Why Disabled People Write About Ableism
Are You Paying Attention When Disabled People Write about Ableism? When I, and other disabled people write about ableism, we don't do it because we like the topic. We do it because we DON’T like it but experience it every day. We do it because we are protesting the many ways we are objectified, dismissed, ignored and dehumanized. I don't speak for all disabled people but I believe most would agree with my statement above. Forms of Ableism There are very obvious forms of ableism, from inaccessibility, to inspiration porn, to denial of rights. There is also the ableism
Breaking News from Autistic Hoya: The End of Torture at the JRC?
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick filed a motion to vacate (render null) the 1987 settlement agreement that has permitted the Judge Rotenberg Center to use aversives, including the notorious electric shock GED devices.
Autistic Hoya: End the torture. Make this go viral.
The public must see what the Judge Rotenberg Center is doing. Their experts claimed that the public would not understand the content of this video without "proper context." There is no context that justifies the use of torture against anybody ever. The public has not merely a right but a responsibility to watch this video and share it everywhere.