• Teaching One Autistic Student to Ask for Help, Judy Endow on Ollibean

Teaching One Autistic Student to Ask For Help

Teaching One Autistic Student to Ask For Help by Judy Endow During the past school year I worked with a third grader diagnosed with autism as he returned to school after being discharged from a treatment center. Jake displayed many behaviors that did not work well in the classroom. These behaviors occurred predominantly during math class. Jake’s scores in math were 82 – 90 percent over the previous quarter. With these scores, it did not appear that he was struggling in math. I discovered that most of Jake’s behaviors stemmed from frustration. Jake knew when he needed help, but

Teaching Autistic People

by Judy Endow Autistic People of All Ages Can Learn Just like people of all ages can learn, so is it that autistic people of all ages can learn. It is an utterly sad state of affairs that this even needs to be said, but unfortunately, it needs to be said. Too often I see autistic children being babysat rather than being taught at school. When I ask about academic curriculum being used, I am told, “Oh, he has autism” as if this is an answer to my question. In my work as an autism consultant I am called on

  • Photograph of open book on a table Text reads "Autism and Changing Classroom Strategies .It is hard to entertain having been wrong, especially when you know it may have negatively affected the lives of children. Judy Endow, MSW on Ollibean"

Autism and Changing Classroom Strategies

The field of autism is very new – not even 100 years old yet! This means we are constantly learning new things. We now know that what works for most children to learn does not always work for autistic children. In fact, it can be detrimental to their learning. Those of us in the field of autism will likely need to change the way we deliver help to those who seek it and change the way we teach our students.

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