Deaf Teen Filmmakers Interpretation of Phillip Phillips’ “Home”

Acceptance, connection, and belonging. Home. Thank you Deaf Film Camp for making such awesome videos!

Attitudes – Communication

Communication is not only speaking, typing, texting or signing. Communication is also being able to listen and understand, being accommodated to make interaction possible.

Pharrell’s “Happy” in Sign Language

Beautiful American Sign Language interpretation of Pharrell Williams's "Happy." An expression of music in ASL composed by Rosa Lee Timm and Azora Telford. The video was produced by a team of Deaf campers & staff from Deaf Film Camp 2014 at Camp Mark Seven. CAST Rosa Lee Timm Azora Telford -- Campers -- (coming soon) -- Teachers -- Bellamie Bachleda Braam Jordaan Bim Ajadi Sophia Ballester Tate Tullier Wayne Betts Jr -- Counselors -- (coming soon) -- Interpreter -- Drisana Levitzke-Gray EXECUTIVE PRODUCER (VIDEO) Convo VIDEO PRODUCER Stacy Lawrence Sophie Sok EDITOR Bim Ajadi CINEMATOGRAPHER/CO-EDITOR Wayne Betts, Jr. VISUAL

Get Your Happy On

Love this video by Tina and Paul Sirimarco. Tina is an ASL interpreter and has been teaching her husband to sign. The videos they have created are so free spirited and joyful that they're really fun to watch. About Paul and Tina : Yup, it's official. They're adorable. "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" is just as much fun to watch.

ASL-STEM: Expanding American Sign Language’s Place in the Sciences

The ASL-STEM  (Enabling American Sign Language to grow in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Forum is up and running! The purpose of  ASL-STEM's online community is to bring educators, interpreters, captioners, students, and others together in order to help build ASL's technical vocabulary from the ground up.  

Closed Captioning Helps All Students

"Not only were students talking about how much having the captions helped them as they took notes, their test scores went up," Collins said. During the first year of a 2-year case study, he showed videos without captions to establish a baseline of student comprehension, then in the second year turned on the captions and began to see improvement in comprehension and grades. "During the baseline year, there were a lot of Cs. In the second years, they went from Cs, Ds and Fs to As, Bs and Cs. It was really significant improvement," he said. "We're living in an

American Society for Deaf Children

We believe deaf or hard-of-hearing children are entitled to full communication access in their home, school, and community. We also believe that language development, respect for the Deaf, and access to deaf and hard-of-hearing role models are important to assure optimal intellectual, social, and emotional development. We believe that consideration of communication opportunities for deaf and hard-of-hearing children should be based on facts. Research consistently demonstrates that fluency in sign language and English offers deaf children (including those with cochlear implants) and hard-of-hearing children optimal opportunities for social and academic success, and thus both should be part of their language-rich

Sign Language Researchers Broaden Science Lexicon

Imagine trying to learn biology without ever using the word “organism.” Or studying to become a botanist when the only way of referring to photosynthesis is to spell the word out, letter by painstaking letter. For deaf students, this game of scientific Password has long been the daily classroom and laboratory experience. Words like “organism” and “photosynthesis” — to say nothing of more obscure and harder-to-spell terms — have no single widely accepted equivalent in sign language. This means that deaf students and their teachers and interpreters must improvise, making it that much harder for the students to excel in

Intersection of Law, Education and Civil Rights

As a deaf-blind student with very limited sight and hearing, Haben Girma '13 learned that you must be a self-advocate and come up with creative solutions to the problems you face. If that fails, she says, then the law can be a strong ally.

We Are Not In Our Own World

We need to be careful about how we think about and talk about people with disabilities. One example is the reference that those who are autistic or deaf or blind or have some sort of movement differences are “in their own world.”

  • There is a big difference between HEARING what you are saying & UNDERSTANDING what you are saying. Linda Tossoonian on Ollibean

Deaf Parent Advocates for Communication Supports She Received from Same School 40 Years Ago

Deaf mother goes before Hillsborough County School District Board to advocate for son's necessary services. The 8th largest school district in the country has an operating budget of $ 3 billion. Despite being notified in advance of her attendance, the district was unable to provide any access .

Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow

Awesome ASL version of En Vogue's 'Free Your Mind'. "Before you can see me you've got to learn how to read me. Free your mind and the rest will follow."

Deaf, Blind Sue Over Web Shopping

Anne Taylor uses a Google Nexus 7 tablet at the National Federation of the Blind in Baltimore. Commerce has moved online. Now, the disability lawsuits are following. Advocates for disabled Americans have declared that companies have a legal obligation to

Need for culturally sensitive treatment for deaf patients with psychiatric disorders

Members of the Deaf community who have mental health problems need culturally sensitive treatment to avoid misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment, according to a report in the March Journal of Psychiatric Practice. The journal is published by Li

‘Switched at Birth’ Goes Silent to Make a Point

"Until hearing people walk a day in our shoes, they will never understand," says a guidance counselor a high school for deaf students in "Switched at Birth."

Deaf Teenager Gets AMC to Offer Closed Captioning

Johnny Butchko, 14, is hearing impaired. Tired of being unable to watch a movie at his local theatre, he stood up and got AMC to provide Closed Captioning in Santa Monica. But he's not stopping there.

Deaf teen finds his niche at Richmond school

RICHMOND, Ind. (AP) — The seventh grade has been a whirlwind for Alex Brown . From relocating to Richmond and playing on the Test Intermediate School football team, the 14-year-old has had his share of new experiences. He was even credited with saving so

Researchers develop Rx for deafness, impaired balance in mouse model of Usher syndrome

New Orleans, LA Â Jennifer Lentz, PhD, Assistant Professor of Otorhinolaryngology & Biocommunications and a member of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, is the lead author of a paper reporting that hearing an

Stephen Kuusisto: Responding to Euthanasia of Deaf Blind Twins in Belgium

The National Association of the Deaf and the American Association of the Deaf-Blind have released a formal statement on the euthanizing of twins in Belgium who preferred death to becoming deaf-blind. Apparently the Belgians would imagine Helen Keller's l

Understanding Hearing Ability

What does speech sound like to deaf and hard of hearing children? Do deaf children hear anything? Some deaf children do in fact have no measurable hearing, but most children have some degree of residual or remaining hearing. Every child is unique in the sounds he or she can hear and his or her ability to understand them. No two children are alike. Two children who perform similarly on their hearing tests may understand or use sounds in very different ways. It is important never to assume how a student should or will communicate because of hearing test results. Whether

Disability on the Florida Senate’s 2013 Agenda

The most important would eliminate the requirement that students enroll in a traditional school before becoming eligible for a McKay scholarship. McKay scholarships allow students with disabilities to use the money for tuition at a private school of their choice. One, SB 226, creates a two-week “disability history and awareness” instruction program starting in the 2014-2015 school year. The bill creates a committee to help the Department of Education design program curriculum. SB 150 creates a “Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children’s Educational Bill of Rights,” and requires state and local school officials to recognize the needs of hard-of-hearing students. Another bill,

Crowdsourcing Site Compiles New Sign Language for Math and Science

A multimedia feature published earlier in December in the New York Times, "Pushing Science's Limits in Sign Language Lexicon," outlines efforts in the United States and Europe to develop sign language versions of specialized terms used in science, techno

Site helps deaf with signing science terms

Published: Dec. 10, 2012 at 9:43 PM SEATTLE, Dec. 10 (UPI) -- U.S. researchers say an online forum is helping develop sign language versions of specialized terms used in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Started at the University of Washi

Aide at Maryland School for the Deaf charged with sex abuse of minors

Posted at 01:55 PM ET, 12/06/2012 Dec 06, 2012 06:55 PM EST TheWashingtonPost By David Marino-Nachison An aide at the Maryland School for the Deaf’s Columbia campus has been charged with inappropriately touching three girls when they were students at the

Scientists identify molecules in the ear that convert sound into brain signals

IMAGE: Ulrich Mueller, PhD, (center) isa professor in the Department of Cell Biology,director of the Dorris Neuroscience Center at The Scripps Research Institute, and lead author of the Cell paper;Wei... LA JOLLA, CA Â December 6, 2012 Â For scientists w

Nathan Heller: Andrew Solomon’s “Far from the Tree.”

For Megan and Michael, a Los Angeles couple, the crucial turn of parenthood came not in the delivery room but eight months later, when they started to worry that something had gone wrong with their son. The baby, Jacob, didn’t respond to the surrounding

URMC, Deaf Community, Study How to Improve Research Participation

Documents that explain life-saving medical procedures or how to take part in research can be difficult to understand, but with a $600,000 grant the University of Rochester Medical Center is studying new ways to deliver those messages to deaf patients and

Netflix pledges to caption all content by 2014

Netflix will offer closed captions on all TV and movie content by September 2014 as part of a settlement with a deaf Massachusetts viewer who sued the company. The on-demand Internet streaming service agreed to the settlement Tuesday in U.S. District Cou

First Day of School

Today is the first time that Henry has not had a First day of School. He is not allowed to go to his neighborhood school that is about 200 yards from our home.

  • woman reading a book in lounge chair with ocean in background

Ollibean Mama Spotlight

Connect and learn with other parents like Tonya who presume competence and celebrate their children for being exactly who they are. #allofakind

Disability in an Ableist World

Disability as a constructed concept is not a commonly understood or propagated idea in the mainstream of an ableist society. The average non-disabled person, and frequently even disabled people who’ve had limited or no exposure to disability rights theor

Insights into How Deaf Brain Processes Touch and Sight

People who are born deaf process the senses of touch and sight differently than those who are born with normal hearing, a new study reports. The finding supports the notion that loss of a sense, such as hearing, affects brain development. Hearing loss th

Deaf people “feel touch” with hearing part of brain

(LiveScience) Individuals who are born deaf use the "hearing" part of their brain to feel touch and to see objects, suggests new research that highlights the plasticity of the human brain. The new study, detailed online July 11 in The Journal of Neurosci

Phonological Awareness and Print Knowledge of Preschool Children With Cochlear Implants [Article]

Correspondence to Sophie E. Ambrose, who is now at the Center for Childhood Deafness, Boys Town National Research Hospital, Omaha, NE: sophie.e.ambrose{at} Purpose: To determine whether preschool-age children with cochlear implants have age-appr


At Purple, we're dedicated to developing fast, easy and convenient communications solutions and services for Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals and businesses using a variety of different platforms. As a leading provider of on-site interpreting services, video relay services (VRS), text relay services and video remote interpreting (VRI), Purple has built an excellent reputation for developing products and services that open communications between all people, regardless of differences in abilities, languages and locations. Because of our many innovations and firsts, including Internet relay, wireless relay, mobile communication apps, real local 10-digit number access for video and text relay customers and interpreting

My Valentine by Paul McCartney- Featuring Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp

Paul McCartney Directs His Own 'My Valentine' Videos Featuring Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp using ASL.

Aspiring to Conquer Crossover Acting Path

It didn’t take much rehearsing for Russell Harvard, who plays the deaf son of a loquacious and argumentative British family in the Off Broadway play “Tribes,” to get inside his character’s skin. Like his character Billy, the 30-year-old actor is himself

Deaf children’s gesture mismatches provide clues to learning moments

In a discovery that could help instructors better teach deaf children, a team of University of Chicago researchers has found that a gesture-sign mismatch made while explaining a math problem suggests that a deaf child is experiencing a teachable moment. Teachers also frequently use their own gestures to help students learn. They can illustrate how numbers in an equation can be grouped, for example, to help students understand how to make both sides of an equation have the same value. The deaf child watching the interpreter will then miss any messages that the teacher sends in gesture and not in

ADA Kits for Hotel Guests with Hearing Loss

Harris Communications makes it easy to be in compliance with the new ADA requirements for deaf and hard of hearing hotel guests. Effective March 15, 2012, the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) changed the accessibility requirements for guest

AT&T Accused of Improperly Billing for Service for Deaf

The Justice Department has accused AT&T of knowing that a calling service it offered for the deaf was being used by Nigerian swindlers and others to steal from American merchants. The department, which intervened in a whistle-blower lawsuit in federal co

Obama Signs ‘Thank You’ to Deaf Supporter

President Obama didn’t miss a beat last week when he encountered a group of deaf students along a rope line after his speech at Prince George’s Community College in Maryland. “I am proud of you,” signed Stephon, a 26-year-old coll

Deaf children four times more likely to be mistreated at school and have mental health issues

Researchers found that deaf children who cannot make themselves understood within their family are four times more likely to have mental health disorders and more likely to suffer mistreatment at school than deaf children who can communicate with their family members, according to a report published in March 15th issue of The Lancett.

The Lancet:The health of deaf people: communication breakdown

Andrew Alexander discusses how deaf people are often alienated from accessing the UK health-care system and what needs to be done to change this.

The Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies

The Center on Human Policy, Law, and Disability Studies (CHPLDS) is an expansion of the Center on Human Policy, which was founded by Dr. Burton Blatt in 1971. The Center is a network of academic programs, centers, student organizations, and affiliated faculty whose research, teaching, and advocacy seeks to promote the rights of people with disabilities locally, nationally, and globally, and to facilitate a critical examination of disability as an aspect of diversity in society.  

Deafness penetrates more rapidly and deeply into the brain than previously thought

Portions of a songbird's brain that control how it sings have been shown to decay within 24 hours of the animal losing its hearing. The findings, by researchers at Duke University Medical Center, show that deafness penetrates much more rapidly and deeply

A Deaf Son Struggles to Be Heard in ‘Tribes’

A family dinner in the beginning of Nina Raine's "Tribes" tells the audience all it needs to know about the crisis of understanding that plagues the characters in this bright and boldly provocative drama. Two parents and three twenty-something children s

Lloyd Coleman, deaf teen composer’s Olympic theme

Lloyd Coleman, 18, who is also visually impaired, recently won a place at London's Royal Academy of Music. "It's called Breaking the Wall because, after Giles and I started talking about marathons and how runners hit the wall and have to overcome humungous challenges, we realised there were parallels with the kind of challenges disabled people face," he said.

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) is one of the Institutes that comprise the National Institutes of Health (NIH).NIH is the Federal government's focal point for the support of biomedical research. NIH's mission is to uncover new knowledge that will lead to better health for everyone. Simply described, the goal of NIH research is to acquire new knowledge to help prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat disease and disability. NIH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Established in 1988, NIDCD is mandated to conduct and support biomedical and behavioral research and research training

CART Interpreting

The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (A.G. Bell) filed two amicus briefs within days of each other in federal courts of appeal supporting the right of students who are deaf and hard of hearing to receive Communication Ac

SoundBite uses vibrations through the teeth to help the hearing impaired

SoundBite is a new hearing device that uses bone conduction through the teeth to help the hearing impaired. SAN ANTONIO -- The newest device on the market for the hearing impaired doesn’t use the ear canal to transmit sound. It uses teeth. Ear Medical Gr

How mitochondrial DNA defects cause inherited deafness

(Medical Xpress) -- Yale scientists have discovered the molecular pathway by which maternally inherited deafness appears to occur: Mitochondrial DNA mutations trigger a signaling cascade, resulting in programmed cell death. The study is in the Feb. 17 is

E-Learning for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

Launched by the St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf (SJI) – an institution with a 175-year history of innovation in deaf education – iHear is the world's first e-learning program created with optimum security measures to ensure privacy and compliance with federal HIPAA regulations and educational FERPA regulations. Hear gives families in rural areas the choice to pursue their child's development of auditory and speech skills without the burdens of extensive travel and cost," says Deborah Wilson, president of SJI. "This access to spoken-language therapy opens the doors for children with hearing impairments to remain on grade-level with their peers

EdTech Associates

Founded on the vision that every child should have the opportunity to develop a foundation of 21st Century learning skills, EdTech Associates provides services to empower all schools and students to succeed. EdTech Associates was established by Kathleen H. McClaskey, M.Ed., a well-respected and recognized professional and innovative leader in educational technology. Kathleen has almost three decades of experience in educational technology with a firm philosophy that technology is a tool that can improve teaching and learning. In her long career, she has been a computer teacher, technology integration specialist, K-12 technology director and graduate instructor for in online and

  • Image description: photograph of young girl with blond hair and light skin, She is using American Sign Language. In the background a large white rectangular sign reads D-PAN, Deaf Professional Arts Network. Closed Captioning in Yellow at bottom of image reads" We're Going To Be Friends , " by the White Stripes.

D-PAN ASL Music Video “We’re Going To Be Friends” by the White Stripes

White Stripes "We're Going To Be Friends" ASL video we love by D-PAN.

RIT Offers National Writing and Arts Competitions for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students

Deaf and hard-of-hearing high school students are encouraged to enter two creative competitions for cash prizes offered by Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). The first contest is the RIT Digital Arts, Film and Animation Competition for Deaf and Har

By |December 30th, 2011|Categories: Articles, Medical|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

UNH Institute on Disability

The Institute on Disability/UCED (IOD) at the University of New Hampshire was established in 1987 to provide a coherent university-based focus for the improvement of knowledge, policies, and practices related to the lives of persons with disabilities and their families.

Office for Civil Rights

The mission of the Office for Civil Rights is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation through vigorous enforcement of civil rights. An important responsibility is resolving complaints of discrimination. OCR also provides technical assistance to help institutions achieve voluntary compliance with the civil rights laws that OCR enforces. An important part of OCR's assistance is partnerships designed to develop creative approaches to preventing and addressing discrimination.

Classroom Simulation of Student Who Is Deaf or Hard of Hearing

An amazing simulation of what speech sounds like for hearing impaired student by the Vermont Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc. You will be shocked! This simulation allows you to experience the challenges a hearing impaired student faces in the classroom, with and without a personal FM sytem. We had no idea it was this hard for hearing impaired students to hear what's being said in a typical classroom environment.

National Association of the Deaf (NAD)

The NAD is the nation's premier civil rights organization of, by and for deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States of America. Established in 1880, the NAD was shaped by deaf leaders who believed in the right of the American deaf community to use sign language, to congregate on issues important to them, and to have its interests represented at the national level. These beliefs remain true to this day, with American Sign Language as a core value. The advocacy scope of the NAD is broad, covering a lifetime and impacting future generations in the areas of

Thank You, Steve Jobs

Thank you Steve Jobs for thinking differently so that so many others may express their thoughts. Apple's products have changed the lives of so many people with disabilities - CP, autism, dyspraxia, motor planning issues, developmental delays, neuromuscular disorders, expressive language disorders, vision impairments. My son uses his iPad and iPod as a communication device, a way to surf the internet, watch youtube, and connect with friends. Until Apple came out with the ipod, the choices in AAC devices were very expensive ( the ones we looked at were between $5,000 and $8,000 and heavy- too heavy for someone that

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