• Faded Image of ocean and waves and rocks. Text reads WILL THE SELF-ADVOCACY SKILLS WE TEACH OUR YOUTH TODAY SERVE THEM WELL IN THEIR ADULTHOOD? Judy Endow ,MSW, Ollibean logo

Autism, Transition Programs and the Impact of Poverty on Self-Advocacy

I am an autistic woman who has lived both in poverty and as a middle-income person during my adult life. I am noticing how self-advocacy is typically geared toward middle-income status. This could be problematic since many autistic adults live in poverty. Based upon my experience I have come to realize that middle class self-advocacy works fine if in fact you are a middle-income person, but doesn’t work well if you are a poor person.   I will explain this more using an example from my life as a poor person versus a middle class person.   Dental Experience as

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