Autistic People Are Everywhere | Musings of an Aspie

This post is a part of today’s “Autistic people are . . .” flashblog. You may have seen the news this week that Google has promised to eliminate the problematic “Autistic people should” autocompletes in response to last week’s flashblog. They’ve said it will take time to engineer, so while the hateful autocompletes are still appearing, hopefully they’ll soon be gone. We can make a difference by speaking up. ——- Autistic people are everywhere. We sit next to you at school and on the bus. We give your dog his rabies shot, teach your kids, make your latte and sweep

  • Photograph of three teenagers at the Obama rally.

Autistic People Are

Autistic people are people. Autistic people are complex. Autistic people are happy. Autistic people are kind. Autistic people are accepting. Autistic people are helpful. Autistic people are mentors. Autistic people are doctors. Autistic people are engineers. Autistic people are writers. Autistic people are leaders. Autistic people are accountants. Autistic people are heros. Autistic people are artists. Autistic people are models. Autistic people are film makers. Autistic people are backpackers. Autistic people are musicians. Autistic people are teachers. Autistic people are sherpas. Autistic people are trainers. Autistic people are neighbors. Autistic people are brothers. Autistic people are sisters. Autistic people are

‘Autistic People Are’ by Amy Sequenzia

Autistic People Are   Awesome!   Autistic People are the real experts on autism.   Autistic people are not more complicated than non-autistics. Autistic people are misunderstood and mischaracterized by non-autistics.   Autistic people are artistic and we don’t need speech to show our talents.   Autistic people are your friends your co-workers your children.   Autistic people are parents siblings grandparents.   Autistic people are not tragedies we are not burdens.   Autistic people are not sufferers because of autism we suffer discrimination from non-autistics.   Autistic people are “different but not less”.   Autistic people are not “Rain

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