Resource We Love : YogaKids
We love YogaKids and their foundation Go Give Yoga! Their mission is " to promote peace, health, empowerment and education" . Ok, sign us up!
Yoga , Naturally Inclusive
Ryan McGraw is a 30-year-old yoga teacher who has cerebral palsy. He doesn't fit the mold, which is fine, because he's molding yoga routines to fit his needs.
“Yoga for the Special Child” Program Benefits Children with Disabilities
Parents say that Gail Gagne's "Yoga for the Special Child" program is "sorely needed" at Glenwood Community Centre in Winnipeg, Canada Gagne rents space from the Community Centre to run her Yoga for the Special Child Program. Four children with a variety of disabilities, including autism, attend on a weekly basis. Parents say that participation in the class has benefited their children in a numerous ways, from improved muscle tone to enhanced ability to focus to sharpened social skills. The Yoga for the Special Child Program is also an athletic outlet for children that, unfortunately, may have limited
Yoga for Children with ADHD and Autism in Clearwater
I now have new ways to work with a child who had been labeled as dysfunctional, and they are all working! Shakta Kaur Khalsa, yoga teacher and founder of Radiant Child Yoga Program, and Allison Morgan, Occupational Therapist, will co-lead a weekend train
Students with autism learn to relax, focus with yoga
Stawicki, 12, works with his yoga group for about a half-hour. From 7:50 to 8:20 a.m., Stawicki focuses on breathing exercises and yoga poses like his favorites -- the tree and the airplane. Stawicki is one of six students from Parker Middle School's autism support class who gather to practice yoga twice a week. The students have learned about a dozen poses, and organizers said it helps them better control their emotions.