Real Consequences
Autism Speaks has been hurting autistics for too long. We are fighting back and we are stronger. It is time to say things like they are. This post is because I feel offended by people defending hateful speech.
This Is Autism by Amy Sequenzia
Today we are flashblogging to counter Autism Speaks’ wrong view of autism. We are showing what autism really is. We speak for ourselves, even if Autism Speaks refuses to listen. The rest of the world will.
My Voice, My Life : A Poem by Amy Sequenzia
This powerful poem from the book "MY VOICE, Autism, Life and Dreams" by self-advocate Amy Sequenzia says so much. We were fortunate enough to get to know Amy at ICI's Summer Institute at MIT and are very grateful to her for allowing us to publish "My Voice, My Life" here. If you are interested in purchasing a copy of Amy's book, you can find her on Facebook. My Voice, My Life Look at me. Go ahead, take a good look. What do you see? Weird? Silly? Pitiful? Can’t do anything? You might feel sorry for me You might pity me