The Disability and Abuse Project focuses on individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities who are victims of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. This includes all aspects of crime, such as crime victimization, reducing the risk of becoming a victim, support to the individual and family members when crime does occur, as well as providing guidance for psychotherapy and legal support.
The project works with those who respond to crime reports, including police and sheriff personnel at all levels (patrol, investigators, detectives, dispatchers), prosecutors, protective services professionals, SANEs, victims advocates, and any others. It provides technical assistance, training programs, and training curricula. The project offers educational programs and consultation to schools, adult day programs and other groups to enhance awareness of the problems and encourage risk reduction programs as well as information on mandated reporting.
The project also provides support to defense attorneys to make sure that defendants with developmental disabilities receive a fair trial and that they are sentenced appropriately to their culpability. Finally, the project maintains national and international support through its listserv and the new feature of a weekly newsfeed, with all articles from the past week on the topic, keeping subscribers to the listserv up-to-date. Through the listserv, participants can reach out to each other for resources, answers to questions, hot discussions, and maintain a sense of community.
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