The Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education – 07/12/13
This week, Carol Quirk who is the Co-Executive Director for the Maryland Coalition for Inclusive Education, will return to the podcast. Carol is going to talk, on behalf of the MCIE, about ways in which we can support inclusive education. The Maryland Co
The Inclusive Class: Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities
Nicole and Terri are looking forward to interviewing Dr. Sheldon Horowitz about ways classrooms can support children with learning disabilities.
Exploring Empathy
What is this ability to step into someone else’s shoes? To imagine how they feel - and to hurt for them or be happy for them? Host Frank Stasio is joined by a panel of experts to discuss empathy, the trait that makes us uniquely human. Lasana Harris is an assistant professor in psychology and neuroscience at Duke University; Jesse Prinz is a Distinguished Professor of philosophy at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York; Pate Skene is an associate professor of neurobiology at Duke University and a second year law student; and Ralph Savarese is an