• When a client has been previously diagnosed with autism it is common for mental health clinicians to attribute all psychiatric symptomatology to the autism, which often results in autistics not being diagnosed or treated for comorbid mental illnesses when warranted. Judy Endow on Ollibean

Mental Health Therapy and the Autistic Client: When Clinicians Don’t See the Autism (It’s All the Autism)

When Clinicians Attribute All Psychiatric Symptomatology to the Autism Autistic people find their way to therapy when symptoms of depression, anxiety, OCD and other diagnoses become problematic to them in their daily lives. When a client has been previously diagnosed with autism it is common for mental health clinicians to attribute all psychiatric symptomatology to the autism, which often results in autistics not being diagnosed or treated for comorbid mental illnesses when warranted. As clinicians we need to understand the autistic operating system – in other words, to see the autism – if we are to be helpful to

Deaf children four times more likely to be mistreated at school and have mental health issues

Researchers found that deaf children who cannot make themselves understood within their family are four times more likely to have mental health disorders and more likely to suffer mistreatment at school than deaf children who can communicate with their family members, according to a report published in March 15th issue of The Lancett.

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