Educators should use the appropriate equipment properly to ensure that physical education programing for students with students with disabilities is safe, effective, and inclusive.
Appropriate equipment can help children and youth with disabilities participate in appropriate physical activity. Athletic equipment might need to be modified for safe use by some children and youth with disabilities. For other students with disabilities, specialized equipment may be needed.
Activities involving the use of modified or specialized equipment can replace other less safe activities. Treadmills, for example, are effective in providing predictable walking and running conditions, which can be necessary and appropriate for some individuals with disabilities (Stanish, 2010). As another example, gaming systems that support movement detection technologies (e.g., Wii, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3) can be used by some children and youth with disabilities to participate in sport simulations (Foley, 2010).
Physical growth and development and changes in ability require continuous reevaluation and, as needed, modification of the fit and functionality of equipment for children and youth with disabilities.
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