The BIG Deal About Small Talk!
by Judy Endow As an adult with autism small talk is the most difficult of all communication and yet it is likely the most important communication skill when it comes to developing real relationships with other human beings. I think of small talk as all the word fluff that people "lacking" autism (love to say it that way!) seem to require. I was reminded again last night when a dear friend popped out to chat online with me. Here is how our conversation started: Susie: hey Judy: what Susie: “what?” geez, was just saying hi Judy: STARTING OVER! Judy: hi
Visuals and Back to School Transitions
Our kids went back to school this month and likely many families are still struggling with the transition. It often seems that as the newness wears off, the getting-down-to-business-struggles begin. Autistic students have a particularly challenging time because their neurology does not permit them to automatically organize the world around them. Teachers and parents can support a child with autism to become more organized. For many it is an essential accommodation so they can be in a place to learn. Autistic students are often visual learners. This means that even though they may be verbal, as stress increases comprehension of