14 Year Old Advocates for His Civil Rights
My name is Christian Ranieri and I am a 9th Grader at Northport High School. You should know that I have a developmental disability called Autism. I have come a long way in life as I could not talk in the beginning but now I am able to express my message to you in words. When I was 5 I cried a lot and would throw myself on the floor when I got frustrated. I am proud to say that now I can speak clearly and to the best of my ability try to deal with my frustration in words.
11 Year Old Jacob On The Right Thing To DO
I said a long time ago that I would not only be an real student In a school that supports me but also a self advocate for those lost in segregated settings echoing the dreaded lives of people in the world that are like me without the right supports.
Ollibean Spotlight: Renee Salas
" Talk to people with disabilities. As many as you can: Adults, adolescents, kids. These people are the real experts on disabilities. These are the people that can tell you what life with a disability is like." Renee Salas
This is not directed at anyone in particular. It is about several people I’ve met throughout my life. I sometimes need to remind myself that being me means following my own agenda and not pleasing the ones who will not be part of my story.
Amy Sequenzia: Does it matter?
Should it matter that some of us are labeled intellectually disabled? Read the definitions, look at us in a realistic way and ask yourself; Does it matter? Aren’t we all worthy?
This is for every person who embodies the meaning of motherhood. This is for the ones who nurture and protect, who never consider their lives more important than the lives of the ones being nourished, educated, protected and loved.
What We Must Learn From History About Inclusion
Wretches & Jabberers | Tracy's Blog The big typing of my friends, Kris and Scott, is a compelling argument for inclusion for all people. I met a young film maker, Adrian Esposito at a self- advocacy conference in Albany, NY last fall. Adrian made a film “We Can Shine-From Institutions to Independence.” Jeanette and I connected with Adrian and his Mom. My friends and I recently gathered to watch this history of moving to community life. Dayna and Jeanette looked nervously at each other like it was too much for my young typing pals and me to watch. I think
Advice from Someone Who Has Been There
I love Larry Bissonnette- artist and disability rights activist. If you have seen Wretches & Jabberers or My Life as an Artist, or seen Larry present- I'm sure you are right there with me. His paintings are extraordinary, his words brilliant, and his wit and personality beyond wonderful. He is an exceptional person I feel privledged to call friend. We have been lucky enough to spend a lot of time with Larry; a weekend at our home in Tampa, a week in Vermont (where we were able to visit Larry's studio and watch him create his paintings) and numerous conferences
I am autistic. I choose to use this because of community. Not to tell you what I am or what I am not. This is my choice.
I Am Autistic and I Know What Autism Is
Autism is not a set of deficits. Autism is complex and all of us can self-advocate despite the difficulties we might face. Autism is life. I am Autistic, I self-advocate and I am happy.
It is About Respect
Respect for one another is one basic quality if we want to have meaningful conversations and relationships with other human beings. The ableism that disabled people experience is a form of disrespect.
Henry’s Road to Inclusion Part 1
Henry met Tracy, Larry, Harvey Lavoy, and Pascal Cheng on June 9, 2011. It was a very special day, one that would change Henry's life forever.
UNH IOD Standing With Henry
But after watching Wretches and Jabberers, a film about autism and self-advocacy, Henry’s way of interacting with the world changed radically. He realized that he had a voice, could use it, and had a right to participate in discussions about his education and life.
Amy Sequenzia: I Need to Thank Some People
After “Non-speaking, ‘low-functioning’” was published, lots of people wanted to hear from me. I met so many amazing people, autistic bloggers with so much to share and the smartest people I know. Parents of autistic children also valued my words.
Henry Frost on Inclusion on the Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Henry wrote about inclusion for the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, read the entire article here. Ari Ne'eman, president of the ASAN, had an enormous impact on Henry's decision to speak out about his desire to attend his neighborhood school. "I met Ari at theAutism Summer Institute. I wrote to him about my school and he understood. He helped me advocate for my rights. ASAN helped with the petition. He is also autistic. He is also my friend. I did not read about a person who liked being in a separate school away from their friends learning cooking for life skills
Amy Sequenzia: I, Too, Want to Understand.
Why would a parent of an autistic child decide that it is better not to listen to other autistics? Why? I, Too, Want to Understand.
Amy Sequenzia: To You, Young Autistic Friend
Autistic advocate and poet Amy Sequenzia's message of acceptance and respect for young autistics for 2012 Autistics Speaking Day. "There is nothing wrong with being who you are. You are perfect in your uniqueness."
Supporting Young Autistics
We hope that young autistics today will be proud of themselves and without shame. The message that boy received at that moment was the opposite of acceptance. It was ableist and it came from someone who is part of our own community.
You look at me But you don’t see me You talk about me but not to me You think you know all about me But you deny my humanity You think I don’t have wishes You believe I don’t have plans You don’t respect my basic rights According to you I should be grateful That I have a place to sleep That I have three meals a day If I say I want to go out You ignore me To you I am only a burden Too disabled to have an opinion To you I don’t count as a person
I Stand With Henry
What Henry is doing is advocating for his rights, at the same time that he reminds us of our own rights and about how far we still have to go.
I am the 20 % and the RNC
Henry takes his bi-partisan message of inclusion and civil rights for all to the Republican National Convention.
My Civil Rights
Inclusion, Martin Luther King, Jr, The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and education.
Amy Sequenzia : Friendship and Respect
It is a mistaken idea that we, autistics, lack empathy. It is also a myth that we are not social. My friends and I, we understand and respect differences. And we understand that we all have a lot to contribute, in a diversity of manners.
Amy Sequenzia: “Storm”
"Storm" a poem by autistic self-advocate Amy Sequenzia.
Amy Sequenzia:Dear Mainstream Media
I am an autistic woman, non-speaking and I have many needs.Yes, dear mainstream media, I am the autistic supposedly too “low-functioning” to deserve to be heard. You pity me and you ignore the facts.
Self-Advocacy, Inclusion, Communication, and Friendship Roadtrip 2012
Our three week Roadtrip has begun. Syracuse, then on to New Hampshire and the Autism Summer Institute.
Ollibean Think Tank Member Amy Sequenzia
Amy Sequenzia is a poet and autistic self-advocate. Her writing is as beautiful and powerful as she is. She is an extraordinary voice in the disability rights community .
Change Leader: Larry Bissonette
Our first Change Leader is artist and disability rights advocate, Larry Bissonnette. Larry's art, writing, presentations, and films are changing perceptions about disability around the world. His quote in Wretches & Jabberers, "More like you than not" says it all.
Amy Sequenzia: Happy to be Myself
Respect, understanding, acceptance.Things that make me happy.Respect, understanding, acceptance. These things make me grow.
Amy Sequenzia: Respect How I Choose to Speak
I type my words because I am non-speaking. One of my disabilities, or one characteristic of my disability, is that my body does not move like my brain wants. That of course, includes my arm. And I use my arm, my hand and my fingers to communicate. I also need the support of someone to help me coordinate and synchronize my brain and my finger. I need to define support. It is the physical support of helping me type slower than my brain works, being able, at the same time, to feel my movement, knowing when to let go, when
Autism Speaks: Time to Listen by Autistic Self-Advocate Amy Sequenzia
Autism Speaks: Time to Listen by Autistic Self-Advocate Amy Sequenzia
Deaf Olympic hopeful uses social media to fight discrimination
Marcus Titus, top U.S. breaststroker, rallied for change and got it. USA Swimming will allow the use of hand signals to accomodate Deaf swimmers at the summer Olympic trials.
Jesse A. Saperstein
Jesse A. Saperstein is a best-selling author, autism advocate and motivational speaker. He is considered one of the most respected leaders in the Anti-Bullying movement of his generation. Jesse also has a form of autism called Asperger's syndrome (AS). Individuals with Asperger's are impaired by a profound lack of social skills, common sense, and resistance to change in routine.
Autistic Student Advocates for Herself, Other Autistics
“Because we see autism and other neurodevelopmental or neurological differences, conditions or disabilities as a natural variation of human diversity in terms of neurological diversity,” Brown says, “that means there’s nothing defective, wrong or diseased or broken. Therefore there’s no reason for a fix or for a cure.”
Welcome new Ollibean writer, Amy Sequenzia! We know you're going to love her blog and her poems........ "Accepting myself is an on going process. A few days ago I wrote a poem about acceptance. It is easier for me, sometimes, to write about my life in verses. But after I write about what bothers me in verses and stanzas, I can talk about it in any format. I freed myself when I wrote the poem. In a way, I accepted myself a little more." It is very hard to have confidence in my abilities when all my life, when people
Amy Sequenzia “Be Proud of Who You Are”
"Feeling sorry for our disabilities means not accepting ourselves. I feel sorry because disabilities rights are still lacking, not because I am disabled. My message is, hopefully, about our strength and similarities". Amy Sequenzia
My Voice, My Life : A Poem by Amy Sequenzia
This powerful poem from the book "MY VOICE, Autism, Life and Dreams" by self-advocate Amy Sequenzia says so much. We were fortunate enough to get to know Amy at ICI's Summer Institute at MIT and are very grateful to her for allowing us to publish "My Voice, My Life" here. If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Amy's book, you can find her on Facebook. My Voice, My Life Look at me. Go ahead, take a good look. What do you see? Weird? Silly? Pitiful? Can’t do anything? You might feel sorry for me You might pity me
The Loud Hands Project
Love this video published by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. Share it, Post it, Donate at http://www.indiegogo.com/The-Loud-Hands-Project?a=351448 so they will make more:)