A Typical Son’s mom on “the r-word” and Chuck Klosterman’s apology
Kari Wagner-Peck ,the author of A Typical Son blog, and twitter friend @atypicalson wrote a letter to find out why Chuck Klosterman , of the Ethicist used the r-word. Kari who is 'like Erma Bombeck - in that I write funny about the ordinary and not so much in that I am angry, I swear a lot, and we have a kid who has Down syndrome' wrote an eloquent, thoughtful letter to Klosterman , reached out to folks on twitter and used social media for social good. Pretty cool. You can read the response from Klosterman here,It's fabulous- CK, sincerely apologizes
People Are Watching Mr. Hughley
Mr. Hughley, we think you can do better than using the r-word. You said your son doesn't mind you using the word, but there are so many people that do. Words like the r-word perpetuate negative stereotypes about people with disabilities, please don't use it.
Calling People the R word
Trigger Warning: R-slur as an insult, discussion of such (censored except in quotations and in a screen shot.) This is how we begin, sort of: I say sort of because this isn’t really a beginning, it’s a reflection. It’s a reflection of what we as a societ
Ann Coulter blasted for using the ‘r-word’
Parents of children with special needs are demanding an apology from conservative political pundit Ann Coulter for calling President Obama the "r-word" after Tuesday's foreign policy debate. Here's the tweet that sparked the outrage: John Franklin Stephe
Hurtful use of the ‘R’ word
We are writing to express our offense at a term used in Robert McCartney’s May 24 Metro column, “ One way or the other, a grim conclusion about Mayor Gray .” In referring to the leadership of D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D), McCartney stated that he “help