My body movement speed is not average. It is not in the mean. My thinking speed is. My thinking speed is faster than average. My body takes time to agree to cooperate with my mind. If my body chooses not agree to cooperate my thoughts remain my own. More anxiety less body cooperation. Less body cooperation more anxiety. Less anxiety more body cooperation. More body cooperation less anxiety. Excerpt from Wurzburg Seminar at Princeton University

Scientific Validation of Autistic Humanity

When I was a teenager, the “too much” of life caught up with me. Everything in the world around me was just too much.   …too much noise with the varying sounds of the world clamoring to grab my attention, their pitches and tones wildly crashing into each other as if competing for a speed prize on a race track – or so I wished … If only the cacophony of the world outside my skin would at least line up and compete in some orderly fashion – like race cars on a race track – it would then allow

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