Eye Contact and Autistic Dissociation: One Example
Autistic writer, artist and consultant, Judy Endow on eye contact and autistic dissociation. Autistic Dissociation “Dissociation is the ability to cut off from what is happening around you or to you. In its simplest form it is daydreaming. It is a skill all children have and which children with autism tend to overdevelop in managing a world they find overwhelming for a whole range of reasons.” Donna Williams (Donna Williams at http://www.donnawilliams.net/333.0.htm) Overwhelming Eye Contact and Autistic Dissociation I can remember the overwhelming experience having eye contact with others sometimes had on me as a child. Too much bright,
Autism and A Changing Sensory System
Something about autistic sensory difference that I do not see addressed in the literature is the fact that sensory system needs change over time.