You can read about it on Autistic People Should .
Autistic people should be proud.
All people should be proud.
Autistic people should be happy to be who they are.
All people should be happy to be who they are.
Autistic people should have communication, inclusion and civil rights.
All people should have communication, inclusion and civil rights.
Autistic people should not be left out of autism groups.
Autistic people should have the right to say autistic people not person with autism.
Autistic people should be included.
All people should be included.
Ollibean “Autistic people should be proud.”
Yes! Everyone should have the same access and opportunities.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Awesome! Yes!
This is Henry’s post for the flash blog today. Henry rules!
@[100002973850175:2048:Henry] =Autistic Badass! EEEEEEEEE!!
Love this!
This is wonderful, Henry!
Yes, indeed, your special in many ways, and just love you all:)