Intelligence Is an Ableist Concept
Intelligence Is an Ableist Concept, by Amy Sequenzia. Warning: use of the R-word. Am I “Intelligent”? Too many times I see the word "intelligence" in articles that are supposedly about disability rights. The word comes up to explain that being disabled does not mean that there is a "problem" with the brain. Many times this happens when a physically disabled person, or someone talking about physical disabilities, want to point out that “their minds are fine”. The word is also used to tell stories of non-speaking Autistics who learned to type to communicate and "proved" that they are "intelligent".
Cry Me a River, Katrina Percy. Justice for LB!
I originally wrote this piece for the blog I asked for permission to reprint it to help raise awareness on this side of the Atlantic about the story. If you'd like to get involved with Justice for LB and 107 Days of Action, please click here. I've recently been made aware of the story of the death of a young autistic man in the UK that's not getting any press that I'm aware of in the U.S. or Canada. I'd like to tell you Connor Sparrowhawk's story. Connor Sparrowhawk, known as "Laughing Boy" or "LB" to his friends and
Man with Down Syndrome owns “The World’s Friendliest Restaurant”
Tim Harris has a great deal to be proud of. "Tim The Man" to those who know him, he's accomplished more in his 27 years than some people accomplish in an entire lifetime. A Special Olympian, he has dozens of gold medals. He's lived on a sailboat and is well-known in the Bahamas as an excellent sailor and fisherman. He graduated from Eastern New Mexico University in 2008 with certificates in food service, office skills, and restaurant hosting. He's now living independently, and really enjoying the fact that he can walk to work - the restaurant that he owns is
The Need to Reassess the Sheltered Workshop
An emerging story in Rhode Island is raising discussion about sheltered workshop environments for people with intellectual disabilities and the culture of discrimination that they create. Discrimination? Yes. These environments, originally intended to ensure that people with intellectual disabilities had work to do and and a safe place in which to do it, have become the exact opposite. They're also created a culture where it's permissible to not only view people with intellectual disabilities in extremely outdated ways and to treat them accordingly. The most recent story that's brought these issues to the public's attention revolves around a a school
Joe Flacco Pledges to No Longer Use the R-Word
Baltimore Ravens quarterback and Superbowl MVP Joe Flacco has made a commitment to no longer use the R-word, joined by teammates Ed Dickson and Gino Gradkowski. The three men signed the pledge not to use the R-word anymore from the Spread the Word to End the Word website on May 20 and had their photos taken with representatives from the Maryland Special Olympics. Flacco’s commitment to the movement to stop use of the R-word comes on the heels of using it during Superbowl week at a press conference. He apologized the next day, concerned that his “bad choice of words” would damage
Child Positive Impact:The Disability-Culture Connection
This study examined mothers' perceptions of the positive impact of having a child with an intellectual disability. Trajectories of positive impact from 7 time points were developed using latent growth modeling and 2 predictors: culture (Anglo, Latino) and child disability status (intellectual disability, typical development). Data were from 219 mothers of children from age 3 to 9 years. Growth trajectories reflected a general decline in positive impact on Anglo mothers. On average, at age 3, Anglo mothers reported significantly lower initial values on positive impact when their children had an intellectual disability, but Latino mothers did not. Across all time points, Latino
Sexual Assault and Ableism in Martin de Porres Academy
K.J. told police that she said "No" and "Stop" when the three ninth grade boys sexually assaulted her. She had to be physically assaulted to keep from escaping. But, because K.J. and her attackers were labeled with IQs below 50 the sex is considered "consensual".
10-year edition of ‘Riding the Bus’ comes subtler understanding of intellectual disability
Rachel Simon knew that having a sibling who has a serious intellectual disability had changed her life. But she had no idea that writing a book about the experience would change her life again. Recalling those early days, Simon says, “I allowed myself on
President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities
The mission of PCPID is to provide advice and assistance to the President of the United States and the Secretary of Health and Human Services on a broad range of topics that impact people with intellectual disabilities and the field of Intellectual Disabilities. Undergirding the Committee’s mission is the goal to improve the quality of life that is experienced by people with intellectual disabilities, by upholding their full citizenship rights, independence, self-determination, and life-long participation in their respective communities.