Probe: Disabled patient abuse cases overlooked

California has assembled a police force to protect about 1,800 of its most vulnerable patients - men and women with cerebral palsy, severe autism and other mental disabilities who live in state institutions and require round-the-clock monitoring and prot

Best and Worst States for Disability Services

UCP's invaluable analysis of Medicaid for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities reports that progress is being made for community inclusion, but every state has room for improvement. According to the report Vermont provides the best services for individuals with disabilities and Missippi provides the worst. There are still approximately 58,000 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities living in facilities with 16 or more beds.Too much money is being spent isolating people in these large instititutions and the waiting lists for services has also increased dramatically, up 56% from 2005 to 2009. Top ten states in terms of quality of

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