaining Experience, Independence and Navigation Act of 2013, or the AGE-IN Act, calls for:  - Funding for research to determination the best ways to support students  with developmental disabilities who are about to leave school. - Creation of a nation strategic plan focused on transition planning for students with developmental disabilities. - Grants to train "transition navigators" to assist students with developmental disabilities to plan for

Inclusion is a right not a privilege.

Inclusion is not only socially just, but research shows it improves academic outcomes for all students.

  • Teenager with brown skin and dark brown hair smiling and wearing a "got inclusion" t-shirt.

I Am Here To Make A Difference For My People

"I am here to make a difference for my people. I hope that you listen to what I have to say. I want people like you to stop judging me." Tres Whitlock

Seattle Children’s Hospital Pulls Bus Ads After Community Outrage

“Autism is a disability, but it is not a disease. It is not a life-threatening illness,” said Matt Young, co-leader of ASAN-WA. “The idea it’s a state to be wiped out has much negative impact on our lives.”

  • Boy with gray shirt running in grass

Advocacy Groups Call for Autistic Teen’s Killers to Be Charged With Hate Crime

How does it make you feel when you hear a story about a mother killing her child? Does hearing that the child had a disability change how you feel? For some people, it does. It changes how they feel enough so that they'll start speaking as if they support the parent's actions, citing unbearable stress and lack of supports and not being able to take the pain to see of seeing a child with disabilities in pain. We heard the media and public talk about this in Canada when Robert Latimer put his 12-year-old daughter Tracy, who had cerebral palsy,

Ollibean Inclusive Baseball Camp August 5-16

Hope you can join us for our 2nd Annual Ollibean Inclusive Baseball Camp at Palma Ceia Little League. 2 sessions August 5- 9, and August 12-16.

The Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education – 07/12/13

This week, Carol Quirk who is the Co-Executive Director for the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education, will return to the podcast. Carol is going to talk, on behalf of the MCIE, about ways in which we can support inclusive education. The Maryland Co

  • op one fourth of book cover is a white background" Black and White" written in black text with capital letters in large font "A Colorful Look at Life on the Autism Spectrum"Beneath also in black text with capital letters written in small font . Middle section contains a color photograph of blonde light skinned woman in profile . Text in right hand corner reads A Book by S.R. Salas Bottom quarter of bookcover has a black background with white text, small font that reads "Renee provides a fascinating insight to autism, I highly recommed (her) book..."- Dr. Tony Attwood "Black and White provides an inside positive view of autism..." - Dr Temple Grandin

Ollibean Spotlight: Renee Salas

" Talk to people with disabilities. As many as you can: Adults, adolescents, kids. These people are the real experts on disabilities. These are the people that can tell you what life with a disability is like." Renee Salas

  • Photograph of woman with brown skin and dark brown shoulder length hair looking down smiling while holding her baby.

Ollibean Spotlight: Kerima Cevik Pay It Forward Activist

"Equal access, level playing field, dignity, respect for my son and all his community. No separate classrooms separate doors or isolation from others. See I’m a woman of color. When I began my education you could still see the Colored Only bathrooms in the Deep South. If you put my son in one room and say he is not good enough to be where the law says he should be, with his peers, then red flags of segregation fly up at me. Many parents of color feel the wrongness of it organically, but they have been convinced that their neurodiverse children are not good enough for their neighborhood school and that their children are a distraction or threat to typical children in some way. The different operating system in their child’s brain throws them off, particularly when maladaptive behaviors are in the mix. It leaves them feeling guilty, helpless, afraid their kids will come to harm, and they listen to anyone, even if their gut tells them the advice is unjust. I am and advocate of Universal Design for Learning. I think my son can be with his peers in age as well as ability and everyone can benefit." Kerima Cevik

Because I Stood With Henry

Because I stood with Henry I am happier today and you should too. Henry not only got his rights, he proved that presumption of competence should be the default for every student.

  • White Rectangle With ASAN logo in left corner, large black text reads "ASAN " underneath smaller black text "Autistic Self Advocacy Network" . A narrow blue line separates the grey text that reads "Nothing About Us Without Us"

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization run by and for Autistic people.

  • Thinking Person's Guide to Autism

Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism

We love Thinking Person's Guide to Autism, a community of autistics, professionals, and parents sharing what you need to know about autism.

The Need to Reassess the Sheltered Workshop

An emerging story in Rhode Island is raising discussion about sheltered workshop environments for people with intellectual disabilities and the culture of discrimination that they create. Discrimination? Yes. These environments, originally intended to ensure that people with intellectual disabilities had work to do and and a safe place in which to do it, have become the exact opposite. They're also created a culture where it's permissible to not only view people with intellectual disabilities in extremely outdated ways and to treat them accordingly. The most recent story that's brought these issues to the public's attention revolves around a a school


This is not directed at anyone in particular. It is about several people I’ve met throughout my life. I sometimes need to remind myself that being me means following my own agenda and not pleasing the ones who will not be part of my story.

People With Disabilities Practically Absent from Marketing Campaigns

ABC.com reports that despite sporadic appearances in the media and marketing campaigns, people with disabilities are still largely absent, and that many people feel that marketers in particular are losing out because of it. Blaming the absence of people with disabilities in marketing campaigns on "a combination of ignorance, caution, and fear," advocates feel that a concentrated campaign to have people with disabilities included in advertising is necessary, similar to past campaigns to have minorities included in advertising. 57 000 000 Americans have a disability, and as a group their spending power is $200 to $500 billion. They're definitely a

Not Impossible: The Story of Daniel

Five years ago (next month) our severely autistic son Daniel had a major breakthrough. This whole world is new to him: standards, peers, comradeship and competition.

Ariane Zurcher: Non-Speaking Autistic Woman Writes Book

Barb Rentenbach's funny, poignant and beautiful must-read book, I Might Be You: An Exploration of Autism and Connection, is now available as an audiobook.

Hi @KatieCouric I am #autistic & would like to talk to you about #inclusion, #communication & #civilrights #KatieAutismChat

Katie Couric will have a Twitter Chat with Autism Speaks on Wednesday May 29th at 1pm EST . Autistic people should be in the chat. hashtag #KatieAutismChat. This is my message. Hi @katiecouric I am #autistic & would like to talk to you about #inclusion, #communication & #civilrights #KatieAutismChat .    

Amy Sequenzia: Does it matter?

Should it matter that some of us are labeled intellectually disabled? Read the definitions, look at us in a realistic way and ask yourself; Does it matter? Aren’t we all worthy?

Autistic Hoya: Ordinary Lives

When I demand equal access, equal opportunity, equal rights, I'm not insisting on my superiority, innate or acquired. I don't want special treatment. I want to see the removal of cultural paradigms about what types of bodies and minds should be valued and what types of bodies and minds should be deigned for marginalization. I don't want a world that advantages me over you. I want a world where oppressive systems that ultimately hurt everyone have been overcome, dismantled.

2013 Top Ten Signs of Special Ed Advocate Burn Out

Subtitle: Why you may need a trip to a COPAA conference to relax. 1. You thought the OSEP’s MOU on NCLB’s AYP came from CDC and was about another STD. 2. You are were actually able to follow #1. 3. You asked the Advocate Committee to research OCR guidanc


This is for every person who embodies the meaning of motherhood. This is for the ones who nurture and protect, who never consider their lives more important than the lives of the ones being nourished, educated, protected and loved.

Everyone Communicates

One of our favorite resources for all things AAC!

Ostracized for Autism

"The reason for this article is to spread awareness about why people shouldn't believe everything they see or hear from powerful people and companies. Respecting authority is great, but believing everything they say may make you a brainwashed, horrible person. Also, this article was written to remind people to treat others how they'd like to be treated, and not act cold to them regardless of how different they are."

By |May 6th, 2013|Categories: Advocacy, blog, General|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
  • Presume Competence, Believe in Yourself, Treat Yourself Like You Are Your Own Best Friend, Breathe, Do Your Thing, Hug Those You Love..Every Single Day, Challenge the Paradigm, Take a Million Pictures, Play, Trust Your Gut, Keep All Records and Reports, Believe in Random Acts of Silliness, Be Informed, Think in Parallel, Turn It Up to 11, Appreciate the Beauty and Strength in Our Diversity, Question Everything, Love Deeply, Research, Own Your Difference ,Bust a Move, Know That Typical Is Overrated, Lean Into It, Embrace The Teachable Moments, Call on a Friend, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Laugh, Sleep When You Can, We Are More Alike Than We Are Different, All of a Kind, Ollibean

Happy Mother’s Day Week : Turn It Up to 11

It's that time of year .... Mother's Day Week! Is there a song that makes you think about why you love being a mom? Or a song that just reminds you of your family? Share it here.

National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability

Great resource promoting increased participation in physical activity among people of all abilities.

Abuse of Children with Intellectual Disabilities

Children with disabilities of any kind are not identified in crime statistic systems in the U.S., making it difficult to determine their risk for abuse (Sullivan, 2003). A number of weak and small-scale studies found that children with all types of disab

Game Changer: Florida Senate Unanimously Passes Special Education Bill

The Florida Senate unanimously passed Bill 1108 on April 29th.

Autistic Teen Uses Tech to Break Silence

A brilliant 16-year-old boy who has autism is breaking through his silence and making people realize what autistic kids can do. Ido Kedar has difficulty controlling his body, and he cannot talk.

Some special education teachers fear losing jobs

ATLANTA (AP) — Some Atlanta special education teachers say they fear they could lose their jobs if they aren't certified to teach in another subject. Keith Butler helps special education students with math in an Atlanta high school. He said teachers are

Law Would Give Parents Final Say About Special Diploma Track

A proposed law moving quickly through the Legislature would give parents of kids receiving special education services the final say about their child’s placement on a special diploma track.

Standing With Ashley

I stand with Ashley because she is part of our community, she is brave and she survived brutality.I stand with Ashley because I hope to show her, one day, that the joy of belonging to our caring community trumps the memories of pain.

Shouldn’t New Disability Awareness Course Be Mandatory for Police?

Kudos to New York State for making train-the-trainer disability sensitivity training available to its law enforcement officers as of April 2013, with the stipulation that police officers that take the course must take it back to their respective police agencies. But why not make the training mandatory instead of just "available"? The First Responders Disability Awareness Training Course augments the very basic curriculum in disability sensitivity offered to New York state police officers as part of their core training: 14 hours on mental illness, but only two on autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and blindness and deafness , and none on intellectual

Insight into Inclusion: The Language we Use

How do we help our children or students who are perpetually losing things, often running late and seem completely disorganized? Do we re... Teachers love a great resource! Especially a resource that is free and at their fingertips - literally. That's why

Lawsuit alleges school bus aide slapped autistic boy

A north suburban special education school bus aide slapped an autistic student who cannot speak, according to a lawsuit filed by the boy’s mother, who claims she uncovered the alleged abuse after putting a recording device in her son’s backpack. Nabiha Z

“The Story of Luke” Brings Autism to the Big Screen

But my question is, where are autistic people in the creation of the movie and the movie itself? The representation of autism and disability in film should include the actual voices of autistic people.

  • a teenage light skinned boy with freckles, wearing a black jacket, blue and white striped sweater, pink collared shirt is standing in front of large columns and steps that lead to the Lincoln Memorial

Listen Up

Listen Up! the PSA from the Autistic Self Advocacy Network and Autism Acceptance Month has been released!

The Most Important Information About AAC Use in the Classroom

Presumption of competence combined with support and collaboration from team members helps the learner with complex communication needs have a voice in the classroom.

Must Have Autism E-book

Great e-book for Autism Acceptance Month !

Autism Acceptance- All Created Equal

John Hussman on the MCIE Blog. "And then love them back. Not for who they might have been without autism, or for who they might be if they were “cured,” but as people who need to be nothing other than who they are, to be loved and accepted."

A Generational Shift in Understanding Life With Down Syndrome

"You cannot know if someone else's life is worth living without asking them and without even knowing them."

  • Autism Acceptance Month, Acceptance Is An Action

Autism Acceptance Month

"Acceptance is an action." Autism Acceptance Month from the brilliant folks at ASAN, is beyond incredible. We could read the About page again and again- and probably will. Check it out. Take the Pledge. What is Autism Acceptance Month? Autism Acceptance Month is about challenging ignorance, prejudice, fear, and hysteria about autism and autistic people. Autism Acceptance Month spreads the word that autism is both a neurological disability and a natural part of human diversity, and centers the voices of autistic people in the conversation about us. Autism Acceptance Month promotes acceptance of autistic people as family members, sons, daughters, spouses, friends, classmates, co-workers,

Reason # 202 Why You Should Come to See Wretches & Jabberers Next Weekend..

The incredible soundtrack. J. Ralph, recently nominated for an Academy Award for his song, Before My Time, for the documentary Chasing Ice, composed and performed the songs in this incredible documentary, He is joined by some of the most talented folks in music.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Stand Up for Inclusion

Presented and discussed will be the importance of inclusion and friendship for youth with disabilities. The cast and of the acclaimed feature documentary, Wretches & Jabberers will be joined by The National Center on Inclusive Education’s Mary Schuh, PhD, and Tampa advocate, 13 year old, Henry Frost.

School Says, “No Advanced Classes for Kids with IEPs”

My child has a learning disability. Her teachers want her to enroll in advanced classes. She is eligible based on her test scores and school performance. The School will not let her enroll her because she has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). What

April and Autism Acceptance at Tampa Theatre

Get your advocacy on. April and Autism Acceptance is in Tampa. The rock stars of disability advocacy- Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette- are back.

Ollibean Art for Change at USF: April. Autism. Advocacy. Acceptance.

A day of inclusive education, community acceptance, and self-advocacy at USF with Academy Award Winning Director and Stars of the Acclaimed Documentary Wretches & Jabberers, NCIE's Mary Schuh, PhD, and Tampa advocate Henry Frost. CARD (The Center for Autism and Related Disorders) at the University of South Florida) will host at USF's Marshall Hall.

Lawsuit charges Ed Department with violating student privacy rights

The U.S. Education Department is being sued by a nonprofit organization for promoting regulations that are alleged to undercut student privacy and parental consent. The rules allow third parties, including private companies and foundations

Great Resource: Musings of an Aspie

who and what some things about me was 42 when I discovered that I have Asperger’s Syndrome. When I visit the zoo, I always leave thinking that maybe I was a primatologist in another life. Or a monkey. I’ve been my own boss since I was 18. Statistics fascinate me. I own three pairs of running shoes and no dress shoes. Somehow I managed to find the one person in 7 billion who understands me and marry him. And stay married for 25 years. The single most frequent response I got from professors: “I never thought of it that way.” Usually

Autistic People Are Everywhere | Musings of an Aspie

This post is a part of today’s “Autistic people are . . .” flashblog. You may have seen the news this week that Google has promised to eliminate the problematic “Autistic people should” autocompletes in response to last week’s flashblog. They’ve said it will take time to engineer, so while the hateful autocompletes are still appearing, hopefully they’ll soon be gone. We can make a difference by speaking up. ——- Autistic people are everywhere. We sit next to you at school and on the bus. We give your dog his rabies shot, teach your kids, make your latte and sweep

Retention is Not a Form of “Specialized Instruction”

The school wanted to retain my son who has an IEP for OT, PT and Speech. They insisted he repeat second grade. I disagreed. Now in third grade, his teachers want to send him back to second grade. They say his writing is not on par with a “normal” third g

  • Photograph of three teenagers at the Obama rally.

Autistic People Are

Autistic people are people. Autistic people are complex. Autistic people are happy. Autistic people are kind. Autistic people are accepting. Autistic people are helpful. Autistic people are mentors. Autistic people are doctors. Autistic people are engineers. Autistic people are writers. Autistic people are leaders. Autistic people are accountants. Autistic people are heros. Autistic people are artists. Autistic people are models. Autistic people are film makers. Autistic people are backpackers. Autistic people are musicians. Autistic people are teachers. Autistic people are sherpas. Autistic people are trainers. Autistic people are neighbors. Autistic people are brothers. Autistic people are sisters. Autistic people are

‘Autistic People Are’ by Amy Sequenzia

Autistic People Are   Awesome!   Autistic People are the real experts on autism.   Autistic people are not more complicated than non-autistics. Autistic people are misunderstood and mischaracterized by non-autistics.   Autistic people are artistic and we don’t need speech to show our talents.   Autistic people are your friends your co-workers your children.   Autistic people are parents siblings grandparents.   Autistic people are not tragedies we are not burdens.   Autistic people are not sufferers because of autism we suffer discrimination from non-autistics.   Autistic people are “different but not less”.   Autistic people are not “Rain

Home Modifications

Not all people begin life with disabilities, but most of us will need some kind of assistance as we experience the normal process of aging. Living at home within a community increases self-esteem, which can improve mental and physical health. Another rea

  • autistic people speaking, The Loud Hands Project

“Loud Hands – Autistic People, Speaking” A Review

The title of the book should be enough for anyone who wants to know, know more or know anything, about autism and Autistics to buy it and read it.

Man with Autism, Caregiver Shot by Off-Duty Officer

A man with autism and his caregiver were shot by an off-duty Camden police officer, who thought his home was being burglarized, according to the Camden County Prosecutor's Office. NBC10's Katy Zachry talked with investigators who say the 21-year-old man had just been dropped off at his home on the 2800 block of Arthur Avenue by his special needs school in Cherry Hill and was met at his house by his caretaker. Investigators say instead of going to his front door, the 21-year-old with autism went across the street and started banging very loudly on a neighbor's door. Investigators tell

By |February 23rd, 2013|Categories: Articles, Autism, Developmental Disabilities, General|Tags: