April is Over!
Another April has passed – big sigh of relief! As an autistic I have a love/hate relationship with April – the AUTISM month. I love that increasingly more people over time have become aware of autism. I hate that Autism Awareness month contributes daily to many negative stereotypes of autism, most of it by people meaning to do something good on behalf of autism. As an autistic, I am meant to be grateful to all these wonderful people who are sacrificing their time, talent and money to be helpful to people like me. Some of the time I am grateful, but
A Typical Son’s mom on “the r-word” and Chuck Klosterman’s apology
Kari Wagner-Peck ,the author of A Typical Son blog, and twitter friend @atypicalson wrote a letter to find out why Chuck Klosterman , of the Ethicist used the r-word. Kari who is 'like Erma Bombeck - in that I write funny about the ordinary and not so much in that I am angry, I swear a lot, and we have a kid who has Down syndrome' wrote an eloquent, thoughtful letter to Klosterman , reached out to folks on twitter and used social media for social good. Pretty cool. You can read the response from Klosterman here,It's fabulous- CK, sincerely apologizes
Ollibean Spotlight: Renee Salas
" Talk to people with disabilities. As many as you can: Adults, adolescents, kids. These people are the real experts on disabilities. These are the people that can tell you what life with a disability is like." Renee Salas
Why Would We Want Inclusive Education?
Why would we separate, segregate and alienate children from one another while at the same time teach them to look after the world around them, respect differences and take a stand at injustice?