First Day of School

Today is the first time that Henry has not had a First day of School. He is not allowed to go to his neighborhood school that is about 200 yards from our home.

Ollibean Talks to Ray Ellis, director of “Certain Proof: A Question of Worth”

"All of these children have one thing in common. They were always having to prove themselves, over and over and over again." Ray Ellis

  • woman reading a book in lounge chair with ocean in background

Ollibean Mama Spotlight

Connect and learn with other parents like Tonya who presume competence and celebrate their children for being exactly who they are. #allofakind

Change Leader Marianne Russo

Change Leader Marianne Russo of The Coffee Klatch Special Needs Talk Radio answers our questions. We talk to her about why she started the Coffee Klatch interactive network and she answers our Ollibean Questionairre.

Perfect Ballet Slippers from Linge Shoes

We are obsessed with these ballet slippers from Linge Shoes. We get the skinny from designer/entrepreneur Whitney Evans about her exquisite shoes- perfect for moms and daughters alike.

Ollibean Baseball Camp July 10th – Aug 2nd

Ollibean Baseball Camp info! From July 10th through August 2nd , 8am to 10am  free baseball camp for kids with special needs at Palma Ceia Little League. The amazing sister and brother team of Katie and Sam Martin have put together a great baseball camp for Ollibean ! Thanks to our friends and Challenger League Leaders and Palma Ceia Little League, camp will take place at PCLL Field C this Tues July 10 (from 8am to 10 am ) through August 2nd!! You do not have to attend the entire time but you are certainly welcome to. It is free and

  • “My heroes are the everyday people who have grace and kindness for others regardless of their difficulties or successes.” orthopedic surgeon. change leader. human.

Change Leader: Dr. Charles Price

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? "More acceptance, tolerance and understanding. Everyone is trying to get through life the best way they know how. Some are dysfunctional while others are externally successful. Not everything is as it seems on the surface".

  • ollibean think tank inclusion advocate. talk show host. human. Nicole Eredics

Introducing Ollibean Think Tank Member Nicole Eredics

We are very proud to introduce Ollibean Think Tank member, Nicole Eredics of the Inclusive Class . We know you are going to learn as much from Nicole as we have. She is kind, extremely knowledgeable, and beyond lovely. She really is the consummate teacher. Listen to any one of her podcasts or read her blogs and you'll see what we mean. Nicole is very committed  to inclusion and we are grateful to have her share her knowledge with us. Welcome, Nicole! Hello! I’m Nicole Eredics and I’m an Elementary Teacher who has spent over 15 years teaching in an inclusive school

  • parenting

Jedd Hafer of Love and Logic ® answers your parenting questions

We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Jedd Hafer, of Love & Logic® and asked him some of our questions. Jed's one of those people that you start talking to and feel like you've known him forever.

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