On Not Being “Pretty”

My friend Cara wrote this awesome article about being "ugly" disabled. You should click on the link and read it. Go on, I'll wait.   Isn't it great? The article got me thinking.   Like Cara, I also have cerebral palsy. I sometimes use a transport wheelchair because I have poor balance and I can't stand for too long. When I sit down, my body "flops", or it slowly leans to my right side until I am almost lying down. When it doesn't lean to the side, it tends to relax too much, sliding down the chair. An upright position

Putting Education First by That Crazy Crippled Chick

"First, we must ensure that all children, including and especially those with disabilities, receive a quality education. Inclusion means nothing if a child is not receiving a good education, which is, in fact, the very reason we have schools in the first place. " Cara Liebowitz

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