“Stimtastic” – Great Resource forChewable Jewelry, Stim Toys and Fidgets
Stimtastic - Chewable Jewelry, Stim Toys and Fidgets. Run by an autistic person, Cynthia Kim, of another resource we love, Musings of an Aspie. Description from the site: Stimtastic is affordable stim toys, chewable jewelry and fidgets for autistic adults and teens as well as individuals with SPD, ADHD/ADD, dyspraxia . . . everyone who stims! Run by an autistic person, Stimtastic celebrates stimming as a natural part of our lives. Every purchase you make at Stimtastic.co supports autistic individuals: 10% of proceeds from sales at Stimtastic.co go back to the autism community in the form of charitable donations and direct giving. All
Stop Combating Me – Why I Am Against Euthanasia
Today is “Stop Combating Me” flashblog. We are not the enemy but the way legislation is written puts us in real danger.
Great Resource: Musings of an Aspie
who and what some things about me was 42 when I discovered that I have Asperger’s Syndrome. When I visit the zoo, I always leave thinking that maybe I was a primatologist in another life. Or a monkey. I’ve been my own boss since I was 18. Statistics fascinate me. I own three pairs of running shoes and no dress shoes. Somehow I managed to find the one person in 7 billion who understands me and marry him. And stay married for 25 years. The single most frequent response I got from professors: “I never thought of it that way.” Usually
Autistic People Are Everywhere | Musings of an Aspie
This post is a part of today’s “Autistic people are . . .” flashblog. You may have seen the news this week that Google has promised to eliminate the problematic “Autistic people should” autocompletes in response to last week’s flashblog. They’ve said it will take time to engineer, so while the hateful autocompletes are still appearing, hopefully they’ll soon be gone. We can make a difference by speaking up. ——- Autistic people are everywhere. We sit next to you at school and on the bus. We give your dog his rabies shot, teach your kids, make your latte and sweep