Check out more great films by Dan Habib at Who Cares About Kelsey, Including Samuel, Restraint and Seclusion:Hear Our Stories and on Ollibean here , here .
The Power of Presuming Competence
2024-08-01T14:56:40+00:00By Ollibean|AAC, Advocacy In Action, Autism, blog, Cross Disability, General, Inclusion, Inclusion Resources, Inclusive Education, Resources, Video|6 Comments
About the Author: Ollibean
Ollibean is a dynamic community of parents, families and advocates in the disability community working together for a more socially just, accessible and inclusive world.
A powerful message!
This is an amazing example on how Inclusion works! If only Hillsborough County (and all counties) would implement this…..
so many people could learn from this, including real housewives on TV that have autism in their family.
Great information, I joined.
Love how those teachers worked with her and how those children will be become better adults because of what these teachers have taught them, accepting of all.
Always has been the best message all children can learn you just have to find out how. Great work!