• Image description: Light turquoise , salmon amd fuscia rectangle colorblock. White text reads: Thanks to you information has been recorded in this thread that others may find valuable if they would like to know what some of us autistic adults think and write about in regards to the use of person first language versus the use of the word autistic. Judy Endow Ollibean"

Are You a Bully in Sheep’s Clothing?

On Dec. 16, 2013 I wrote a blog titled “Autistics Can BE Friends” and posted the link on social media sites. Regardless of how often or how many of us autistics write about why many of us choose to call ourselves autistic many in academia and in the medical fields continue on to let us know we “should not” be doing this. I am including in this blog a public conversation I had with a Linked In reader on this matter. The entire conversation had nothing to do with the blog I had posted – only the fact that I

Don’t Mix Up Empathy and Civil Rights

Many times in the autism community parents of autistic children do not like autistic adults weighing in on situations that have to do with their autistic children. I am an autistic adult and often have parents telling me that I should not judge situations if I have not lived it – the “until-you-walk-a-mile-in-their-shoes” is told to me nearly every week as I post the latest news articles along with my comments on social media.

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