Sara Winter,Founder of Squag™ Had Me at :)
Sara Winter answers our Change Leader Questionairre. Sara is the founder of Squag™ - a wonderful curated, online space that offers kids on the autism spectrum as well as other disabilities (and their siblings) a safe, beautiful corner of the web.
Change Leader: Amy Sequenzia
"Presume competence. The same way I want people to assume I am competent, I also assume that others are competent".
Change Leader Questionairre: Richard Attfield
Change you would you like to see in your lifetime? "The end of discrimination towards children/people with disability labels. And the human right of communication implemented fairly. " Richard Attfield
Larry Bissonnette featured on National Geographic
The amazingly talented artist Larry Bissonnette, of Wretches Jabberers, will be featured on an upcoming episode of the National Geographic TV program, Taboo.Check it out.
Creators of Halo & Star Wars Renew Student’s Dream after Charter School Rejection
Self-advocate Tres Whitlock on how the NPR story, "Florida Charter Schools Failing Disabled Students" has impacted him.