
  • Photograph of open book on a table Text reads "Autism and Changing Classroom Strategies .It is hard to entertain having been wrong, especially when you know it may have negatively affected the lives of children. Judy Endow, MSW on Ollibean"

Autism and Changing Classroom Strategies

2024-05-03T19:59:44+00:00By |Author, Autism, blog, Cross Disability, General, Inclusive Education, Inclusive Education, Judy Endow|

The field of autism is very new – not even 100 years old yet! This means we are constantly learning new things. We now know that what works for most children to learn does not always work for autistic children. In fact, it can be detrimental to their learning. Those of us in the field of autism will likely need to change the way we deliver help to those who seek it and change the way we teach our students.

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