• “Disability Visibility Project .A community partner with StoryCorps” Black images with yellow images of Golden Gate Bridge, a Peach, Cityscape of Chicago, and RV “SF, ATLANTA, CHICAGO ,MOBILE TOUR, Recording Disability History, One Story at a Time, July 2104-2015, DisabilityVisibilityProject.com, @DisVisibility, #DisabilityVisibility, #ADA25"

Disability Visibility Project

Ollibean is very proud to be a media partner of the Disability Visibility Project. Please join us in spreading the word about this important project dedicated to "Recording Disability History, One Story at a Time".

Senator Harkin Delivers Speech in ASL Upon ADA Passage in 1990

Upon passage of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 13th, 1990, Senator Tom Harkin delivered a speech on the Senate floor in American Sign Language. Harkin, whose brother Frank was deaf, was the lead Senate author of the ADA, which was enacted later that year. His speech is the first in American Sign Language to be delivered from the Senate floor.

Planet of The Bind: Why Do Banks Still Lag In Basic Service To Blind Customers?

It seems like a natural: keypads with Braille, audio prompts and the like. And advocates for the seeing-impaired have been working with the industry since 1999 to provide just such adaptations.

Editorial: Disabled Senate rejects U.N. rights treaty

Former Senate Republican leader Bob Dole is wheeled into the Senate on Tuesday.(Photo: CSPAN2 via AP) Dole, a former party leader and a disabled veteran, tried to champion the treaty in the Senate. The opponents persuaded 38 Republican senators to vote n

For collegians with disabilities, success linked to mentoring, self-advocacy

(Phys.org)—A Rutgers study of recent New Jersey college and university graduates with disabilities has found that students attributed their academic success to a combination of possessing such strong personality traits as self-advocacy and perseverance,

Justice Department Settles with Florida Bus Companies Over Accessibility Violations

The Justice Department reached four settlement agreements with over-the-road bus companies in Florida in the last month, to ensure that bus transportation is accessible for people with disabilities. The settlements under the Americans with Disabilities A

Wendy’s Franchisee to Settle Lawsuit for Refusing to Hire Applicant with Hearing Disability

DALLAS - CTW L.L.C., a Wendy's franchisee, has agreed to pay $41,500 and provide other significant relief to settle a disability discrimination lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today. The EE

Landmark Decision Promoting Accessible Books for the Blind

Baltimore, Maryland (October 11, 2012): The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) today applauded a decision issued on October 10, 2012, by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, which permits the distribution of millions of book

Netflix pledges to caption all content by 2014

Netflix will offer closed captions on all TV and movie content by September 2014 as part of a settlement with a deaf Massachusetts viewer who sued the company. The on-demand Internet streaming service agreed to the settlement Tuesday in U.S. District Cou

Looking to November, Disability Advocates Call for Accessible Polling Places

A Federal Court Judge will hear testimony Monday about how to make city polling sites more accessible for people who use wheelchairs or have vision impairments. Earlier this month, U.S. District Judge Deborah Batts ruled there were pervasive barriers at

By |August 27th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General, Politics|Tags: , |0 Comments

The Americans with Disabilities Act: CEC Celebrates 22nd Anniversary

On July 26, 2012 the United States will mark the 22nd anniversary of key landmark legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, also known as ADA (Public Law, 101-336). Signed into law by President George H.W. Bush, this historic legislation resulted

By |July 25th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General, Politics|Tags: , |0 Comments

Dole, Coehlo Urge Congress To Ratify Convention On Rights Of Persons With Disabilities

(The Hill) July 18, 2012 WASHINGTON, DC-- [Excerpt provided by Inclusion Daily Express] As two individuals with disabilities who served in Congress, the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 was not only a proud moment in our careers, it

By |July 19th, 2012|Categories: Advocacy, Articles, General, Politics|Tags: , |0 Comments

Support the Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities (CRPD)

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) is an international treaty that outlines the obligations of ratifying countries to promote, protect, fulfill, and ensure the rights of persons with disabilities. It embodies the American id

Report: Disabled Face Transportation Barriers

WASHINGTON, DC -- Two civil rights organizations are highlighting disparities in transportation access for people with disabilities. "Equity in Transportation for People with Disabilities," a report by The American Association of People with Disabilities

OT students on reliability of ADA-Compliance Assessment Toolkit

Misericordia University student researchers recently had their findings about the reliability of the Americans with Disabilities Act-Compliance Assessment Toolkit (ADA-CAT) presented at the California State University, Northridge Annual International Tec

Employer Best Practices for Workers with Caregiving Responsibilities

In 2007, EEOC issued guidance explaining the circumstances under which discrimination against workers with caregiving responsibilities might constitute discrimination based on sex, disability or other characteristics protected by federal employment discr

AT&T Accused of Improperly Billing for Service for Deaf

The Justice Department has accused AT&T of knowing that a calling service it offered for the deaf was being used by Nigerian swindlers and others to steal from American merchants. The department, which intervened in a whistle-blower lawsuit in federal co

250 children living in nursing homes in Florida should get home care

Five year old Andi lives in a nursing home in Tampa because his family says the state won't pay for 24-hour care that would let him live with his two brothers and parents. A second lawsuit claims several thousand other children could end up in those facilities in Florida  because of decisions by the state about their care.

A D A Audio Conference Series

The ADA Audio Conference Series provides in-depth information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This program is designed to enhance an individual's existing knowledge base or facilitate continued learning regarding regulations and trends under the ADA.  

GCAC Presents: VSA Ohio at the intersection of art and disability

Since its founding in 1986, VSA Ohio has evolved to become a community that helps inspired artists connect with their passions. Bridging arts and disability, their programs and services focus on providing equal opportunity, full participation, independen

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