• Disabled people aren’t, and don’t want to be: charity causes, or objects of inspiration porn, or gifts , or angels. Amy Sequenzia on Ollibean

Disabled TV Character and Positive Outcomes

One Person At A Time I wrote about this before but I want to emphasize a few points. I am talking about the effect of television, or any media, on how disabilities, and disabled people, are perceived by the non-disabled world. Specifically, I want to emphasize the - hopefully - positive effects of one TV show on its fans' views on disability and disabled lives. The show is X Company and this article contains spoilers. I will talk, again, about the character "Ulli". Quick recap: Ulli was a young boy with Down Syndrome, being kept as a secret by his

Disability History and Pop Culture

X Company is respectfully educating viewers about the ableism, discrimination and elimination of disabled people during the war. Hopefully, it will make more people aware of how disabled people are still discriminated against and abused in unthinkable ways.

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