Apple Celebrates Autism Acceptance Month with “Dillan’s Voice”
Autistic high school student Dillan Barmache, has so much to say and people around the world are listening. "Dillan's Voice" can be seen on Apple's website in celebration of Autism Acceptance Month. Apple has chosen Acceptance over Awareness and it's a big deal. Why ? Because 16 year old Dillan Barmache communicates using an iPad, you don't see that in the mainstream media every day. And because Autism Acceptance Month was started by #ActuallyAutistic people. ( You can read more about it's evolution from organizer Paula Durbin-Westby ) The world is listening and it's so exciting. Not being able to speak doesn't mean you don't have a
Holiday Giveaway!
We are so grateful to each and everyone of you who make our community so wonderful. We are celebrating you and the holidays by giving away some of our favorite things. Today's giveaway is our "Inclusion- it's everybody's classroom" mug.
Assumptions and Ableism
I've recently read an article about how some researches are slowly starting to debunk long held assumptions about autism, Autistics, functioning labels, and how the world needs to provide more appropriate education to “all” Autistics. This is a quote from a researcher (Laurent Mottron): "Early childhood interventions should focus on harnessing strengths, rather than erasing the difference between autistic children and neurotypical kids" Of course, Actually Autistic people have been saying this forever. We have been warning parents about the damages caused by "therapies" that seek to train Autistics to make us look "indistinguishable from our peers” for a long
Autism and Changing Classroom Strategies
The field of autism is very new – not even 100 years old yet! This means we are constantly learning new things. We now know that what works for most children to learn does not always work for autistic children. In fact, it can be detrimental to their learning. Those of us in the field of autism will likely need to change the way we deliver help to those who seek it and change the way we teach our students.
Accommodations – They Make All The Difference
Accommodations are important and they work. I should not be making a big deal about it. The ADA is 25 years old. Sadly, getting the accommodations we, disable people need, is often the opposite of simple. If you have been reading my posts, you know that I am very visibly disabled. I am also proud, and I don't try to be someone other than myself. I do require a lot of supports, and once I have them, I can do anything I set up as goals. I have goals, or simply things I want to do, that most people
Surviving Inclusion: At The Intersection of Minority, Disability and Resegregation
Kerima Çevik on Surviving Inclusion: At The Intersection of Minority, Disability and Resegregation “I see the work of inclusion as probably the last frontier of desegregation. If you read the brief from Brown v Board of Ed, The board of education argued that if we let the blacks be integrated then the next thing you know is that we’ll be letting people with disabilities be integrated.” Joe Petner, Principal, The Haggerty School, Including Samuel NAACP picketing St. Louis schools circa 1950s. Photo credit AARP In October of 2008, we discovered that our son, who was transferred into a full special education
On Surviving Inclusion
On Surviving Inclusion by Kerima Cevik Three young Black soldiers, bubbling over with the news that the Civil Rights act was just signed into law, and ready to demand a front door entrance and equal treatment everywhere rushed around places where people of color were formerly unseen and unheard. Image is of the first page of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Credit National Archives. I cannot impart on you what this moment in time meant to them. Imagine being told all your life that you were less than others. Imagine approaching your local supermarket
National Catholic Board on Full Inclusion
National Catholic Board of Full Inclusion has a vision of full inclusion in Catholic schools for students with disabilities. Our mission is to inspire schools to begin the process of becoming inclusive, to educate teachers, parents, principals and priests on what it takes to be an inclusive school and to provide the educational research and real life experiences that support it. National Catholic Board of Full Inclusion on Facebook
How Being Included Changed This Boy’s Life
Having opportunities to learn with everyone could access more opportunities for all.
Isn’t it a Pity? The Real Problem with Special Needs
The Real Problem with Special Needs We love this TEDx Talk from our friend, Torrie Dunlap, at Kids Included Together on benefits of inclusion and the real "problem" with special needs. Isn’t it a Pity? The Real Problem with Special Needs Torrie Dunlap, CEO, Kids Included Together Feeling Good about Casting Someone with Special Needs in the Show In the early 90s I was a student on this very campus, and actually, on this very stage. I was a drama major who had a dream to change the world through arts education. The world, however, had something different in
#IMREADY for Inclusive Media and Advertising
Hey JCREW #IMREADY for change. We want YOU to include models with disabilities in 2015. We want YOU to be part of the #15in2015 . 15 retailers including models with disabilities in 2015. Note: Changing the Face of Beauty quickly met its #15in2015 so now it's #15in2015 x 2! We want YOU to be part of the #15in2015 x 2 retailers including models with disabilities in 2015. We're thrilled to take part in the #IAMREADY campaign by Changing the Face of Beauty to promote inclusion in advertising. We believe everyone should see themselves reflected in all aspects of their community
We can all use a daily reminder that we are loved, accepted and adored for being exactly who we are. Ollibean Goods of the Day- "LOVED as I am" , "You Are Loved" and "I Am Loved" .
Ollibean Goods – Gifts That Celebrate Inclusion and Diversity
Ollibean Goods - gifts that celebrate inclusion and diversity . Ollibean Goods donates 10 % of net proceeds to fund literacy programs and provide iPads for communication .
Attitudes – Grading People
Parents and family of disabled people should start demanding that everyone who is part of their children lives stops using functioning labels. We don’t need to be graded. We already have value.
The Case for Inclusion on The Inclusive Class Podcast
Check Out Education Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with The Inclusive Class Podcast on BlogTalkRadio
Attitudes – Communication
Communication is not only speaking, typing, texting or signing. Communication is also being able to listen and understand, being accommodated to make interaction possible.
Attitudes – Introduction
When you are disabled there is a lot going against you. Not that disability is the worst thing someone can experience. It is not. Disability can be hard and some things can be very difficult to deal with. Some of us need medication and managing this can be difficult; some of us experience pain and this can be energy draining; others might have trouble with sensory processing; some might even need hospitalization from time to time. Different disabilities require different approaches, and different types of accommodations. What non-disabled people should remember is that we either learn how to live as
More on Inclusion on Ollibean
Information and resources on Inclusion for parents, providers and children with special needs.
Cheryl Jorgensen
Dr. Cheryl Jorgensen's website is an excellent resource for information about inclusive education, best practices, differentiated instruction, universal design, curriculum adaptation, writing standards based IEPs, facilitating social relationships and much more!
Lizzie Velasquez: Inspiring & Empowering a More Positive Online Environment
At only 25, Lizzie Velaquez is a motivational speaker, the subject of an upcoming documentary and author. In her viral TedX Talk, How Do YOU Define Yourself , Lizzie asks the audience to consider what defines them, and whether they're going to choose to give up in the face of negativity from others, or whether they're going to choose to be happy. After finding a video on Youtube which called her the ugliest woman in the world, Lizzie decided she was not going to let someone who had never met her, bully her – much less, define her. Lizzie has
On Disparity in Education: The Risks and Bravery of Being First
Being one of the first or the only students with any discernible divergence in any characteristic is dangerous, difficult, and involves tremendous courage. Over 50 years ago, at the beginning of a school year, the Little Rock Nine walked with angry white mobs behind them into their local high school to exercise their right to a public education with their white peers. Initially, the Arkansas national guard blocked their entrance by order of the Arkansas governor. Eventually, President Eisenhower ordered my stepfather's unit, the 101 airborne division, excluding my stepfather and all black soldiers, to escort the students to and
Accessibility Is a Right Not a Privilege
Accessibility is a right not a privilege. 20 posts on Accessibility, Universal Design, and Inclusion It's Time to Go Beyond Access Creating Equal Opportunities For ALL Students to Participate in School Athletics State Obligations UNESCO Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) Inclusion Is A Right Not A Privilege Paula Kluth on The Inclusive Class Roundtable The National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials Why Would We Want Inclusive Education? Ollibean Spotlight: Kerima Cevik Pay It Forward Activist How AAC and assistive tech make classrooms better for all : Paula Kluth The Case for Inclusion Part 3: Sea Change Access to the
Autism, Growing Up and Defining Friends
As an autistic, I have difficulties in the social arena in a multitude of ways. This was especially true during my growing up years. Even today as an adult, automatic social understanding is not my strong suit. I am, however, able to continually learn new things that enable me to do and be all I want in this world. Today, in my professional work I am able to provide some input to a variety of organizations and schools in regards to individuals with an autism label. One thing I consistently see regardless of where I go is the practice of
The Benefits of Real Food
Guest post from Chasing the Spring's Dani Johnson on the life changing benefits of a blenderized diet made for her daughter. We were drawn to the great recipes Dani shares as well as her experience of learning from adult g-tube users.
Autism, Airports and Lifelong Learning
For most of my life airports have befuddled me. It didn’t so much matter earlier in my life because the only time I used an airport was to go to visit my parents in another state. Back then, before we had the heightened security of today, people were allowed to meet passengers as they stepped off the plane which allowed me to simply follow them through the airport without needing to concern myself with the confusion all around me. In My 40’s Then, airport security changed. People picking up passengers could no longer go through the security checkpoint. I
@sesameworkshop This Autistic Wants to Say
Today we #EducateSesame and ask Sesame Workshop to listen to Autistics, to respond to our concerns and to end their partnership with Autism Speaks.
Is Autism a Disability or a Difference?
So many ideas in the larger autism community often become a debate. As an autistic this black-or-white, choose-your-side sort of thinking is very neurologically friendly to me. I like clear choices. But I also believe we are often unwittingly duped into believing we need to choose a side only because the idea is presented as a dichotomous choice. “Is autism a disability or a difference?” is one of these questions posed as a dichotomous choice in the autism community. The way the question is posed gives the impression that there is one correct answer. When Autism is a “Difference” Many
Autistic Pride
I am proud of being Autistic And of my Autistic friends I am proud of young Autistics Who have Autistic pride They amaze me I am proud of young Autistics Who are discovering themselves They are learning to understand the world Through creative Autistic eyes They make me smile Young Autistics showering us with love Bonding, sharing, exploring and laughing With words, gestures and looks Their Autistic selves leading the way They lead their own way Henry stands up for his right to be We follow his lead and stand with him He teaches the meaning of never giving up
Why The Lie We’ve Been Sold About Disability Is The Greatest Injustice
Stella Young of Ramp Up explains the Social Model of Disability, Inspiration Porn, and the lie we've been sold about disability in this nine minute TED Talk. Stella Young Transcript I grew up in a very small country town in Victoria. I had a very normal, low key kind of upbringing. I went to school, I hung out with my friends, I fought with my younger sisters. It was all very normal. And when I was 15, a member of my local community approached my parents and wanted to nominate me for a "Community Achievement Award". And my parents
The Importance of Opportunity
Dillan Barmache, a 14 year old autistic student, delivers his powerful 8th grade commencement speech using his iPad and brings the crowd to their feet.
Losing an Autism Diagnosis
I am an almost 60-year-old autistic woman who can navigate the world in a way that surprises some people when they find out I have autism. My teen years were spent in an institution because people did not know what to do with my “behaviors” or with me. Today I am a self-employed author, speaker, consultant and artist with a master’s degree in Social Work. Question: Did I lose my autism diagnosis? Official Answer: Yes and No No, an Autism Diagnosis Cannot Be “Lost” Technically, once a person is diagnosed with anything that diagnosis becomes part of their medical records.
Some call him a kid Others say he is a young man But whatever you call him You need to know this: He is courageous Brave and resilient He will fight and he will win It can be a fight for his rights When enemies come disguised as condescension It can be a fight for his dreams He will mobilize an army of friends To Stand With Him He is an example to many He showed other students the possibilities Henry does not fight for himself He is changing perceptions, changing the world Henry is a leader
Cry Me a River, Katrina Percy. Justice for LB!
I originally wrote this piece for the blog I asked for permission to reprint it to help raise awareness on this side of the Atlantic about the story. If you'd like to get involved with Justice for LB and 107 Days of Action, please click here. I've recently been made aware of the story of the death of a young autistic man in the UK that's not getting any press that I'm aware of in the U.S. or Canada. I'd like to tell you Connor Sparrowhawk's story. Connor Sparrowhawk, known as "Laughing Boy" or "LB" to his friends and
Skunk Hair, Autism and Social Understanding
There is a saying, “love makes the world go round,” but for real it is NOT love. Instead, it is hidden curriculum that makes the world go round! Hidden curriculum is all that social information that most people know even though they were never actually taught it. An example is the rule “don’t pick your nose” with the hidden curriculum being it is perfectly fine to pick your nose as long as nobody sees you doing it. Many people with autism have difficulty with hidden curriculum. Their brains are not wired to allow them to automatically pick up this untaught,
SWIFT on NPR’s “All Things Considered”
by Dr. Mary Schuh: SWIFT Center Recently, National Public Radio’s (NPR) “All Things Considered” aired a story on inclusive education. The story featured Presidio Middle School in San Francisco and SWIFT Filmmaker, Dan Habib. While Presidio Middle School should be applauded for their efforts to educate students with and without disabilities, what was portrayed by NPR would by no means be considered an inclusive school. Students with disabilities placed in a separate basement class learning functional “survival” skills does not make for an inclusive experience. How can students with disabilities learn important “survival skills” such as communication, literacy, following typical
Inclusion – How it Works Best for This Autistic
As an autistic, I sometimes feel boxed in by the best practice strategy of inclusion. Please don’t get me wrong – inclusive education is a very good thing! Historically, people with disabilities were not given access to public education. Then, over time, laws changed. Today we have special ed classrooms in our schools and the progressive schools practice inclusion. Today’s Inclusive Education Inclusion means that all the students get to learn in the general ed environment. Instruction is differentiated while physical, sensory, emotional and every other need of each student is taken into consideration so that all students learn together,
Dan Habib: Disabling Segregation
Dan Habib's Tedx Talk on the importance of inclusion, belonging and disabling segregation. Habib is the creator of the award winning documentaries, Including Samuel, Who Cares About Kelsey, Restraint and Seclusion: Hear Our Stories, Thalia and other disability related subjects . Check out Dan's Tedx Talk on the benefits of inclusive education for students with and without disabilities. Picture yourself back in your grade school classroom. I don't care if it's elementary school, middle school, high school. Just put yourself back there for a second. Look around the classroom. Do you see any kids with and without disabilities studying together
Hashtag Hate and How Pride Can Prevail
Guest blogger Kara Ayers is the Advocacy and Dissemination Coordinator for The University of Cincinnati University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UC UCEDD) and has been featured on Disability Blog the official blog for As a child, my family considered "hate" to be a bad word. We're teaching my preschool daughter the same. Someday I will teach her the tragic impact of hate and the freedom that it has stolen and continues to steal from so many. For now-I don't want her vocabulary or her mind limited by slurs and hate-filled language. As someone who works in social
Kids’ Mobility Devices Just Got Cooler
A Fun Alternative to Children's Mobility Devices
Who Cares About Kelsey? We do.
We first saw Who Cares About Kelsey ? at the National Center on Inclusive Education’s Summer Institute and instantly connected to the film's message of empowering students.
Judith Snow ~ Relationships & Inclusion
"The research shows that when a child who is not academically gifted is included in a regular school, not only do the academics improve across the school, and I did say that, I didn’t say “in the classroom”, I said “across the school”, not only do the academics improve, but drug use and violence goes down."
Worth A Second Look: Haben Girma’s 2010 Speech on 35th Anniversary of IDEA
"One of the treasures of IDEA is that it provides children with disabilities the luxury of just being students. Unfortunately there are still many school districts where students with disabilities are denied their right to an education." Haben Girma
Meet the Members of the 2013 National Council on Disability
The National Council on Disability works to further equal opportunity, self-sufficiency, independent living, inclusion and full integration of people with disabilities into the civic, social, and economic fabric of American life.
Supporting United States Ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Why Every Voice Counts!
CALLING ALL SENATORS .It’s time for the U.S. To take their seat at the table In support of global disability rights . RATIFY THE CRPD I have a confession to make: I can only vaguely recall skimming the e-mails that made their way to my inbox in late November and early December last year that called upon the disability community to contact their senators in support of U.S. ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It's not that I didn't realize the importance; I just thought to myself "Oh, I should help.
Inclusion, Communication and Civil Rights
"Learning is easy when the teacher knows you can learn. " Henry Frost
ASAN President Ari Ne’eman on the DOE’s New Stance on Bullying Prevention
Comments from Autistic Self-Advocacy Network President Ari Ne’eman, delivered on August 20th, 2013 during a call with with stakeholders from the education and disability communities on the Department of Education’s new guidance on bullying prevention and IDEA. Presenters on the call included OSEP Director Melody Musgrove and White House Associate Director of Public Engagement Claudia Gordon.
I Am Disabled and I Am Proud
"Polite society often tells us that we need to take the 'dis' out of disability, but maybe... just maybe, we should spend some time putting it back in. Take the "dis" out of disability and you remove the core of what has shaped my life. Disability puts the "D" in diversity, but in order to make that a real difference we've got to own that spot. It took me 35 years to respect and honor that truth. Others shouldn't have to wait that long..." Lawrence Carter-Long
Creating Equal Opportunities For ALL Students to Participate in School Athletics
Educators should use the appropriate equipment properly to ensure that physical education programing for students with students with disabilities is safe, effective, and inclusive. EQUIPMENT Appropriate equipment can help children and youth with disabilities participate in appropriate physical activity. Athletic equipment might need to be modified for safe use by some children and youth with disabilities. For other students with disabilities, specialized equipment may be needed. Activities involving the use of modified or specialized equipment can replace other less safe activities. Treadmills, for example, are effective in providing predictable walking and running conditions, which can be necessary and appropriate for
ASL-STEM: Expanding American Sign Language’s Place in the Sciences
The ASL-STEM (Enabling American Sign Language to grow in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Forum is up and running! The purpose of ASL-STEM's online community is to bring educators, interpreters, captioners, students, and others together in order to help build ASL's technical vocabulary from the ground up.
Dr. Caroline Musselwhite Shares Strategies to Promote Literacy for ALL
Dr. Caroline Musselwhite addresses the topic of overall good literacy instruction. She presents information about how to teach students with significant disabilities using fairly common literacy instruction strategies. There are 11 short video posts to help you get started. She discusses the issues of AAC and suggests strategies that are easy to implement and highly effective. Keep Calm and Watch On…
Inclusion: The Right Thing for All Students – WNYC
We have reached the tipping point where it is no longer educationally or morally defensible to continue to segregate students with disabilities. We shouldn’t be striving to educate children in the least restrictive environment but rather in the most inclusive one.
Putting Education First by That Crazy Crippled Chick
"First, we must ensure that all children, including and especially those with disabilities, receive a quality education. Inclusion means nothing if a child is not receiving a good education, which is, in fact, the very reason we have schools in the first place. " Cara Liebowitz
Sign Language Researchers Broaden Science Lexicon
Imagine trying to learn biology without ever using the word “organism.” Or studying to become a botanist when the only way of referring to photosynthesis is to spell the word out, letter by painstaking letter. For deaf students, this game of scientific Password has long been the daily classroom and laboratory experience. Words like “organism” and “photosynthesis” — to say nothing of more obscure and harder-to-spell terms — have no single widely accepted equivalent in sign language. This means that deaf students and their teachers and interpreters must improvise, making it that much harder for the students to excel in
Judith Heumann: Changing the System
Her activism is clearly rooted in a strong sense of justice. Early on she learned that if she wanted to be part of society she was going to have to fight for the right. "I had no choice because, as a disabled person, I was going to either have to get involved with changing the system that limited me or not participate in society," she says. In 2010, Ms. Heumann became the first-ever special adviser for international disability rights at the US State Department. Her job: Promote and protect the rights of people with disabilities internationally and ensure that US
How AAC and assistive tech make classrooms better for all : Paula Kluth
In 2009, I published an article in The Reading Teacher with my colleague, Kelly Chander-Olcott, titled “Why Everyone Benefits from Including Students with Autism in Literacy Classrooms”. One of the points we make in the article is that students with disabilities often bring assistive technology and augmentative communication into classrooms and, therefore, make them richer places to learn. Students with and without disabilities who are in classrooms that use AT and AAC regularly and creatively not only may get access to unique materials, but also get to learn about learning itself. They may be able to generate ideas for using
Rion Paige on X Factor
Rion Paige blew everyone away at the "X Factor" audition. This beautiful, charismatic 13 year old has an absolutely incredible voice and exudes such confidence and poise it’s hard to believe she ‘s only 13. Rion has arthogryposis multiplex congenta which causes joint contractures and vision loss. Rion spoke about her audition on the "X Factor", “Ever since I was little I‘d just try to find a way to get to a microphone, put it in between my knees and try to get it in my foot, put it in my mouth. But sometimes I just get really frustrated whenever
The AbleGamers Foundation
The AbleGamers Foundation, also known as AbleGamers Charity, is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit public charity that aims to improve the overall quality of life for those with disabilities through the power of video games.Video games allow individuals with disabilities to experience situations that may be difficult or limited in the real world, provide social networking opportunities to maintain mental and emotional health, and participate in one of the world’s largest pastimes. With a three-step approach, AbleGamers works and advocates on behalf of the disability community to increase the accessibility of video games and to achieve further inclusion by those who need
11 Year Old Jacob On The Right Thing To DO
I said a long time ago that I would not only be an real student In a school that supports me but also a self advocate for those lost in segregated settings echoing the dreaded lives of people in the world that are like me without the right supports.
5 Ways to Elicit Language from PrAACtical AAC
PrAACtical Suggestions: 5 Ways to Elicit Language Without Asking a Direct Question SLPs love to talk, of course, but sometimes that works against us. Over-prompting. Jumping in to repeat the last question. Re-phrasing the previous comment. Nature abhors a vacuum and sometimes we just can’t stop ourselves.
Modeling, AAC Style
Modeling AAC Style - This is a strategy that is too powerful to ignore! Here’s why Aided Language Input is at the top of our list of skills that all clinicians should master: 1. It expands our sphere of influence 2. Other communication partners will imitate us. 3. If WE use it, then parents and teachers are more likely to as well.
Judith Snow
Judith Snow, MA is a social innovator and an advocate for Inclusion – communities that welcome the participation of a wide diversity of people. Inclusion is an opportunity for EVERYONE!
The Power of Presuming Competence
"Thasya", a mini film by Dan Habib, highlights the power of presuming competence, differentiated instruction and augmentative and alternative communication. Inclusion works.
Transforming Education to Benefit ALL Students
As part of a 5-year, $24.5 million grant awarded by the U.S. DOE , the SWIFT Center was founded to assist districts and their schools to engage in a transformational process, in order to achieve equity and excellence for all students. Research has demonstrated that inclusive education significantly improves academic and behavior outcomes for all children.
Intersection of Law, Education and Civil Rights
As a deaf-blind student with very limited sight and hearing, Haben Girma '13 learned that you must be a self-advocate and come up with creative solutions to the problems you face. If that fails, she says, then the law can be a strong ally.
Ollibean Baseball Camp
Great week at Ollibean Baseball Camp! Thank you to all the great Ballplayers and Counselors who made it so much fun. We still have some spots for this week- August 12 through 16, 8:30 am to 11:30 am. It's free!
Deaf Parent Advocates for Communication Supports She Received from Same School 40 Years Ago
Deaf mother goes before Hillsborough County School District Board to advocate for son's necessary services. The 8th largest school district in the country has an operating budget of $ 3 billion. Despite being notified in advance of her attendance, the district was unable to provide any access .
Disabilty and Civil Rights: Standing On the Right Side of History
"If we were to go back to the 1960s and we were to talk to those leaders who were vehemently against desegregation, we would hear the conviction in their voices of them stating why they believe their decisions and what they were doing to those children were just. Just as I believe that some of you and some of the board members that have spoken believe that their decisions are just. But, I fear that the Hillsborough County School Board is standing on the wrong side of history."
Inclusion is a right not a privilege.
Inclusion is not only socially just, but research shows it improves academic outcomes for all students.
I Am Here To Make A Difference For My People
"I am here to make a difference for my people. I hope that you listen to what I have to say. I want people like you to stop judging me." Tres Whitlock
Ollibean Inclusive Baseball Camp August 5-16
Hope you can join us for our 2nd Annual Ollibean Inclusive Baseball Camp at Palma Ceia Little League. 2 sessions August 5- 9, and August 12-16.
The Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education – 07/12/13
This week, Carol Quirk who is the Co-Executive Director for the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education, will return to the podcast. Carol is going to talk, on behalf of the MCIE, about ways in which we can support inclusive education. The Maryland Co
The National Center on Inclusive Education Summer Institute
Inclusive education conference with keynotes by Lydia Brown, George Sugai, Dan Habib, JoAnne Malloy. Cheryl Jorgensen, Michael McSheehan, Henry Frost and many more you will not want to miss!
AAC Helps Learners with Complex Communication Needs Reach Their Full Potential
" A lot of these kids end up not reaching their full potential because they suffer from low expectations. People think they don't speak well, so we shouldn't have them in the regular classroom, but a lot of the kids I work with, they're cognitively fine. They're perfectly capable. They just need a viable means of communication to really help them through that." Cathy Binger
Hi @KatieCouric I am #autistic & would like to talk to you about #inclusion, #communication & #civilrights #KatieAutismChat
Katie Couric will have a Twitter Chat with Autism Speaks on Wednesday May 29th at 1pm EST . Autistic people should be in the chat. hashtag #KatieAutismChat. This is my message. Hi @katiecouric I am #autistic & would like to talk to you about #inclusion, #communication & #civilrights #KatieAutismChat .
PrAACtical AAC | Presuming Competence and Using The Least Dangerous Assumption
PrAACtical AAC's latest post on the importance of presuming competence.
Autistic Hoya: Ordinary Lives
When I demand equal access, equal opportunity, equal rights, I'm not insisting on my superiority, innate or acquired. I don't want special treatment. I want to see the removal of cultural paradigms about what types of bodies and minds should be valued and what types of bodies and minds should be deigned for marginalization. I don't want a world that advantages me over you. I want a world where oppressive systems that ultimately hurt everyone have been overcome, dismantled.
Yoga , Naturally Inclusive
Ryan McGraw is a 30-year-old yoga teacher who has cerebral palsy. He doesn't fit the mold, which is fine, because he's molding yoga routines to fit his needs.
Game Changer: Florida Senate Unanimously Passes Special Education Bill
The Florida Senate unanimously passed Bill 1108 on April 29th.
Autism Rights Are Human Rights
Autism Rights are Human Rights Autism Rights are human rights. That’s something every Autistic activist knows. It is printed in t-shirts we wear and it is something we have to keep reminding the world because our rights are violated on a regular basis. We have to fight for the right to be heard, for the right to participate in the conversation about us. Young Autistics have to fight for the right to go to their neighborhood school, with their friends, to learn the same curriculum a non-autistic child learns. That’s why we say that the fight for autism rights
Neurodiversity in the Classroom: Strength-Based Strategies t – Apr 29,2013
A new concept on human diversity has emerged over the past 10 years that promises to revolutionize the way educators provide services to students with special needs: neurodiversity. Just as we celebrate diversity in nature
Insight into Inclusion: The Language we Use
How do we help our children or students who are perpetually losing things, often running late and seem completely disorganized? Do we re... Teachers love a great resource! Especially a resource that is free and at their fingertips - literally. That's why
Listen Up
Listen Up! the PSA from the Autistic Self Advocacy Network and Autism Acceptance Month has been released!
Autism Acceptance Month
"Acceptance is an action." Autism Acceptance Month from the brilliant folks at ASAN, is beyond incredible. We could read the About page again and again- and probably will. Check it out. Take the Pledge. What is Autism Acceptance Month? Autism Acceptance Month is about challenging ignorance, prejudice, fear, and hysteria about autism and autistic people. Autism Acceptance Month spreads the word that autism is both a neurological disability and a natural part of human diversity, and centers the voices of autistic people in the conversation about us. Autism Acceptance Month promotes acceptance of autistic people as family members, sons, daughters, spouses, friends, classmates, co-workers,
Reason # 202 Why You Should Come to See Wretches & Jabberers Next Weekend..
The incredible soundtrack. J. Ralph, recently nominated for an Academy Award for his song, Before My Time, for the documentary Chasing Ice, composed and performed the songs in this incredible documentary, He is joined by some of the most talented folks in music.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Stand Up for Inclusion
Presented and discussed will be the importance of inclusion and friendship for youth with disabilities. The cast and of the acclaimed feature documentary, Wretches & Jabberers will be joined by The National Center on Inclusive Education’s Mary Schuh, PhD, and Tampa advocate, 13 year old, Henry Frost.
April and Autism Acceptance at Tampa Theatre
Get your advocacy on. April and Autism Acceptance is in Tampa. The rock stars of disability advocacy- Tracy Thresher and Larry Bissonnette- are back.
Ollibean Art for Change at USF: April. Autism. Advocacy. Acceptance.
A day of inclusive education, community acceptance, and self-advocacy at USF with Academy Award Winning Director and Stars of the Acclaimed Documentary Wretches & Jabberers, NCIE's Mary Schuh, PhD, and Tampa advocate Henry Frost. CARD (The Center for Autism and Related Disorders) at the University of South Florida) will host at USF's Marshall Hall.
Time for a Paradigm Shift in Special Education
Thomas Armstrong's piece on neurodiversity and education.
A Parent’s Story of Advocacy on The Inclusive Class
Teachers love a great resource! Especially a resource that is free and at their fingertips - literally. That's why I put together a list of... How do we help our children or students who are perpetually losing things, often running late and seem complete
Neurodiversity IS the Next Civil Rights Movement
"When we talk about inclusion what we're talking about is diversity." Audra Zucherman, co-founder, The IDEAL School .The IDEAL School practices full inclusion while nurturing their students abilities to create real change in the world through compassion and self- empowerment.
It’s Time to Go Beyond Access
Always Keep in Mind the Learning Goal and Keep the Challenge Where It Belongs
What We Must Learn From History About Inclusion
Wretches & Jabberers | Tracy's Blog The big typing of my friends, Kris and Scott, is a compelling argument for inclusion for all people. I met a young film maker, Adrian Esposito at a self- advocacy conference in Albany, NY last fall. Adrian made a film “We Can Shine-From Institutions to Independence.” Jeanette and I connected with Adrian and his Mom. My friends and I recently gathered to watch this history of moving to community life. Dayna and Jeanette looked nervously at each other like it was too much for my young typing pals and me to watch. I think
Ten Things I wish My Teacher and SLP Knew about AAC : Pat Mervine
Pat Mervine has a great website and is the author of "How Katie Got a Voice (and a cool new nickname)" . I wish..... the entire team would be trained in how to program and use my AAC system. My "voice" shouldn't be taken away from me just because an adult is absent or busy. Oh, and a good back-up system would be much appreciated for when my device goes down. my AAC device would be charged (if electronic) and positioned for me to use it all times. Other kids can talk all day -- at recess, lunch, on the bus,
How Should We Rebuild the U.S. Education System?
Three learning enthusiasts share their blueprints for rebuilding the U.S. education system. In the 2nd century A.D., Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius penned a series of personal writings and reflections known today as “Meditations.” In Book 1, the emperor s
Karen Clay Defines Inclusion for Hillsborough County School Board Member Olson
"I fought for him to remain in the classroom, I fought for him to attend his neighborhood school. I did not have to fight for him to be fully included, because Principal Vince Sussman at Plant High School knew that students with disabilities have value, have worth."
Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM)
Great video on Kathleen McClaskey's Scoop It site, UDL- Universal Design for Learning about accessible instructional materials.
Including Students with Food Allergies in the Classroom – 02/08/2013
Food allergies are becoming a very common concern in schools today. According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Association, approximately 6 million children under the age of 18 have a food allergy. With these numbers of children, schools need ensure t
NCIE Webinar: Creating Inclusive IEPs
This February 20th webinar will focus on IEPs that target students’ full participation in inclusive general education classrooms and specify the supports needed for success.
Krip-Hop Nation: Music, Advocacy and Education
"Where were the other people who looked like me as a Black disabled young man? With this continuous question of race and disability along with my love of poetry and music, I started to question the arena of music and performance around the representation of musicians with disabilities, especially disabled musicians of color." - Leroy F. Moore, Jr.
A Child With Down Syndrome Keeps His Place at the Table
IT’S rare that our daily lives adhere to dramatic form. But as reported on (“Waiter hailed as hero after standing up for boy with Down syndrome”), among other places, a little morality play took shape a few days ago in a Houston restaurant
US DOE “Access to Sports for Students with Disabilities Is a Civil Right”
U.S. Education Department is telling schools they must include students with disabilities in sports programs or provide equal alternative options.
The Inclusive Class: Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities
Nicole and Terri are looking forward to interviewing Dr. Sheldon Horowitz about ways classrooms can support children with learning disabilities.
MCIE Workshop on Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Inclusive Education
How RtI Systems Work for Students with Intensive Support Needs With Michael McSheehan!
Advice from Someone Who Has Been There
I love Larry Bissonnette- artist and disability rights activist. If you have seen Wretches & Jabberers or My Life as an Artist, or seen Larry present- I'm sure you are right there with me. His paintings are extraordinary, his words brilliant, and his wit and personality beyond wonderful. He is an exceptional person I feel privledged to call friend. We have been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with Larry; a weekend at our home in Tampa, a week in Vermont (where we were able to visit Larry's studio and watch him create his paintings) and numerous conferences
The Inclusive Education of Adults with Autism
This week on The Inclusive Class Podcast, we will be talking about educating adult students with autism. To lead our discussion, will be expert guest, Rhonda Greenhaw. Rhonda J. Greenhaw, MA, BCBA, is a leading clinician and researcher in the field of au
Inclusion in Oklahoma
Ardmore City Schools has adopted a new program called Inclusion Education for students needing special services. Students, regardless of abilities, are kept in the general education classroom all day. "I believe in it wholeheartedly," said Carolyn Thomas, special services director. "The principal is to educate everybody. The method may be different and a different delivery, but the goal is to educate everybody." Before, students would be pulled out of class each day to receive instruction from the special education teacher. "At first, the students weren't sure and asked to come to my classroom," Knight said. "Now, they don't feel so
No Limits: People With Cerebral Palsy v Condescending Tools
No Limits: People With Cerebral Palsy v Condescending Tools.
Grit Media
Grit Media promotes the rights and aspirations of people with disabilities by creating opportunities to be seen and heard in a range of media productions. Our productions bring disability awareness into peoples' homes through the depiction of realistic, compelling and entertaining content, that encourages audiences to see disability as a natural part of life. The organisation provides training opportunities for people with disabilities and aims to encourage the wider media industry to join our battle against a culture of harmful misconception and ignorance about disability. Welcome to Grit Media.
Team Long Brothers:Inclusion in Sports
"Acceptance. I wanted everyone to treat him with respect and dignity, just like any other child". Jenny Long
Team Long Brothers SI Kids SportsKids of the Year
"Maybe people that don't care in the past will care in the future ." Conner Long
Happiness is Fireflies
This very sweet video, 'Fireflies' by The Jubilee Project is about two kids that connect in a beautiful way.
Standing Together for Inclusion
Standing together for inclusion, communication and civil rights. Please include all kids in your classroom.
Henry’s Road to Inclusion Part 1
Henry met Tracy, Larry, Harvey Lavoy, and Pascal Cheng on June 9, 2011. It was a very special day, one that would change Henry's life forever.
Changing the Paradigm
Sir Ken Robinson on education reform. "Changing Paradigms in Public Education" covers the importance of thinking differently about human capacity , recognizing the benefits of collaborative learning, and changing the culture of our institutions.
UNH IOD Standing With Henry
But after watching Wretches and Jabberers, a film about autism and self-advocacy, Henry’s way of interacting with the world changed radically. He realized that he had a voice, could use it, and had a right to participate in discussions about his education and life.
Alexis Clarkson: OlliNepal
We should all strive to see the beauty and potential in everything, and everyone, and to me, that is inclusion. "
Shatter the Myths About Autism
"No Myths". Must see PSA by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network and the Dan Merino Foundation. Change the conversation about autism.
Ollibean: All of a kind
The faces of Ollibean are kids with and without disabilities all trying to make the world a better place.
Henry Frost on Inclusion on the Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Henry wrote about inclusion for the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, read the entire article here. Ari Ne'eman, president of the ASAN, had an enormous impact on Henry's decision to speak out about his desire to attend his neighborhood school. "I met Ari at theAutism Summer Institute. I wrote to him about my school and he understood. He helped me advocate for my rights. ASAN helped with the petition. He is also autistic. He is also my friend. I did not read about a person who liked being in a separate school away from their friends learning cooking for life skills
Shouldn’t Every Day Be International Day of Persons with Disabilities?
We are committed to removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all. Not just on December 3rd, but each and every day.
I Am
How do you talk to someone who uses AAC?
Autistic Student Wins the Right to Go to School
Henry Frost had a pretty simple goal: he wanted to go to school like any other kid.
International Day of Persons With Disabilities
Theme: Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible society for all. How will you take part?
Autism on CSPAN Washington Journal
Hi. My name is Henry Frost. I am a 13 year old Autistic self advocate. I agree with Ari Ne'eman. This is a civil rights issue. Communication and inclusion are basic civil rights. I made this video about civil rights. I made a FB page and petition so I could go to school in my neighborhood. Ari and ASAN helped me advocate. , People all over the world wrote this is a civil right. We want the same things in life. We are not so different. Please watch to understand how much we need support for
Amy Sequenzia: Henry’s Victory
Autistic self advocate and poet, Amy Sequenzia's thoughts on the outcome of young self- advocate, Henry Frost's battle for inclusion in Hillsborough County.
Inclusion in Tampa
' With a little help from his friends'. Henry's inclusion is truly a group effort led by this determined 13 year old self advocate .
Amy Sequenzia: I, Too, Want to Understand.
Why would a parent of an autistic child decide that it is better not to listen to other autistics? Why? I, Too, Want to Understand.
Now, It’s Our Turn!
Tonight, Terri and I had the tables turned on us! It was our turn to be on the "hot seat" when we were featured guests on HuffPost Live. Interviewed by host, Nancy Redd, we appeared live (and on camera - much more stressful than a phone interview!!) to d
The Case for Inclusion Part 3: Sea Change
The longer there is a strong distinction between general and special education the worse it is for students who are labeled with a disability. It perpetuates the language of Us and Them...
Paula Kluth on The Inclusive Class Roundtable
Paula Kluth's strategies for teachers who might be reluctant or don't know where to begin with inclusion on The Inclusive Class Roundtable, as well as some of our favorite things from her website,
What I Learned “When Schools Say No to Inclusion “
The guests on the show are leaders in the inclusion community. They all brought something unique to the table, but they had one thing in common- respect and dedication to all learners.
Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities – 11/02/12
Having taught at the primary, secondary and college levels, Dr. Horowitz has also worked as a consultant to school districts throughout the New York City metropolitan region. In addition, he is frequently cities in popular press topics including parentin
The National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE)
The National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE) at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability is a leader in the transformation of schools so that students of all abilities are successfully learning in their home schools within general education settings. Vision When students with disabilities are provided appropriate instruction and supports, they can learn grade-level general education curriculum, communicate in ways that are commensurate with their same-age peers without disabilities, have meaningful social relationships, and graduate from high school—college and career ready.
Access to the General Curriculum for Students with Disabilities: A Brief Legal Interpretation
Access to the General Curriculum for Students with Disabilities: A Brief Legal Interpretation By Joanne Karger and Charles Hitchcock Introduction The 1997 reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) introduced important changes in the provision of special education services for students with disabilities. One of the most significant changes concerns the requirement that students with disabilities receive access to the general curriculum. Specifically, the new Amendments require that students with disabilities: (1) have access to the general curriculum; (2) be involved in the general curriculum; and (3) progress in the general curriculum. The purpose of this brief is to
Listen to The Inclusive Class Roundtable – 10/26
Inclusive Education, as defined and described by education experts, is a philosophy. It is not a program, nor does it happen in is... Parents of school-age children can often become bewildered by today’s education system and it’s expectations. Its quickl
Oct 26th The Inclusive Class Podcast Presents a Roundtable Event: “When Schools Say ‘NO’ to Inclusion”
On Friday, October 26, 2012 at 9 AM Eastern Standard Time, The Inclusive Class Podcast proudly presents a one hour long roundtable event on Blog Talk Radio. This event brings together experts in the area of inclusive education to discuss and respond with practical techniques when schools say 'NO' to inclusion.
Th Inclusive Class Roundtable :”When Schools Say ‘NO’ to Inclusion”
This event brings together experts in the area of inclusive education to discuss and respond with practical techniques when schools say 'NO' to inclusion.
Inclusive Education: It’s Great If You Can Get It
Inclusive schools need to become a reality for all students across the nation regardless of abilities, socio-economic background and geographic location. Unfortunately, many school districts do not see the inclusive classroom as the Least Restrictive Environment and an appropriate placement for children with special needs. Thus, what one child has free and appropriate access to, another one doesn’t. And then inclusion , which has been proven by experts to be the gold standard of special education, becomes an ideal situation…if you can get it. The lack of universal practice of inclusive education in our school system creates an overall discord in
Why is a 13 year old protesting in order to go TO school?
How did we get here? How did we get to a point that our 13 year old son has to fight for the rights that are already his under federal law? How did we get to a place where a pretty reserved kid has the courage, the will, to do this?
Social Media Helps Student With Autism Find His Voice
Henry Miles Frost and his service dog, Denzel, protest outside a downtown Tampa building during the Republican National Convention. Since he posted the photo to Facebook, he’s found global support in his effort to enroll in his South Tampa neighborhood s
The Case for Inclusion Part Two: What Does Inclusion Look Like?
It should always be the objective of public education to serve all students no matter what their disability label. It should always be the objective to give the right amount of support for all children.
Presume My Competence
Really, this is number one. Please presume my competence.
Focus on My Strengths
#4 Please focus on My Strengths. I have many. We all do.
I Stand With Henry
What Henry is doing is advocating for his rights, at the same time that he reminds us of our own rights and about how far we still have to go.
Top 10 Things Autistic Self Advocate Needs Teachers to Know : # 3
Top ten things I want you to know. Number 3: Please talk directly to me, not to my support person.
Autistic Student’s Top 10 List for Teachers of Students with Special Needs #2
Top ten things Autistic student wants teachers, therapists and friends to know about students with special needs... they may be shocking to some of you, but hopefully to most they are exactly what you expect. Here's number 2.
A Sister Stands with Her Brother: I Am Heard, I Am Important, and I Am Included
No one wants to be the excluded one, the one to stand alone in silence, the one left out of the conversation. No one wants to be forgotten. So why are some individuals treated this way? Luckily it just takes one person to stand up and include, and the rest will follow. Be that person, take a stand, make a difference.
I am the 20 % and the RNC
Henry takes his bi-partisan message of inclusion and civil rights for all to the Republican National Convention.
My Civil Rights
Inclusion, Martin Luther King, Jr, The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and education.
First Day of School
Today is the first time that Henry has not had a First day of School. He is not allowed to go to his neighborhood school that is about 200 yards from our home.
Ollibean Talks to Ray Ellis, director of “Certain Proof: A Question of Worth”
"All of these children have one thing in common. They were always having to prove themselves, over and over and over again." Ray Ellis
WEBSITE WEDNESDAY: The Accessible Principal
I am so thrilled to share the with you, which is a new blog that was launched this summer by one of the best administrators I have ever met. Marilyn is a school and district leader in a suburb here in Chicago and she has interests ranging from technology
NYC to Integrate Special Ed Students into Regular Classrooms
New York City’s pilot for special education inclusion has moved the district to apply the program to a majority of the schools in the city. The city’s conclusion is that students with special needs should get access to the general education curriculum, n
Resources and Downloads for Differentiated Instruction
Educators from Mesquite Elementary School, in Tucson, Arizona, have provided these resources for you to use in your own school. Daily collaborative planning time at Mesquite Elementary enables teachers to plan differentiated instruction to address the pr
The Case for Inclusion: Does All Really Mean All?
Tim Villegas of Think Inclusive on the motivation to change from educating students with disabilities in segregated settings to inclusive settings where all means all.
Ollibean Think Tank Member Tim Villegas
My hope is that can create a bridge between educators, parents, and advocates (including self-advocates) to promote ideas, innovation and inspiration to change our world to be more accepting and value each and every human being.
How to Make Inclusive Practices a Reality For Your School
The new school year is fast approaching and The Inclusive Class Podcast is set to help you prepare! On Friday, August 10, 2012 we will kick off our "Back to School" series which is 3 podcasts that will discuss tips, strategies and resources for helping y
Change Leader: Richard Attfield
Richard Attfield, a contributing author to "Autism and the Myth of the Person Alone", is passionate about the rights of children with disability labels to have equal access to education and communication supports.
14th Annual Autism Summer Institute August 6th -8th
Express Yourself: Supporting Communication through the Arts, Advocacy, and Education. Aug 6th -8th. Grappone Conference Center, 70 Constitution Avenue Concord, New Hampshire
Self-Advocacy, Inclusion, Communication, and Friendship Roadtrip 2012
Our three week Roadtrip has begun. Syracuse, then on to New Hampshire and the Autism Summer Institute.
Why Would We Want Inclusive Education?
Why would we separate, segregate and alienate children from one another while at the same time teach them to look after the world around them, respect differences and take a stand at injustice?
Inclusive Educational Practices for Students with Special Needs
Studies have shown when kids with disabilities are educated in inclusive settings, the classrooms are better for all of the students.
Introducing Ollibean Think Tank Member Nicole Eredics
We are very proud to introduce Ollibean Think Tank member, Nicole Eredics of the Inclusive Class . We know you are going to learn as much from Nicole as we have. She is kind, extremely knowledgeable, and beyond lovely. She really is the consummate teacher. Listen to any one of her podcasts or read her blogs and you'll see what we mean. Nicole is very committed to inclusion and we are grateful to have her share her knowledge with us. Welcome, Nicole! Hello! I’m Nicole Eredics and I’m an Elementary Teacher who has spent over 15 years teaching in an inclusive school
Change Leader: Larry Bissonette
Our first Change Leader is artist and disability rights advocate, Larry Bissonnette. Larry's art, writing, presentations, and films are changing perceptions about disability around the world. His quote in Wretches & Jabberers, "More like you than not" says it all.
Christine Ashby appointed director of School of Education’s Institute on Communication and Inclusion
School of Education Dean Douglas Biklen has announced the appointment of professor Christine Ashby as director of the Institute on Communication and Inclusion (ICI), effective June 1. The ICI, formerly the Facilitated Communication Institute, conducts re
Top 3 FAQs About Inclusive Education
Parents naturally want what is best for their child, particularly when it comes to education. If a parent is not very familiar with inclusive education or had a child in an inclusive school, they have many questions and concerns. While too numerous to list, here is the top 3 frequently asked questions about inclusive education: Why isn’t there an inclusion program in my child’s school? Inclusive education is not considered a program that can be offered by schools. Inclusive education is a philosophy that the entire school district must believe in and support. The belief that all children should have
Matt W’s Field Day Race
Matt ran an amazing race on field day at Worthington, Ohio's Colonial Hills Elementary School. According to the Youtube video, Matt was given the opportunity to sit out, but after watching this kid run, you can see why that wasn't ever an option for him. The strength and determination Matt shows in completing this race is incredible. Matt has cerebral palsy which makes running challenging, but that does not stop him. Love seeing his classmates and teachers encouraging and supporting him all the way to the finish line.
Being left out puts youths with special needs at risk for depression
The challenges that come with battling a chronic medical condition or developmental disability are enough to get a young person down. But being left out, ignored or bullied by their peers is the main reason youths with special health care needs report sy
Inclusive Solutions
Together they have a combined experience of over 50 years experience as educational psychologists working across the UK. Previously as Principal and Senior strategic Educational Psychologists in Nottingham City LEA, they bring a wealth of practical, applied solutions and processes from their work with children and young people with exceptional needs aged between 0-19. Between 2001 and 2008 together they have written several books such as 'Keys to Inclusion' (2011) and published a number of books including: Incurably Human,Seeing the Charade and Dear Parents. Most recently they have set up a Community Interest Company together with Cat Wilson called "A Place in the
Outing The Prejudice: Making The Least Dangerous Assumption
We highly recommend this brilliant article by Zach Rossetti and Carol Tashie on their interpretation of Anne Donnellan's concept of presuming competence, the least dangerous assumption.
Deaf Olympic hopeful uses social media to fight discrimination
Marcus Titus, top U.S. breaststroker, rallied for change and got it. USA Swimming will allow the use of hand signals to accomodate Deaf swimmers at the summer Olympic trials.
Inclusive education still best model, says advocate
Gordon Porter says there are now hundreds of specialized teachers and thousands of assistants in the province. (CBC) A long-time advocate for inclusive education maintains it is still the right approach for students with special needs. But Gordon Porter,
Office of Special Education Program’s Discretionary Grants Public Database
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) at the U.S. Department of Education is dedicated to improving results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities ages birth through 21. To this end, OSEP provides leadership and financial support to assist states and local districts, including funding approximately 1,000 grants and contracts each year. If you'd like to know what grants and contracts OSEP has funded as part of its initiatives to improve results for children with disabilities, you've come to the right place! (If you're looking for OSEP's grants opportunities, we would direct you to OSEP itself, at:
Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts
The Alliance for Inclusion in the Arts is the nation’s leading advocate for full diversity as a key to the vitality and dynamism of American theatre, film, and television. We promote authentic dialogue about race, culture, and disability that embraces the complexity of underlying social and historical issues.
Planned and On-The-Spot Curriculum Accommodations in the Inclusive Classroom
The Paraeducator's Toolbox: Practical Strategies to Support Students with Learning and Behavioral Challenges 5.7.2012 9:00 AM - 3:00pm
OlliNEPAL at the SERC School
OlliNEPAL at the SERC School in Kathmandu
OlliNEPAL team at HDCS, Asha Bal Bikash Sewa (“Children’s Hope Development Service”)
OlliNEPAL team at HDCS, Asha Bal Bikash Sewa ("Children's Hope Development Service")
School bans disabled girl from using walker
Kristi Roberts was stunned when school officials insisted that her disabled 5-year-old daughter switch to a wheelchair from the walker she’d been using for the previous two years. Little LaKay had battled cerebral palsy and epilepsy since she was born, a
Eric Dompierre barred from playing basketball with his high school team
Eric never let the fact that he was born with Down Syndrome stop him from playing. But now, he may have to cheer on his team from the bleachers. The association says because he's 19 years old, he isn't allowed to play in his senior year of high school. "I'd be sad if I couldn't play with them and not have them in my life. They want me to play, and I want to play with them," said Eric.
Ollibean Team Arrives in Nepal
The adventure begins! Beautiful start ! Greeted at Nepalese Airport by longtime friend, Topden Lama. Topden brought Tibetan scarves for the group
Student with Down’s Syndrome wins right to challenge high school placement
Belfast's High Court has granted the girl leave to seek a judicial review of the original decision A girl with Down's Syndrome has won the right to challenge the denial of a place at the high school of her family's
Association on University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is an incredible resource. The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is a membership organization that supports and promotes a national network of university-based interdisciplinary programs. The AUCD network includes: 67 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), funded by the Administration on Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) 52 Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) Programs funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) 15 Developmental Disability Research Centers (IDDRC), most of which are funded by the National Institute for Child Health and Development (NICHD) AUCD Program Locations and Network
World Down Syndrome Day March 21!
Down Syndrome International presents the Global Video Event "LET US IN - I WANT TO LEARN!" in partnership with 68 countries for World Down Syndrome Day 2012.
Differentiated Instruction in Today’s Classrooms
The IRIS Center is a national center that provides high-quality resources about students with disabilities for college and university faculty and professional development trainers. Visit IRIS’ website to find free, online, interactive training enhancemen
iPad Summer Institute
Blog on the topic of assistive technology, eLearning, mind mapping, project management, visual learning, collaborative tools, and educational technology Presenters Brian S. Friedlander, Ph.D. & Christine Besko-Maughan, M.S., ATP July 10, 2012 Enhancing A
University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) Georgetown University
The mission of the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is to promote self-determination, productivity, independence and inclusion of individuals with developmental and other disabilities across the life span, and in all aspects of community life. The Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, P.L. 106-402, authorizes the University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service (UCEDD). The University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Service (UCEDDs) are funded through the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) to provide leadership, advise federal, state and community policy makers about, and promote opportunities for people
Family launches High Court challenge for inclusion
"This case is about inclusion. "It's about the right to access mainstream education in its fullest form, not some kind of sop to the legislative requirement by saying: 'Here's a mainstream school, you can go to that one'." Her legal team argued that the decision was a breach of human rights and special educational needs legislation. Read more on BBC News
The Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies
The Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies (CHPLDS) is an expansion of the Center on Human Policy, which was founded by Dr. Burton Blatt in 1971. The Center is a network of academic programs, centers, student organizations, and affiliated faculty whose research, teaching, and advocacy seeks to promote the rights of people with disabilities locally, nationally, and globally, and to facilitate a critical examination of disability as an aspect of diversity in society.
KIT – Kids Included Together : Recognizing the Ability in Every Child
Kids Included Together (KIT) is a registered 501(c)(3) non–profit organization founded in San Diego, California in 1997. The mission of Kids Included Together (KIT) is to provide learning opportunities that support recreation, child development and youth enrichment programs to include children with and without disabilities. KIT’s goals are to enrich the lives of all who participate and to increase understanding and acceptance of disabilities as a natural part of life. We invite you to explore our site and learn more about our work with out–of–school time programs across the United States and internationally.
A ‘Fountain’ of Kudos for First-Time Novelist Eliza Factor
The Fort Greene resident is not only about to release her first book, “The Mercury Fountain,” but she wrote the novel while raising three kids — one of them with cerebral palsy and autism — and starting Extreme Kids and Crew, a center catered to the needs of families with disabled children.
The Arc of Pennsylvania
The Arc is the largest advocacy organization in the United States for citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families. The Arc of Pennsylvania is the state chapter of The Arc. For more than 60 years, The Arc has been working to include all children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in their community. We promote active citizenship and inclusion in every community setting. The Arc of Pennsylvania has been dedicated to the inclusion of children with disabilities in regular education classrooms since its founding in 1949. Parents wanted to raise their children at home rather than institutionalize
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of UNESCO’S mission and activities. The broad goals and concrete objectives of the international community – as set out in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – underpin all UNESCO’s strategies and activities. Thus UNESCO’s unique competencies in education, the sciences,
Friend 2 Friend Social Learning Society
The Friend 2 Friend Social Learning Society is a British Columbia-based not-for-profit organization formed in 2002 for the purpose of promoting mutually rewarding friendships between children with autism spectrum and related social-communicative disorders and their peers, classmates and siblings. Our goal is to help children develop to the best of their abilities through the play and socialization that results from these friendships. We do this by providing direct services for children by visiting schools and other community settings to explain the sensory and communication challenges of autism spectrum and related disorders. We use a fun and interactive approach while teaching
Douglas Biklen: “Begin by presuming competence”
"Presuming competence is nothing less than a Hippocratic oath for educators. " Douglas Biklen
Dean Biklen honored in Kuwait with UNESCO/Emir Jaber al-Ahmed al-Jaber al-Sabah Prize
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will present Syracuse University's School of Education Dean Douglas Biklen with the 2011 UNESCO/Emir Jaber al-Ahmed al-Jaber al-Sabah Prize, honoring him for his work promoting
The Inclusive Classroom 02/24 by SpecialNeedsTalkRadio
The Inclusive Classroom 02/24 by SpecialNeedsTalkRadio | Blog Talk Radio.
Think Inclusive — Where education meets advocacy…
Think Inclusive is dedicated to inclusive schools and communities for everyone. Think Inclusive is a wonderful resource that promotes the full and authentic inclusion of people with disabilities in their school and communities through education and advocacy. Think Inclusive's founder, Tim Villegas, has created a bridge between educators, parents, and advocates to promote ideas, innovation and inspiration to change our world to be more accepting and value each and every human being. Check out Tim's guest posts for Ollibean The Case for Inclusion: Does All Really Mean All? , The Case for Inclusion Part Two: What Does Inclusion Look Like?, and The Case for
Don’t Play Me Pay Me
The Don't Play Me Pay Me campaign seeks to: Actively encourage disabled people to follow their chosen creative career path. Remove the barriers of prejudice that disabled actors face in finding work. Provide a forum for all disabled actors to encourage debate and empower them to have their voice heard and listened to. Encourage programme makers to feature disabled actors in all storylines to reflect real life. Encourage programme makers not to use non-disabled actors (even if a “name” means funding) to portray disabled characters. Encourage advertisers to feature disabled people in all advertising.
Partners in Policymaking
Nearly twenty five years ago, the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities created a ground-breaking, innovative training program called Partners in Policymaking® to teach parents and self-advocates the power of advocacy to change the way people with disabilities are supported, viewed, taught, live and work. During the past two decades, important issues have been confronted and dramatic changes have been made.
The Coffee Klatch
The Coffee Klatch started on a whim. I often speak and write about the isolation, stigma and confusion of parents raising a special needs child. Many of those parents are on twitter to share information, seek support or find a friendly ear. Twitter is where it all began. It is where I met my incredible team of moderators and thousands of special needs parents. It is where we created a morning chat for parents both newly diagnosed and those who have navigated the muddy waters to meet and share. It became very apparent to me, very quickly, that many of
Advocates Incorporated
Advocates is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) parent-directed organization providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. As an organization, we were started by parents of children with developmental disabilities with the goal of full inclusion for their children.
Center for Literacy and Disability Studies at UNC
The Center’s mission is to promote literacy and communication for individuals of all ages with disabilities. It is the belief of the CLDS that disabilities are only one of many factors that influence an individuals ability to learn to read and write and to use print throughout their life and across their living environments.All individuals, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, have the right to an opportunity to learn to read and write in order to increase and enhance their educational opportunities, vocational success, communicative competence, self-empowerment capabilities, and independence.
UNH Institute on Disability Webinar: Writing Standards-Based IEPs with Measurable Objectives
Inclusive Practices in Action: Supporting Students with Disabilities in the Classroom Learn how to write IEPs in a way that connects students with disabilities to the general education curriculum while using measurable goals that meet identified needs. Who Should Attend: General and special education teachers, paraprofessionals, speech language pathologists, case managers, inclusion facilitators, physical and occupational therapists, and others are encouraged to attend. Sponsored by the National Center on Inclusive Education (NCIE) The NCIE at the UNH Institute on Disability (IOD) advances the view that disability is a natural part of the human experience and promotes the inclusion of all
OlliNepal: Why Nepal ?
You can help kids with diffabilities in Nepal. We’re making it super easy. For person that joins our community we will donate $2 to support children in Nepal.You’ll also be entered for a chance to win an iPad at the same time. Now share this with everyone you know and show the world how easy it is to make a difference.
Unified Sports Teams Open Doors for Inclusive Athletics
“Unified has transformed the culture of this school. It was almost as if these kids weren’t noticed before we began doing this. I don’t think anyone realized how powerful they are.” “Our athletes have an unconditional appreciation for other people. They persevere even in the face of being bullied and teased. We can pull back the veil of the unknown and make people real.” Born of the idea that athletic events can be especially transformative when they include individuals who have special needs alongside those who do not, unified programs have existed about two decades. In 2008, with money from
International Conference on Inclusive Education
Able, disabled all people together (ADAPT), a NGO, has organised a five-day 'International Conference on Inclusive Education, the North South Dialogue IV', in Goa from February 19. Dr Mithu Alur, founder chairperson of the organisation. told reporters he
Goalbook – Social IEPs for everyone? Actually, yes
Summary: Goalbook could revolutionize how we approach differentiated instruction and outcome-based education. Four of my five kids have been on IEPs (Individual Education Plans) at one point or another. Two of them still are and I have little doubt that
Six Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in Project-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning (PBL) naturally lends itself to differentiated instruction. By design, it is student-centered, student-driven and gives space for teachers to meet the needs of students in a variety of ways. PBL can allow for effective differentiat
EdTech Associates
Founded on the vision that every child should have the opportunity to develop a foundation of 21st Century learning skills, EdTech Associates provides services to empower all schools and students to succeed. EdTech Associates was established by Kathleen H. McClaskey, M.Ed., a well-respected and recognized professional and innovative leader in educational technology. Kathleen has almost three decades of experience in educational technology with a firm philosophy that technology is a tool that can improve teaching and learning. In her long career, she has been a computer teacher, technology integration specialist, K-12 technology director and graduate instructor for in online and
Apps in Education
Greg Swanson is a Visual Arts teacher who is interested in Computer Integration, Web 2.0 and engaging students in their own learning through innovative technology and collaborative classroom practices. One of the hardest thing with using the iPad in the classroom is finding the time to go through all of the apps in the iTunes Store listed under the education banner. Apps in Education has started to list some of the apps they've found under each of the Key Learning Areas.
“Possibilities Series: Abby”
The Possibilities Video Series illustrates the lives of individuals with disabilities who live, work and attend schools in their communities.
This Time Its Personal
Truly student-centered learning has a lot of support in high places in education, but it can’t happen without the right technology infrastructure to drive it. Educators have known for some time now that a one-size-fits-all approach to learning does not l
More on Students With Disabilities and the Law
By JOHN O’CONNOR Tres Whitlock is trying to enroll in a charter school. The school has said they can not provide needed services. Last week we ran a story talking to attorneys about what the law requires for students with disabilities. One expert we spoke with, Joy Zabala with the Center for Applied Special Technology, responded to clarify her position.
UNH Institute on Disability Launches Person-Centered Planning Tool
Look Back, Plan Forward, a new website launched by the UNH Institute on Disability, will help individuals with disabilities and people who are aging to capture their life stories in ways that can inform caregivers and service providers about the individual’s history, values, preferences, and support needs during the person-centered planning process. via UNH Institute on Disability | News > Institute on Disability Launches New Online Person-Centered Planning Tool.
UNH Institute on Disability
The Institute on Disability/UCED (IOD) at the University of New Hampshire was established in 1987 to provide a coherent university-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of persons with disabilities and their families.
Inclusive Schools Network
The Inclusive Schools Network offers a forum for educators, students, family, and community members to share experiences and ideas with each other. It is important for the Inclusive Schools Network to model an inclusive approach in welcoming and valuing all perspectives and opinions regarding the practice of inclusive education. We hope you will communicate with us directly to improve this website and our services to you.
Broadreach Training and Resources
Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift have spent the last 25 years working to ensure that people with disabilities are able to take their rightful place in schools, workplaces, and communities. Although they are well known advocates within the disability rights community, they prefer to think of themselves as modern day storytellers, continuing the long held tradition of using humour and narrative to initiate self-reflection and social change.
Association on University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD)
AUCD envisions a future in which everyone, including people living with developmental and other disabilities, are fully integrated, participating members of their communities. We envision a future in which culturally appropriate supports that lead to independence, productivity, and a satisfying quality of life are universally available across the life span. AUCD's mission is to advance policy and practice for and with people with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and their communities by supporting our members in research, education, and service activities that achieve our vision. AUCD values the participation of people with disabilities, family members, and a culturally diverse
Including Samuel
Before his son Samuel was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, photojournalist Dan Habib rarely thought about the inclusion of people with disabilities. Now he thinks about inclusion every day. Shot and produced over four years, Habib’s award-winning documentary film, Including Samuel, chronicles the Habib family’s efforts to include Samuel in every facet of their lives. The film honestly portrays his family’s hopes and struggles as well as the experiences of four other individuals with disabilities and their families. Including Samuel is a highly personal, passionately photographed film that captures the cultural and systemic barriers to inclusion.
Inclusion Network
This wonderful resource provides resources for Training, Consulting and Networking Facilitators.foster the development of inclusion. The focus is the development of future leadership for inclusion through the creation of focused programs, materials and research that will create a world where Everyone Belongs.
The Inclusive Class
We are crazy about the Inclusive Class! Nicole Eredics is pretty incredible, and her blog and podcasts are informative, interesting, and always just what we need. The inclusive classroom best demonstrates that message as it begins with the belief that all children belong. Each child can demonstrate and achieve success, in various ways, according to their abilities, strengths and areas for growth. Inclusive Class' Livebinder has an abundance of resources.
Paula Kluth: Toward Inclusive Classrooms and Communities
This website is dedicated to promoting inclusive schooling and exploring positive ways of supporting students with autism an other disabilities. Most of Paula Kluth's work involves collaborating with schools to create environments, lessons, and experiences that are inclusive, respectful, and accessible for all learners.
Office of Special Education Programs
The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is dedicated to improving results for infants, toddlers, children and youth with disabilities ages birth through 21 by providing leadership and financial support to assist states and local districts. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) authorizes formula grants to states, and discretionary grants to institutions of higher education and other non-profit organizations to support research, demonstrations, technical assistance and dissemination, technology and personnel development and parent-training and information centers. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 was signed into law by President George W. Bush on December 3, 2004. As the nation's special education law, IDEA serves approximately 6.8 million children and
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) understands the many challenges still facing individuals with disabilities and their families. Therefore, OSERS is committed to improving results and outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages. OSERS supports programs that serve millions of children, youth and adults with disabilities. OSERS is comprised of the Office of the Assistant Secretary (OAS) and three program components: the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), theNational Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), and theRehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).
US DOE Associations and Organizations Resource Page
The Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) contains information on more then 3,000 national, regional and state education organizations and associations. The directory helps you identify and contact these organizations that provide information and assistance on a broad range of education-related topics.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
OMIM is a comprehensive, authoritative, and timely compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes. The full-text, referenced overviews in OMIM contain information on all known mendelian disorders and over 12,000 genes. OMIM focuses on the relationship between phenotype and genotype. It is updated daily, and the entries contain copious links to other genetics resources.
United States International Council on Disabilities
The U.S. International Council on Disabilities (USICD) is a non-profit, membership, constituent-led organization committed to building bridges between American and international disability communities and cultures. Through a wide range of projects and programs, USICD promotes the inclusion of disability perspectives in U.S. foreign policy and aid and provides opportunities for domestic disability rights organizations to interface with their international counterparts. USICD’s major initiatives leverage a membership that spans organizations and individuals in more than 30 U.S. states and a number of foreign countries. USICD's Board of Directors includes leading experts in domestic and international disability issues.
United Cerebral Palsy
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) educates, advocates and provides support services to ensure a life without limits for people with a spectrum of disabilities. UCP and its nearly 100 affiliates have a mission to advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with a spectrum of disabilities by providing services and support to children and adults every day—one person and family at a time. UCP works to enact real change—to revolutionize care, raise standards of living and create opportunities to ensure the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in every facet of society.
SABE – Self Advocates Becoming Empowered
Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) is the self-advocacy organization of the United States. Founded in 1990, we have been working hard for the full inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in the community throughout the 50 states and the world for 21 years. Our non-profit advocacy organization is run by a board of self-advocates representing 9 regions of the country.