Christmas Wish for Children and Teachers of Sandy Hook
We wanted to do something that would specifically honor some of the passions and characteristics the victims families described.
30 Ways to Support Sandy Hook Families Now
The victims and families have been and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We've compiled a list of the ways to honor and remember these children and adults who were taken far too early. Remember. Honor. Celebrate. The children and teachers of Sandy Hook. Josephine Gay, 6 Donations may be made to Joey’s Fund in her name through the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism. The proceeds of this fund will help families raising autistic children. Daniel Barden, 6 Donations may be made to Sandy Hook School Support Fund, c/o Newtown Savings Bank, 39 Main
Chase Kowalski, 7
In lieu of flowers please make a donation to the Chase Kowalksi Scholarship Fund, c/o Peoples Bank, 470 Monroe Tpke., Monroe, CT 06468.