• Black and white Photograph of bridge. Text reads "Whenever fear of an already marginalized group occurs history has shown that the results are horrific. Please do not be part of society going there. You can inform yourself. JUDY ENDOW ,Ollibean Logo Ollibean and outline of a circle made up of equal signs of various shapes and sizes

Autism and Public Perception

Autism and Public Perception by Judy Endow Today we have added something to our public perception of autism. Historically that perception has been one of an isolated small child rocking or head banging, oblivious to the rest of the world. Even though that perception is wrong, it is the public perception. There is an addition to that perception in the past few years. It seems society has added an adult image of autism. It is another false image, but never-the-less, quickly becoming an accepted public image of what it means to be an adult autistic. Unfortunately for

  • Photograph of sky and lake at sunset.

Visual Accommodations and Blessings of My Autism

The visual sensory aspects of the way autism plays out for me most of the time means that I get too much information delivered – things are too big, too bright, too bold – typically too much to endure all day. Practically, this means I need to accommodate my sensory system in a variety of ways.   Let’s take but one example from my life where visual overload is a pretty constant problem. Here are some things I have found helpful:   Environmental Accommodations for Overhead Lights   Most of the time I simply do what I need unless it

  • Photograph of aqua and blue ocean. Text reads "Sensory system needs change over time, JUDY ENDOW,MSW on Ollibean"

Autism and A Changing Sensory System

Something about autistic sensory difference that I do not see addressed in the literature is the fact that sensory system needs change over time.

Autism and Hiring Help

I recently moved. It involved working with a realtor, a banker, and numerous other people. Today I am contemplating sorting out what to put into my new desk drawers and have a literal pile of paperwork from various aspects of my moving adventure. As each person representing each faction of moving began working with me they explained what they would do, how they would do it and the expected outcome.   For example, the furniture store guy explained how the sale worked, the ordering and delivery of the furniture and the return policy. I asked my questions which were answered

High-Functioning or Low-Functioning?

In this life I am missing the ability to go out into the world and just be accepted for my natural autistic self. I must inhibit so many of my natural responses just to fit in enough for others to allow me a place in the world.  I have discovered that to have a place in this world I need to fit into it in a way that makes sense to the majority. For me, this isn't a good or a bad thing - just merely the way it is. Fitting into the world is something I need to balance

Over 50, Autistic & Still Learning!

Yesterday I went to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store near my house with my laptop. It reminded me of just how far I have come in regards to technology in a few short years. It is hard to believe that I lived a half century on this planet before becoming versed in sending and receiving email! In 2005, my oldest, David, set up a Hotmail account for me and taught me how to do email. I had read an autism book and wanted to email the author. In a few months I had a few more people to

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