The Case for Inclusion on The Inclusive Class Podcast
Check Out Education Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with The Inclusive Class Podcast on BlogTalkRadio
The Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education – 07/12/13
This week, Carol Quirk who is the Co-Executive Director for the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education, will return to the podcast. Carol is going to talk, on behalf of the MCIE, about ways in which we can support inclusive education. The Maryland Co
Insight into Inclusion: The Language we Use
How do we help our children or students who are perpetually losing things, often running late and seem completely disorganized? Do we re... Teachers love a great resource! Especially a resource that is free and at their fingertips - literally. That's why
A Parent’s Story of Advocacy on The Inclusive Class
Teachers love a great resource! Especially a resource that is free and at their fingertips - literally. That's why I put together a list of... How do we help our children or students who are perpetually losing things, often running late and seem complete
Appropriate Education for Your Child – 02/15/2013
Unfortunately, our guest Howard Glasser, was unavailable for this morning's show! However, Terri and I managed to fill the 30 minutes (it's not hard!) talking about inclusion and education. During our show, we talked about finding appropriate education f
The Inclusive Class: Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities
Nicole and Terri are looking forward to interviewing Dr. Sheldon Horowitz about ways classrooms can support children with learning disabilities.
The Inclusive Education of Adults with Autism
This week on The Inclusive Class Podcast, we will be talking about educating adult students with autism. To lead our discussion, will be expert guest, Rhonda Greenhaw. Rhonda J. Greenhaw, MA, BCBA, is a leading clinician and researcher in the field of au
Now, It’s Our Turn!
Tonight, Terri and I had the tables turned on us! It was our turn to be on the "hot seat" when we were featured guests on HuffPost Live. Interviewed by host, Nancy Redd, we appeared live (and on camera - much more stressful than a phone interview!!) to d
Paula Kluth on The Inclusive Class Roundtable
Paula Kluth's strategies for teachers who might be reluctant or don't know where to begin with inclusion on The Inclusive Class Roundtable, as well as some of our favorite things from her website,
What I Learned “When Schools Say No to Inclusion “
The guests on the show are leaders in the inclusion community. They all brought something unique to the table, but they had one thing in common- respect and dedication to all learners.
Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities – 11/02/12
Having taught at the primary, secondary and college levels, Dr. Horowitz has also worked as a consultant to school districts throughout the New York City metropolitan region. In addition, he is frequently cities in popular press topics including parentin
Listen to The Inclusive Class Roundtable – 10/26
Inclusive Education, as defined and described by education experts, is a philosophy. It is not a program, nor does it happen in is... Parents of school-age children can often become bewildered by today’s education system and it’s expectations. Its quickl
Oct 26th The Inclusive Class Podcast Presents a Roundtable Event: “When Schools Say ‘NO’ to Inclusion”
On Friday, October 26, 2012 at 9 AM Eastern Standard Time, The Inclusive Class Podcast proudly presents a one hour long roundtable event on Blog Talk Radio. This event brings together experts in the area of inclusive education to discuss and respond with practical techniques when schools say 'NO' to inclusion.
Th Inclusive Class Roundtable :”When Schools Say ‘NO’ to Inclusion”
This event brings together experts in the area of inclusive education to discuss and respond with practical techniques when schools say 'NO' to inclusion.
Inclusive Education: It’s Great If You Can Get It
Inclusive schools need to become a reality for all students across the nation regardless of abilities, socio-economic background and geographic location. Unfortunately, many school districts do not see the inclusive classroom as the Least Restrictive Environment and an appropriate placement for children with special needs. Thus, what one child has free and appropriate access to, another one doesn’t. And then inclusion , which has been proven by experts to be the gold standard of special education, becomes an ideal situation…if you can get it. The lack of universal practice of inclusive education in our school system creates an overall discord in
Teaching Reading to Children with Special Needs
On Friday July 27, 2012, Nicole and Terri will be interviewing Dr. Kathleen Whitbread about the importance of including children with special needs in reading instruction. In todays schools, children who are deemed incapable of reading, are usually pulle
Why Would We Want Inclusive Education?
Why would we separate, segregate and alienate children from one another while at the same time teach them to look after the world around them, respect differences and take a stand at injustice?
A Letter to Parents of Children with Special Needs
I hope you have an enjoyable and relaxing summer with your family! Don’t forget to keep your child reading, practice some math facts or maybe even keep a journal of your family vacation. It's easy to forget about school for the summer and let the days pa
Introducing Ollibean Think Tank Member Nicole Eredics
We are very proud to introduce Ollibean Think Tank member, Nicole Eredics of the Inclusive Class . We know you are going to learn as much from Nicole as we have. She is kind, extremely knowledgeable, and beyond lovely. She really is the consummate teacher. Listen to any one of her podcasts or read her blogs and you'll see what we mean. Nicole is very committed to inclusion and we are grateful to have her share her knowledge with us. Welcome, Nicole! Hello! I’m Nicole Eredics and I’m an Elementary Teacher who has spent over 15 years teaching in an inclusive school
Top 3 FAQs About Inclusive Education
Parents naturally want what is best for their child, particularly when it comes to education. If a parent is not very familiar with inclusive education or had a child in an inclusive school, they have many questions and concerns. While too numerous to list, here is the top 3 frequently asked questions about inclusive education: Why isn’t there an inclusion program in my child’s school? Inclusive education is not considered a program that can be offered by schools. Inclusive education is a philosophy that the entire school district must believe in and support. The belief that all children should have