My body movement speed is not average. It is not in the mean. My thinking speed is. My thinking speed is faster than average. My body takes time to agree to cooperate with my mind. If my body chooses not agree to cooperate my thoughts remain my own. More anxiety less body cooperation. Less body cooperation more anxiety. Less anxiety more body cooperation. More body cooperation less anxiety. Excerpt from Wurzburg Seminar at Princeton University


Synesthesia I am a synesthete. I see colors and movement to music – to all sounds, actually but music makes everything prettier. I also see words, I can feel them. My synesthetic experience has always been beautiful but I never paid extra attention to it. The colors, the movements and the feelings have always been there. Recently, I have been expanding my musical experience, and I am enjoying it greatly. I am paying more attention to what I see, to what I feel. It is hard to explain. I wish I could paint it, but I can’t. So I wrote

Autism, Sensory Regulation and Movement Fluidity

Many any individuals with classic autism seem to have neurological movement differences. When these movement differences play out in our bodies, it is easy for onlookers to see, as we may get stuck in one position or in repetitive movement. Sometimes there can be difficulty in getting a body movement going, and at other times once our body is in motion, we cannot stop even if we want to. These movement differences can also play out in thoughts, speech, and emotions, areas that are not as readily observable to onlookers, yet can be daily obstacles to outsmart for some of

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