Because I, as a disabled person, am not safe from wrong assumptions, stigma and hatred.
Belgium passed legislation that allows children of any age to be euthanized. Supporters say there are safeguards and protections that guarantee that only terminally ill children, suffering unbearable pain, and with parental consent would be granted the death at the hands of doctors.
To me, there are not enough guarantees.
It is a slippery slope. The child will probably hear this from the family before she even understands what is at stake:
*I* am tired of your suffering
*I* can’t bear to see you like this
*I* hope your pain ends soon
*I* wish I could put an end to this
It is about the parent (family) before it is about the child. It is about manipulation (even not so conscious manipulation). Children are vulnerable and immature, naturally. Change the situation where a sex predator manipulates a child into saying the “relationship” is consensual, and the idea of a child making such important decision would not be accepted as informed and mature.
The euthanasia slippery slope gets even more dangerous. It gets dangerous for people like me.
Disabled lives are not valued. When we are murdered, it is called “mercy” killing. In my country, there is legislation that calls for a national effort to “combat” me.
The Combating Autism Act is the result of lobbying from groups that never listen to Autistics, that call me a tragic destroyer of marriages, that affirm I suffer and am in pain, that say I will bankrupt the economy.
Some of these groups’ members like to post videos of their Autistic children in their most vulnerable moments. They post videos of their children having meltdowns as if this is the only thing the children do all day, every day; parents who talk about their children as if they are the enemy that invaded and controls the family life.
They want to combat autism by eliminating Autistics, by preventing Autistics, as if we are the enemy. They promote eugenics.
See why I fear euthanasia?
This specific legislation from Belgium allows euthanasia of a suffering child, with a terminal disease, who is in constant pain.
Autism is not an illness, but it is for life. So, yes we are going to die Autistic. Not from autism, but this detail seems to conveniently scape some people and organizations.
The Combating Autism Act treats autism as an illness and the legislation supporters say we are suffering and in pain. The Autistic child in America becomes the terminally ill and suffering child from Belgium.
Many of us cannot speak or lack a reliable method of communication, or a method that is understandable to the majority.
What happens in one part of the world influences people all over the world. When two dangerous legislations collide, my life is in danger, Autistic lives are in danger, disabled lives are in danger.
Stop combating children
Stop combating Autistic children
Stop combating Autistics
Stop combating us.
Stop combating me.
Your strength and bravery is immeasurable! Thank You.
Thank you so much for writing this. Quebec also passed euthanasia legislation and as an Aspie , this worries me a lot.