Good Morning America: Called Out

As an autistic person I have my share of differences. Any time I am a way that the majority of people are not it is labeled “a difference.” Growing up and continuing on in adult life I learned that in general society does not consider my differences a good thing. In fact, it has often been considered good sport to poke fun of me for my differences. This happens to all people who deviate from the coveted standard of “normal.” Any difference is teased, mocked and ridiculed. If you are a larger or smaller, taller or shorter, faster or slower,

  • Will Chuck Forget?

Will Chuck forget?

Will Chuck Forget? Chuck is terrified to go to school. He has stuttering. Others laugh when he says something. He has a breakdown at school. Some boys do feel bad but have no courage to tell and stand up for him. The teacher pretends nothing is wrong. Chuck went missing. Questions: Who is responsible? What can his friends do if he is found? What does it mean to watch and look the other way? Will his teachers take initiative and how? What can his family do? Will Chuck forget? End of  the story. I wrote this story when I

Lizzie Velasquez: Inspiring & Empowering a More Positive Online Environment

At only 25, Lizzie Velaquez is a motivational speaker, the subject of an upcoming documentary and author. In her viral TedX Talk, How Do YOU Define Yourself , Lizzie asks the audience to consider what defines them, and whether they're going to choose to give up in the face of negativity from others, or whether they're going to choose to be happy. After finding a video on Youtube which called her the ugliest woman in the world, Lizzie decided she was not going to let someone who had never met her, bully her – much less, define her. Lizzie has

  • "Why would I want to grow out of my skin? Of my veins ? Because they grew so well with me. Jamie Sanders

I have Tourette’s. Please tell everyone.

This powerful performance by Jamie Sanders, spoken word poet and actor with Tourette's, covers bullying, shame, self-acceptance and empowerment in the best 150 seconds you'll watch this week.

  • Image description black and white photo of girl with long brown hair looking at the camera . blue text reads"BULLIED" and NOT in background. Upper right hand corner of image has green circle with with white text that reads "spread the word"

30 Second Message for Bullies

AAPD's PSA features three real students sharing a simple message: people with disabilities are powerful, self-determined individuals—not victims.

ASAN President Ari Ne’eman on the DOE’s New Stance on Bullying Prevention

Comments from Autistic Self-Advocacy Network President Ari Ne’eman, delivered on August 20th, 2013 during a call with with stakeholders from the education and disability communities on the Department of Education’s new guidance on bullying prevention and IDEA. Presenters on the call included OSEP Director Melody Musgrove and White House Associate Director of Public Engagement Claudia Gordon.

Stop Hurting Kids

Join the Stop Hurting Kids campaign to end restraint and seclusion abuse in schools.The easiest way to make a meaningful contribution is to take a stand.

Ostracized for Autism

"The reason for this article is to spread awareness about why people shouldn't believe everything they see or hear from powerful people and companies. Respecting authority is great, but believing everything they say may make you a brainwashed, horrible person. Also, this article was written to remind people to treat others how they'd like to be treated, and not act cold to them regardless of how different they are."

By |May 6th, 2013|Categories: Advocacy, blog, General|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Bullying Prevention State Laws

This new brief focuses on bullying prevention legislation. To date, 47 states have passed legislation requiring schools to take leadership in addressing the problem. This brief provides information on elements of a bullying prevention plan, the school’s

Special-Ed Students at Greater Risk of Bullying, Being Bullied: Study

TUESDAY, July 3 (HealthDay News) -- Students with visible disabilities and those receiving special education services for behavioral problems are at greater risk of being bullied and of bullying others, according to a new study. These children also are m

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