People First

People First is an organization run by and for people with learning difficulties to raise awareness of and campaign for the rights of people with learning difficulties and to support self advocacy groups across the country. People First promotes the social model of disability. This is a way of thinking about disability that says it is society that needs to change to include disabled people. We should not have to change to fit in with society. We are against the medical model of disability, which is the view that being disabled means there is ‘something wrong’ with you. Doctors and

A Mother’s Determination And Next Generation Sequencing

When Noah and Alexis Beery were diagnosed with cerebral palsy at age 2, their parents thought they at last had an answer to the problems that had plagued their twin infants from birth. However, that proved only a way station on a journey to find an answer to the children's problems that combined their mother's determination, the high tech world of next-generation sequencing in the Baylor Human Genome Sequencing Center (HGSC) and the efforts of talented physicians from across the country. When the twins reached age 4, it became apparent to their parents that the diagnosis of cerebral palsy did not match the problems

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