describe your family in 3 words
2024-08-05T22:34:10+00:00By Ollibean|Forums, General, Inclusion, Inclusion, Ollibean Brothers & Sisters, Ollibean Brothers & Sisters, Ollibean Family, Ollibean Mama Spotlight|9 Comments
About the Author: Ollibean
Ollibean is a dynamic community of parents, families and advocates in the disability community working together for a more socially just, accessible and inclusive world.
loving, and slightly bizarre.
sounds like home
from one of our fabulous tweeps..@inclusive_class “adventurous, musical, silly :) “
passionate, learned & contagious.
Loving, crazy, and beyond :)
excellent. weird. perfect.
funny. excellent. weird.
Family is Contagious! Three words…..but really only one! You are learned Renee Starowicz. I am giving my daughter away tomorrow, and I was looking for a word. It is the word contagious! Thank you, and I think you understand….the word family.