
  • boy wearing a turquoise tshrt that reads "Not being able to speak is not the same as not having anything to say" sitting on couch one hand on iPad one hand on his dog . The dog is yellow lab/golden mix .

Autistic Student’s Top 10 List for Teachers of Students with Special Needs #2

2024-08-05T23:13:21+00:00By |Advocacy, Author, blog, Communication, General, Henry, Henry Frost, Inclusion, Inclusion, Inclusive Education, Ollibean Brothers & Sisters, Ollibean Family|

Top ten things Autistic student wants teachers, therapists and friends to know about students with special needs... they may be shocking to some of you, but hopefully to most they are exactly what you expect. Here's number 2.

  • Girl with brown hair , blue tshirt is holding an iPad out in front of her. Her face is obscured by the iPad. Boy with Brown Hair holds a white sign that says " The Civil Rights Act of 1964 granted equal rights to all people. I am a person. I want these rights.

A Sister Stands with Her Brother: I Am Heard, I Am Important, and I Am Included

2024-08-05T23:13:47+00:00By |Advocacy, blog, Editor's Picks, Featured (Homepage), General, Inclusive Education, Lifestyle, Think Tank|

No one wants to be the excluded one, the one to stand alone in silence, the one left out of the conversation. No one wants to be forgotten. So why are some individuals treated this way? Luckily it just takes one person to stand up and include, and the rest will follow. Be that person, take a stand, make a difference.

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