• How can you feel like you belong in your community if you don't feel you belong in your own neighborhood school, which is the hub of the community? Advocate for inclusion. Dan Habib

Dan Habib: Disabling Segregation

Dan Habib's Tedx Talk on the importance of inclusion, belonging and disabling segregation. Habib is the creator of the award winning documentaries, Including Samuel, Who Cares About Kelsey, Restraint and Seclusion: Hear Our Stories, Thalia and other disability related subjects . Check out Dan's Tedx Talk on the benefits of inclusive education for students with and without disabilities.   Picture yourself back in your grade school classroom. I don't care if it's elementary school, middle school, high school. Just put yourself back there for a second. Look around the classroom. Do you see any kids with and without disabilities studying together

  • "I Care By" logo.

I Care By

If you care, you act. Do something positive to help a young person with emotional challenges.

  • White rectangle with black text that reads Who cares about Kelsey ? Kelsey is written in red handwritten font.Who cares about Kelsey ?

Who Cares About Kelsey

Kelsey Carroll lived with homelessness, self-mutilation, abuse and ADHD.  She was a likely high school dropout — until she encountered an education revolution that’s about empowering, not overpowering, teens with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Kelsey’s story, a story of trying to be seen for her potential rather than her past behavior.

The Power of Presuming Competence

"Thasya", a mini film by Dan Habib, highlights the power of presuming competence, differentiated instruction and augmentative and alternative communication. Inclusion works.

My Skilled Companion Dog

We love the ebook "My Skilled Companion Dog"  by Samuel Habib. It is a great and very realistic account of  getting a CCI ( Canine Companion for Independence)  skilled companion dog. Henry also has a CCI skilled companion dog, Denzel. CCI's two week training and matching program was such an extraordinary experience for Henry and me. We completed the course on CCI's Orlando campus, living in a dorm with 6 other families . The kindness and generosity exemplified by everyone involved was so touching ; from the amazing puppy raisers, the volunteers feeding us everyday, the patient and loving staff

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