Judith Snow ~ Relationships & Inclusion

"The research shows that when a child who is not academically gifted is included in a regular school, not only do the academics improve across the school, and I did say that, I didn’t say “in the classroom”, I said “across the school”, not only do the academics improve, but drug use and violence goes down."

Judith Snow

Judith Snow, MA is a social innovator and an advocate for Inclusion – communities that welcome the participation of a wide diversity of people. Inclusion is an opportunity for EVERYONE!

Families of SMA Awards $150,000 to Investigate New Antisense Therapies for Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Families of SMA is dedicated to creating a treatment and cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) by funding and advancing a comprehensive research program, including drug discovery programs to make practical new therapies. This is the third drug discovery project awarded by Families of SMA in 2013 with a total investment of $400,000. This program will assess the therapeutic potential of second-generation Antisense Oligonucleotides (ASO) sequences for SMA. This funding is being awarded to Co-Principal Investigators Dr. Arthur Burghes at Ohio State University and Dr. Christian Lorson at University of Missouri. Program Description: New Morpholino Antisense Oligonucleotides for the Treatment

By |May 8th, 2013|Categories: Articles, General, Medical|Tags: , |0 Comments

14th Annual Hannah’s Buddies Charity Classic , March 22-23, 2013

The Hannah's Buddies Charity Classic began in 2000 with John Bell of Widespread Panic deciding to help his goddaughter and tens of thousands of children in their fight against SMA.

Hannah’s Buddies Charity Classic, Support the Fight Against SMA, March 30-31

The Hannah's Buddies Charity Classic began in 2000 with John Bell of Widespread Panic deciding to help his goddaughter Hannah and tens of thousands of children in their fight against SMA. Today, the golf tournament, silent/auction and concert lineup attracts more than 2,000 participants and has raised nearly $2 million for SMA research. What is SMA? Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a neuromuscular disease that affects between 1 in 6,000 and 1 and 20,000 births. Over time, SMA causes muscles to become weak and considerably smaller. On average, 1 in 40 people are genetic carriers. Sponsor/Donate If you are unable to attend the

A rare disease gets a new champion

A hedge fund manager and his battalion of scientists are hunting down a cure for Spinal Muscular Atrophy A new $490 million business deal pits pharmaceutical companies against each other in a race to develop drugs for a rare genetic disease: Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). One in 8,000 babies is born with SMA compared to one in 4,000 born with Cystic Fibrosis, a similar degenerative disease that has garnered much more public attention and fundraising.  

Hannah’s Buddies

The Hannah's Buddies Charity Classic began in 2000 with John Bell of Widespread Panic deciding to help his goddaughter and tens of thousands of children in their fight against SMA. Today, the golf tournament, silent/auction and concert lineup attracts more than 2,000 participants and has raised nearly $2 million for SMA research. Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a neuromuscular disease that affects between 1 in 6,000 and 1 and 20,000 births. Over time, SMA causes muscles to become weak and considerably smaller. On average, 1 in 40 people are genetic carriers.

From Skin Cells to Motor Neurons

HARVARD GAZETTE   Harvard researchers have succeeded in reprogramming adult mouse skin cells directly into the type of motor neurons damaged in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), best known as Lou Gehrig's disease, and spinal muscular atropy (SMA). These new cells, which researchers are calling induced motor neurons (iMNs), can be used to study the development of the paralyzing diseases and to develop treatments for them.   “One of the utilities [of this new method for producing motor neurons] is it makes a much more rapid way to grow motor neurons. This could allow us to test very rapidly whether a new therapeutic is

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